Tempest passive

The “Tempest” missile launcher should passively fire a missile at an enemy in its radius every few seconds. Maybe 6 second intervals or so. This would also require it to re-align with the crosshairs when activated, so as to balance it a bit more.

no it shouldn’t.

xD…nah. The way it is is already good enough to always fit it.

He’s probably thinking about plasma/blaster turrets, saying that tempest should be auto too.


I can agree with that. By throwing low damages rockets in passive mode instead of missiles, and increasing the cooldown of the active, then it should be fine.

It’s doable but it’s a hassle to do imo, without any real impact on the general gameplay experience.

+1, but like 1 missile per 12 seconds, but yeah other than that I really like the idea 


Also a blaster turret buff would be nice. The damage atm is miserable. I always wanted to build a full defensive destroyer, so that there would be more strategies on how to destroy them, rn you just need to get close enough to get the damage bonus and ignore all the modules anyway…

Blaster turret has low dmg, but what makes it much worse is turret rotation (very slow) combined with a somewhat slow proyectile speed. And when in active mode explosive dmg means 25% drop against ceptors. Basically: it wont hit any orbiting ceptor. On the other hand, hybrid missile is way better for the same purpose, pretty much on almost every aspect. For hitting ships attacking your destroyer, plasma turret is way better than blaster turret, even for ceptors, since in active mode it has a bigger dmg area that aint considered as explosive; the proyectile speed+AoE/damage ratio is quite nice…one of the major things that makes it inferior to other mods is its range.

On 4/10/2017 at 4:18 PM, Papitas said:

Blaster turret has low dmg, but what makes it much worse is turret rotation (very slow) combined with a somewhat slow proyectile speed. And when in active mode explosive dmg means 25% drop against ceptors. Basically: it wont hit any orbiting ceptor. On the other hand, hybrid missile is way better for the same purpose, pretty much on almost every aspect. For hitting ships attacking your destroyer, plasma turret is way better than blaster turret, even for ceptors, since in active mode it has a bigger dmg area that aint considered as explosive; the proyectile speed+AoE/damage ratio is quite nice…one of the major things that makes it inferior to other mods is its range.