Team battle suggestion

In my opinion team battle games are too small and often get stalled (specially in tournaments), where battles have a big rock or wall at the center, and teams are right next to it. To make it a bit more dynamic, I was thinking that team battle could have 1 carrier (capital ship) per team, that is constantly orbiting the battlefield at a constant speed, always maintaining same distance from the other carrier and flying near the edges of the map. The carrier of course would have some weaponry, but with very low range, protecting nothing more than the spawn point: this would help situations where the spawn point is being camped. The carriers are invincible and shots upon them dont have any impact in game score (this ships should have “strong” shields)


Also the map could be played at its full size version (if theres enough players for that). Picture illustrates my idea. Ideas of this?






I was thinking about the same thing a while back. Things like this would make the game more interesting, visually spectacular, and fix some exploits all at once. I’d be fine with the carriers launching some occasional waves of cannonfodder drones in addition to point defences.


Also, I guess it is some sort of bonus that all those spawn camping LRFs would have to move their xxxx before enemy carrier comes and kills them. :00555:

That seems really interesting.

So, is it like Dreadnouths flying around Team Battle?

Why do you need the carriers? But a rotating spawn sounds like a fun idea :slight_smile:

Sure it would work with just spawn areas rotating, but those carriers actually being there sort of wraps up the whole package neatly. Their presence would clearly indicate the current positions of spawn areas in an intuitive way, and then there would be the already noted benefits of spawn area protection and extra visual spectacle.

Amazing idea! +1

+1 - from me!

Its a good idea.

Orbiting Carriers as hangar and as a spawn point replacement!

I love this idea, but… How a LRF can survive this way? If a LRF goes away from spawn point, but spawn point is rotating. Eventually enemy spawn point is going to be behind the LRF, right? Or i missing something? Even if LRF goes up or down i fear it’s not  going to work for LRF. 


Please, someone can addres this?

I love this idea, but… How a LRF can survive this way? If a LRF goes away from spawn point, but spawn point is rotating. Eventually enemy spawn point is going to be behind the LRF, right? Or i missing something? Even if LRF goes up or down i fear it’s not  going to work for LRF. 


Please, someone can addres this?


I see it like this (imho):

the different mission scenarios are more or less oriented in a way our solar system is oriented: in a discus shape. If the orbiting spawn stations / orbiting carriers would orbit in a 90deg. to this disc shape it could prohibit not working for lrfs?



LRF would have to learn that their special module is only to be used when advantageous, not something you activate at the start of the match and thus never leave spawn.

So, is it like Dreadnouths flying around Team Battle?

In matters of ship size, yes (more or less). The difference between a carrier and a dreadnought is that the first is intended to provide ships to the battleground (so those ships fight there xD), where the second is intended to be a ship that fights for itself; a dreadnought is a self sufficient ship for battle, the carrier lacks this “gunpower” independance and relies on small ships. Of course in a large battle you would see both ship types along with others (like cruisers), but SC format is smaller, therefore focusing on small ship battles.


Why do you need the carriers? But a rotating spawn sounds like a fun idea :slight_smile:

Its a more realistic and concrete way to provide spawn and respawning (ships come out of the carrier), while at the same time making clear where the spawn is…or what avarshina says below…


+1 - from me!

Its a good idea.

Orbiting Carriers as hangar and as a spawn point replacement!



I love this idea, but… How a LRF can survive this way? If a LRF goes away from spawn point, but spawn point is rotating. Eventually enemy spawn point is going to be behind the LRF, right? Or i missing something? Even if LRF goes up or down i fear it’s not  going to work for LRF. 


Please, someone can addres this?

“Remember the sniper training — switch positions often”. Carrier move speed should be very slow, so you have plenty of time to move from time to time (reverse thrusters should solve this issue completely). Also, the closer you are from the center, the less you have to move. JasanQuinn has a good point here.



Thanks all for the comments, i really apreciate them :smiley: any ideas that could improve the basic concept are welcome.

This would work well with my ‘Colossus’ Destroyer idea. At least it would make teamplay more dynamic and tactical.

+1 like the idea dev’s should more looked at it :slight_smile:

+1 Simple and brilliant idea.


It would be nice to see some capital ships hovering around the map but from my experience the staff in most games avoid having to create new designs. At least the rotating spawn should get live.

I love this idea, but… How a LRF can survive this way? If a LRF goes away from spawn point, but spawn point is rotating. Eventually enemy spawn point is going to be behind the LRF, right? Or i missing something? Even if LRF goes up or down i fear it’s not  going to work for LRF. 


Please, someone can addres this?

If you are not being sarcastic, you are the reason why people hate seeing friendly LRFs, almost guaranteed to sit at spawn.

but SC format is smaller

IMO, it shouldn’t be like that. Now that destroyers dominate the battlefield, we need some kind of “cruiser” class, even bigger than destroyers, that is the perfect counter to them but unable to fight against smaller craft. It should have big high caliber weapons, which shot very predictable projectiles (like the dreadnought’s, but with much less damage) which deals very high amount of damage… I know I’m going OT, but I would really love big fleet battles in Star Conflict. 

Now that destroyers dominate the battlefield

they did when they came out but now most of ppl know how to take care of them, they are no more “op”

they did when they came out but now most of ppl know how to take care of them, they are no more “op”

Your arguement however is quite irrelevant.


People learning how to deal with something does not make it any less strong. Destroyers are very powerful and usually need to face an enemy that is fit for defeating it to actually get destroyed. Even then 1 ship is usually not enough to do the job alone even if it is fit to counter destroyers.


I don’t care about destroyers but your arguement was flawed.

The concept is impressive. I will not promise flying carriers, but the core mechanics with moving spawn points was approved  :012j: