team size reduced in matches?

since today i only get 10 vs 10 matches.


and to be honest it killed the fun for me.

most of the time i get games that are very short, but with the same amount of rep costs than before. it gets this “rush” feeling somehow.

also it seems to me most of the games pretty much end up in a stomp of one or the other team, no “fight” about the win anymore, no tense battles, where the favour goes back and forth from one team to the other.


as the teams get smaller and one team gets some crack pilots, the other team has less chance to get good pilots as well, since they both have less players (chances)… sounds strange, but that is the feeling i get from the games i played. fast matches, where one side completely dominates the other, without a chance to make a comeback…


recon mode in my opinion suffers the most. how to defend your captain, while sending ships to try and kill the other teams captain? with the high burst damage of later tiers, you dont have enough ships in the back to defend your captain, so one strike ends the game.


the game in its whole seems to be too… well lets say “hectic”.

if this is an attempt to render the sniper and torp frigates useless, well then i guess you are successfull, but i wonder on what price…?


there is fewer players playing.

right now (saturday evening, should be the biggest peak) there is 2588 online. compare to a week or two ago when it was 4-5k.

this is because people’s licenses ended and the gains are too low without license so not enough people play.

Played a few T3 Arcade tonight and I noticed the team size reduced to 8 vs 8 from 12 vs 12 last night… and there was even a 6 vs 6 match.  I guess this is a response to the long queue waiting time?  I think T3 matches should be at least 10 vs 10 at very least.

Played a few T3 Arcade tonight and I noticed the team size reduced to 8 vs 8 from 12 vs 12 last night… and there was even a 6 vs 6 match.  I guess this is a response to the long queue waiting time?  I think T3 matches should be at least 10 vs 10 at very least.

Jup, 6vs6 or Even 8vs8 is bit low , at least 10vs10 to prevent games as OP mentiond . With under 10 players in each team , it Happens to often that the entire team is dead and no ones left to prevent emp plantings or beacon capturing/defending. Both, winning and being raped because of that, happend several times Last night to me ;(

I was kind of thinking tier 3 was simply always smaller teams because I’ve never seen a game with as many as in tier 2. Just like how in tier 2 team sizes has always been the same for me.

Unfortunately the game is not having much success if compared with 16000 of War Thunder. This game have a “steep learning curve” **(Google translator). **The child and the guys of 10, 15, 18 years old of 2013 want a game of immediately learning. They are used to easy games us call of duty, mmorpg as WOW, Aerial combat as Tom Clancy’s hawx. Whe I was younger i wanted to learn difficult games but these guys…


When a game needs to be learned more time then the games i cited 2 minutes ago these guys tells “Too Difficult!!! I don’t understand what i have to do!!! I don’t understand where i am going during the matches because there is not the horizon!!! So This game Sucks!!!”


This game will be for few people and Steam did not help much… I fear that developers will close the game as already happened for Black Prophecy  :facepalm:

Unfortunately the game is not having much success if compared with 16000 of War Thunder. This game have a “steep learning curve” **(Google translator). **The child and the guys of 10, 15, 18 years old of 2013 want a game of immediately learning. They are used to easy games us call of duty, mmorpg as WOW, Aerial combat as Tom Clancy’s hawx.


When a game needs to be learned more time then the games i cited 2 minutes ago these guys tells “Too Difficult!!! I don’t understand what i have to do!!! I don’t understand where i am going during the matches because there is not the horizon!!! So This game Sucks!!!”


This game will be for few people and Steam did not help much… I fear that developers will close the game as already happened fo

r Black Prophecy  :facepalm:

I really really really hope , you are wrong with the statement of closing the game . But yes , the youth of 2013 , not all of them for sure, but a high a number and several of the older generations, are bored when they loose and don’t want to accept that from loosing comes experience , with experience comes better game-knowlegde , with better game-knowledge comes more victories.

Personally i have no fun with games that are too easy , where victorys are served on a silver-tablett.

So let us hope , that out there are still players which are not bored by learning new things, to make them work succesfully or just enjoyable :wink:

The other strange thing of this game is that there is not balanced matches. Every Match is completely dominated by one or the other side. I only win or loose in max 4 minutes. I never play long matches with balanced teams…

The other strange thing of this game is that there is not balanced matches. Every Match is completely dominated by one or the other side. I only win or loose in max 4 minutes. I never play long matches with balanced teams…


I was in a capt mode game the other day, there were about  6 minutes left and both teams decided to blitz the other team’s captain.  We both ended up killing each others captains and then went into killing off the rest of their team.  I noticed a minute later after re-checking the map that several of our team members had been killed and I was hanging out with 2 fighters in mid.  We managed to kill off a few fighters and then the rest of their team came, I saw both my teammates die during the dog fighting and shortly after I killed the last frigate that was torp’ing us from behind a rock.


I was thinking to myself ‘damn I’m the only one left’.  To my surprise when checking the map there was also only one enemy fighter left!  So me and him went at it 1v1 dog fighting in the center of the map for the last 3 minutes with both teams watching us.  My corp member on TS was yelling at me to kill him and so were the others in game chat.  I had no shields and half hull going into it at the start, any every time I tried to use parasitic remoduler to get some shields back he would counter it with that radar interference module.  So half the time I was just using my speed to out turn and dodge him.  Finally I managed to kill with 30 seconds left and my team was happy.  It was probably one of the most fun times I had playing this game.  

THE TEAM SIZE REDUCTION KILLED THE FUN FOR ME COMPLETELY. It makes no sense. 8v8 matches are closer to single player than a online game. We started to play this more with my friend, but then this happened, and I feel like the game is now boring as hell.

Play regular. Please, please everyone play regular. It’s way more strategic and just better overall. We need a lot more regular players.

Play regular. Please, please everyone play regular. It’s way more strategic and just better overall. We need a lot more regular players.


Agreed. Regular games are a blast, and you get the satisfaction of knowing that any ship you kill is gone. The flip side is the tensions of knowing that your ships are also not disposable.


Both of these are good things!

Agreed. Regular games are a blast, and you get the satisfaction of knowing that any ship you kill is gone. The flip side is the tensions of knowing that your ships are also not disposable.


Both of these are good things!


While I totally agree with that statement it has nothing to do with OP.


Sunday night (2300hrs CET): ~2k players online (from what it says near the “Fight” button), Match Maker statistics shows similar numbers as always for me (oscillating between 28 and 34 next to my “level” bar - not sure what that number means though - number of players in queue?).


T2 - 14 games in a row 6 vs 6 players, different modes, arcade. Waiting time ~1min.

T1 - 10 games 6 vs 6, 3 games 8 vs 8, 1 game 10 vs 10 with 2 people disconnected in my team and 3 people disconnected in enemy team - most of people having ~250 ping (wut?), different modes, arcade.


With 6 vs 6 players all games tactics are nothing less than “which team manage to zerg-gank opposite team faster” - as with 4 people down waiting for respawn there is no way for a team to recover - during first two minutes of match the score is more-less settled.


Honestly - I would prefer to play 12 vs 12 games with 50% of teams being filled with bots than having a dull situation when my or opposite team just wait for someone to spawn - not to mention how  spawn camp inducting 6 vs 6 match can be. Having 6 vs 6 players matches somehow drains all the fun and “epicness” from the game for me.


I could imagine it’s a move to reduce server load but then why I’m getting sent to US based server shards (if that’s how it works) with pings 250+?


Don’t want to sound rude or too paranoid, but for a moment I started to suspect that smaller teams in matches could be another hidden limitation for people not having a licence…

The team size was reduced in order to improve the server performance.

It will be raised again in the future.

The team size was reduced in order to improve the server performance.

It will be raised again in the future.


Thanks for the update. Best of luck fixing/optimizing it.

hmm, i never noticed any bad performance in 12vs12-matches. could you specify what happened, i’m a but curious :slight_smile: and is there a timetable when we will get back bigger teams? i noticed that i got only 6vs6-matches on T3, is this because of the higher amount of modules in these fights?

hmm, i never noticed any bad performance in 12vs12-matches. could you specify what happened, i’m a but curious :slight_smile: and is there a timetable when we will get back bigger teams? i noticed that i got only 6vs6-matches on T3, is this because of the higher amount of modules in these fights?


I think it’s all related with players being stuck in a battle, extensively long match maker waiting time and general server trouble recently - reduced team size started after Saturday plague of disconnects and slow server response issue. So yeah, I was expecting that’s the case…


@Error  Thanks for the update on the subject.


My 2 cents though (and I hope you don’t read it as criticising your work or anything - I’m aware sometimes communication between developers and forum admins/moderators can be slow):

I firmly believe that such changes should be officially announced on the forum before they happen or as soon as they are introduced.

It helps to avoid confusion and sometimes controversy. Such “transparency” about what is happening under the hood and about what dev team is working at the moment helps to build community confidence and trust in developer and publisher of the game.

I firmly believe that such changes should be officially announced on the forum before they happen or as soon as they are introduced.

It helps to avoid confusion and sometimes controversy. Such “transparency” about what is happening under the hood and about what dev team is working at the moment helps to build community confidence and trust in developer and publisher of the game.


This please! Error has done a great job keeping us updated, and making sure the community is clued in to what is going on. It would be nice if we could see more of this, and before the questions begin flying.

No point playing anymore with the new team size. It’s just not any fun anymore and it’s no wonder people stop playing

No point playing anymore with the new team size. It’s just not any fun anymore and it’s no wonder people stop playing

^ this.  I don’t understand why T3 domination is 8v8 but combat recon is 6v6.