team size reduced in matches?

Do you folks ever read the whole thread before writing?


No point playing anymore with the new team size. It’s just not any fun anymore and it’s no wonder people stop playing


^ this.  I don’t understand why T3 domination is 8v8 but combat recon is 6v6.



Answer two posts above yours:


The team size was reduced in order to improve the server performance.

It will be raised again in the future.

Stoped playing too, 6vs6 is a joke in t3 if the other team is a premade 4man squad.


Game may stay on my watchlist but right now thats to much of an issue.

Do you folks ever read the whole thread before writing?


Thank you for your concern on my reading comprehension.  Whatever Error said doesn’t answer the question that why is Combat Recon mode appears to be more limited than Domination in its current situation.  Also, since he didn’t specify any ETA on when team size goes back to normal, it’s only logical for players who severely dislike the current situation to voice their complaints.

Do you folks ever read the whole thread before writing?





Answer two posts above yours:


I sure did read but so what? ATM there is NO point what so ever to keep playing and in the future when they fix the team size the game will already be dead. Take a look in game, barely anyone is playing and the queues are long and the games themselves are terrible with new size.

Team sizes will be increased after solving some technical issues.

question is how long will it take to fix them?

there is fewer players playing.

right now (saturday evening, should be the biggest peak) there is 2588 online. compare to a week or two ago when it was 4-5k.

this is because people’s licenses ended and the gains are too low without license so not enough people play.


I play from the begining without licence and no found the game hard to play. Licence only make the things easy and faster

question is how long will it take to fix them?

As soon as possible.

Thanks for your patience and understanding.