Team battle suggestion

Your arguement however is quite irrelevant.


People learning how to deal with something does not make it any less strong. Destroyers are very powerful and usually need to face an enemy that is fit for defeating it to actually get destroyed. Even then 1 ship is usually not enough to do the job alone even if it is fit to counter destroyers.


I don’t care about destroyers but your arguement was flawed.

even a single ship can take care of it but ofc it will depend about the skill and used weapon —> guard using anomaly generator+coil mortar can kill a dest in aprox ~40 sec

If nobody dies rotating spawns does nothing.

What are the chances if nobody died for a while, then killed and go into resp while your teams spawn point is right behind enemy line, if you arent some recon or cruse tackler there is a good chance you are already dead, especially if you are a support.

There needs to be a way to circle teams positions rather than spawn points, or both in the same time

If nobody dies rotating spawns does nothing.

What are the chances if nobody died for a while, then killed and go into resp while your teams spawn point is right behind enemy line, if you arent some recon or cruse tackler there is a good chance you are already dead, especially if you are a support.

There needs to be a way to circle teams positions rather than spawn points, or both in the same time


Or : team members have to refuel / rearm / repair their ships and therefore must go back to spawn carrier / spawn station occasionally

If nobody dies rotating spawns does nothing.

What are the chances if nobody died for a while, then killed and go into resp while your teams spawn point is right behind enemy line, if you arent some recon or cruse tackler there is a good chance you are already dead, especially if you are a support.

There needs to be a way to circle teams positions rather than spawn points, or both in the same time

True. This rotating spawn thing shouldn’t be in all pvp modes. It does not have to cause someone’s death, though. When I think of how the battleground would look, it felt kind of cool.

even a single ship can take care of it but ofc it will depend about the skill and used weapon —> guard using anomaly generator+coil mortar can kill a dest in aprox ~40 sec

Yes, as I said, the task requires a good pilot and a build to destroy destroyers and usually it is not enough to have those qualities on only 1 person.


There is a medal for destroying an enemy ship with full shields and hull in less than 6 seconds. Your example takes, according to my mighty calculator, 6.66x more time than a “fast kill of a non-destroyer ship” - add the fact that our guard hero can not keep on continously doing damage if the destroyer he is attacking notices and starts shooting at him.

I’d say that’s pretty much the definition of overpowered to me.


Sorry for off-topic.

LRF would have to learn that their special module is only to be used when advantageous, not something you activate at the start of the match and thus never leave spawn.


It’s sad, but it doesn’t matter which special module you have if you are in a LRF and the whole enemy team spawns behind you. To cope with that you have to move all the time, yes with a slow ship. I don’t play that much LRF, but the center of the map is most of the time too much crowded to be a reliable place for LRF. And reverse trusters are not craftable by lower ranks. Then i’m going to ask again. Is there anyone who can address this?

It’s sad, but it doesn’t matter which special module you have if you are in a LRF and the whole enemy team spawns behind you. To cope with that you have to move all the time, yes with a slow ship. I don’t play that much LRF, but the center of the map is most of the time too much crowded to be a reliable place for LRF. And reverse trusters are not craftable by lower ranks. Then i’m going to ask again. Is there anyone who can address this?

It’s not a 2d map, you can fly above where the action takes place. (Yes, there aren’t ups and downs in space but you get the point :slight_smile: ) Though I admit that the job of a frigate would get pretty hard in certain conditions, especially a LRF’s.


Reverse Thruster r10 tooltip says it can be used for r6-10.

Yes, as I said, the task requires a good pilot and a build to destroy destroyers and usually it is not enough to have those qualities on only 1 person.


There is a medal for destroying an enemy ship with full shields and hull in less than 6 seconds. Your example takes, according to my mighty calculator, 6.66x more time than a “fast kill of a non-destroyer ship” - add the fact that our guard hero can not keep on continously doing damage if the destroyer he is attacking notices and starts shooting at him.

