Team battle suggestion

I think i understand you, avarshina. Every spawn point is in different orbits with a 90 degree separation. Leaving the center of the map in the center of both. There is only 2 points of intersection of the spawn point orbits. Then it’s harder to be deployed behind enemy lines.


lol, I like the idea but I have same fear as Kosty. What if all commit suicide when the spawn is behind the enemy line they can attack from spawn protection from the back :smiley: [*this was a joke]

What if this would be a dread battle mode? or a new pvp mode with dreads. a simply spawn point move won’t add much to the pvp, but if we should protect the spawn point ship, that would be an interesting new gamemmode.


You have different respawn times (longest for destroyers) so provision is taken against all enemies coming at once from behind you (through team-abandon ship)


Ahh I didn’t know that… [*sarcasm] In this case they have to self destruct in different times to reach the same result. [*butthisisstillajoke]