I’d say that’s pretty much the definition of overpowered to me.


Sorry for off-topic.

he can shoot from a good cover :005j:


off topic sry ppl

It’s not a 2d map, you can fly above where the action takes place. (Yes, there aren’t ups and downs in space but you get the point :slight_smile: ) Though I admit that the job of a frigate would get pretty hard in certain conditions, especially a LRF’s.


Reverse Thruster r10 tooltip says it can be used for r6-10.


I think the lower level for LRF is r4. That’s the reason because i am concerned. Your first LRF and you can’t be safe enough :slight_smile:


Yes, it’s not a 2d map, but in the end it doesn’t matter too. If any player goes up (or down) with a LRF won’t get enemy spawn in his back, but also it will be alone.

IMO, it shouldn’t be like that. Now that destroyers dominate the battlefield, we need some kind of “cruiser” class, even bigger than destroyers, that is the perfect counter to them … I know I’m going OT, but I would really love big fleet battles in Star Conflict. 


Well it mustn’t be bigger : I suggested a special anti-destroyer cruiser, 2/3rdst of the destroyer’s length. It would be specialised in destroyer hunting: lighter, less op, little bit faster, specialized … a nightmare to destroyers  :01313: 

The concept is impressive. I will not promise flying carriers, but the core mechanics with moving spawn points was approved  :012j:

lol nice. And i was thinking on not submitting it because of being a simple and stupid idea xD



I think the lower level for LRF is r4. That’s the reason because i am concerned. Your first LRF and you can’t be safe enough :slight_smile:


Yes, it’s not a 2d map, but in the end it doesn’t matter too. If any player goes up (or down) with a LRF won’t get enemy spawn in his back, but also it will be alone.


Ive played LRFs a lot (99% in jercho LRFs) cause i love them. Most of the time i flew without EM scattering (instead IR pulsar) and close to the combat, always using main guns. Yes, JLRFs are quite fragile, but with a lot of firepower…if you stay very close to your team you wont need extra tanking, your team and nearby cover will be the shield for you. I flew a lot the Templar using beam cannon, weapon overcharge, tachyon charge and shield booster…its a killing machine if you know how to use the main weapons along with the torp. For guys getting close you can use mines that should hit once or twice the enemy ship, that along with your guns and friendly support should be enough to quickly kill it. A jericho LRF shouldnt be near spawn, away from the map and alone: torpedos DPS is awfully bad, its a way to waste a ship. Of course this isnt the only valid playstyle, plenty LRFs use EM scatter as protection and suprisingly it often works as an “invincible” mod since no one can see them xD

BTW, this suggestion is only meant for teambattle PvP mode.

[Numbers added]

  1. If nobody dies rotating spawns does nothing.

  2. What are the chances if nobody died for a while, then killed and go into resp while your teams spawn point is right behind enemy line, if you arent some recon or cruse tackler there is a good chance you are already dead, especially if you are a support.

  3. There needs to be a way to circle teams positions rather than spawn points, or both in the same time

  1. True.

  2. Carriers are quite slow and have to travel a long distance, so it should take several minutes to reach the initial enemy spawn point. Also teams should be aware that spawn point is moving, so they should take that into account and change position gradually. But yeah its a posibility, although, the idea of the carrier with weapons is precisely to avoid that: fire spawn campers.

  3. IDK how that could be done. Adding flying rocks in collision course xD?

lol, I like the idea but I have same fear as Kosty. What if all commit suicide when the spawn is behind the enemy line they can attack from spawn protection from the back :smiley: [*this was a joke]

What if this would be a dread battle mode? or a new pvp mode with dreads. a simply spawn point move won’t add much to the pvp, but if we should protect the spawn point ship, that would be an interesting new gamemmode.

lol, I like the idea but I have same fear as Kosty. What if all commit suicide when the spawn is behind the enemy line they can attack from spawn protection from the back :smiley: [*this was a joke]

What if this would be a dread battle mode? or a new pvp mode with dreads. a simply spawn point move won’t add much to the pvp, but if we should protect the spawn point ship, that would be an interesting new gamemmode.

  1. hahahahahahahahhahahaha :005j:

  2. Captain recon 2.0, i like it as a new PvP mode.


The basic idea was not changing things much (reason why fire upon the carrier has no effect), just a little touch to teambattle :stuck_out_tongue:




I have faith on you knowledge of how to play with LRF. We’ll see, because nothing said here diminishes my concerns. I don’t play LRF that much to be worried. :fed012:

lol, I like the idea but I have same fear as Kosty. What if all commit suicide when the spawn is behind the enemy line they can attack from spawn protection from the back :smiley: [*this was a joke]

What if this would be a dread battle mode? or a new pvp mode with dreads. a simply spawn point move won’t add much to the pvp, but if we should protect the spawn point ship, that would be an interesting new gamemmode.


You have different respawn times (longest for destroyers) so provision is taken against all enemies coming at once from behind you (through team-abandon ship)

I have faith on you knowledge of how to play with LRF. We’ll see, because nothing said here diminishes my concerns. I don’t play LRF that much to be worried. :fed012:


I suggested to cope with your problem …






to avoid letting the enemy team ships circle towards yor initial lrf position





… isn’t it so?


Other thing would be to allow back-jump thruster module available from r4 on for lrf sniper frigates.

The concept is impressive. I will not promise flying carriers, but the core mechanics with moving spawn points was approved  :012j:

Something very similar is currently in Dreadnought (the game). If you are unlucky and die, you can respawn behind enemy lines, 20km from the action while enemy team is fighting smaller and smaller group. If you guys want, you can see it for yourself. BUT. If the solution would be to deploy carrier heavy ship with guns and missiles of limited range (let’s say 5k max) it will effectively prevent spawn camping. Of course those guns and missile launchers could be disabled destroyer style. Heck, for testing purposes you can even use Cruiser ship from Fire Support :slight_smile:

The true, Avarashina, is i don’t understand your suggestion. :011j:


Can you explain it?

even a single ship can take care of it but ofc it will depend about the skill and used weapon —> guard using anomaly generator+coil mortar can kill a dest in aprox ~40 sec

This especially true in case of the smallest ship class in game: the interceptors, with the plasma acr blade they can down a destroyer giant with half its shields and hull by a chain reaction: it will destroy multiple moduiles at once and that combined damage dealt will finish the giant. It is not realistic! For the vets complaining about OP i’d like to says this: times they are a changing … and deliberately so … nuff said!


 If the solution would be to deploy carrier heavy ship with guns and missiles of limited range (let’s say 5k max) it will effectively prevent spawn camping. Of course those guns and missile launchers could be disabled destroyer style. Heck, for testing purposes you can even use Cruiser ship from Fire Support :slight_smile:

Yep! Niri, i think it was what he had in mind, too.


The true, Avarashina, is i don’t understand your suggestion. :011j:


Can you explain it?

Well ofc: I recognized, that despite space is 3D, most scenario for PvP,PvE etc, what we also call sectors are more or less build in a way of a discus shape: the discus, the ancient Greek olympionices did throw. Therefore most sectors for PvP,PvE,CO-OP are not ideal sphere-like a globus or baloon. Out of this I tried to imagine the case that the rotational axis of your rotating spawn point would be 90 deg. to the 2 main axes of the sector-discus … hope can you follow?

As a help take either of your hands make a fist, the thumb goes up now, the index goes forward like a gun, the 2nd finger goes halfway out: now you have 3 axes, each 90 deg. off each other, like in vector math.

Now: If your ship was to be spawned occasionally above every cover from rocks etc. all ships, not only LRFs would naturally try to get cover somewhere and the LRFs could find e spot of there own not threatened by to rotational spwan point.