Taunt contest (Discussion)

“Must suck to be you right now, doesn’t it?”

Gee, this sounds familiar!

*Veni Vidi Vici* is a quote of Alexander the Great…


But “Veni Vidi Vici” isn’t a quote of Julius Caesar?

But “Veni Vidi Vici” isn’t a quote of Julius Caesar?


Yes, it is

It’s not that I don’t like the movie quotes. It’s just that this contest is meant to be a creative contest. Secondly: some of the multi-taunt submissions do have taunts I like as well. It just seems a waste to toss out a potential winner because the submitter did not follow rules. Some of those are taunts I would use, but if they did win, it would discourage people from following contest rules in the future. It’s a no-win situation, and the only way to fix it is for players (us) to adhere to the rules. … just my thoughts on the matter.

as for *I’ll be back!*… that’s totally Arnold… if the person who did the killing said that as a taunt, it would be out of context, because the victor doesn’t go anywhere, it’s the defeated guy who will return…after checking, I’ve found that it’s also trademarked. *Noone expects the spanish inquisition* is a quote out of Monty Python, and does fall under copyrights as well… *go directly to [spawn], do not pass go, do not collect 200 [credits] would violate copyrights held by monopoly… *Wait, what? Sorry, I was reading.*, is a taunt (word for word) used by Kakashi. Naruto’s copyright covers the whole book, so any word-for-word quotes is a violation. 

*Veni Vidi Vici* is a quote of Alexander the Great… fortunately, in his time copyright laws hadn’t even been thought of yet, so that one does fall under free use. *every action generates a reaction* is a shorthand rendition of Newton’s laws of motion… (for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction) like Alexander, this technically falls under free use. (I would use Veni Vidi Vici, if it were chosen, though, because it is a classic. it’s one bit of Latin just about everyone understands)

my point isn’t that these are bad taunts… these are not creative. some of them don’t even bother to change the wording.

I think you don’t know how copyright laws work…


I’ll be back, or the spanish inquisition quote are not under copyright laws. It would be ridiculous, they are normal sentences and they are not registered as an intelectual property.


Same with the Naruto Quote. That is a standard sentence, you can’t copyright that. Of course the Naruto Story is under copyright. You can’t print and distribute “THE WHOLE” story and comic. But you can’t copyright a single sentence.


Hell, even “may the force be with you”  is not under copyright, because it is a normal sentence.


What you CAN copyright is a word that you invented, or a brand mark.


Should StarGem try to copyright the names “Machete” “Inquisitor” “Fox” just because they are in one of those games? Of course not.


Can Games workshop try to copyright the sentence “For the Emperor!” Of course not.


Concerning the creativity contest, that is open to discussion. I just see a contest where you can have your own personal taunt. If the taunt is good and fun, and the devs like it enough, well, why does it matter that it is something said from another movie, game or story?

I think you don’t know how copyright laws work…


I’ll be back, or the spanish inquisition quote are not under copyright laws. It would be ridiculous, they are normal sentences and they are not registered as an intelectual property.


Same with the Naruto Quote. That is a standard sentence, you can’t copyright that. Of course the Naruto Story is under copyright. You can’t print and distribute “THE WHOLE” story and comic. But you can’t copyright a single sentence.


Hell, even “may the force be with you”  is not under copyright, because it is a normal sentence.


What you CAN copyright is a word that you invented, or a brand mark.


Should StarGem try to copyright the names “Machete” “Inquisitor” “Fox” just because they are in one of those games? Of course not.


Can Games workshop try to copyright the sentence “For the Emperor!” Of course not.


Concerning the creativity contest, that is open to discussion. I just see a contest where you can have your own personal taunt. If the taunt is good and fun, and the devs like it enough, well, why does it matter that it is something said from another movie, game or story?

Perhaps it’s because you live in Europe and not the land that had the “Happy Birthday” song copyright up until a few months ago, but you’re quite impressively wrong. Let’s think about “May the Force be with you.”


Copyright is a means to protect intellectual property. Poems, novels, movies, and a whole lot more things can use copyright. Clearly, since Star Wars is a movie, it can be copyrighted.


Now, let’s think about what would happen if Star Conflict used the phrase as a taunt. Consider the typical test for fair use. There’s four factors:


First, the nature of the work. Star Conflict is a commercial venture. Pretty sure none of it is meant to be non-profit or for education. Not looking too good.


Second, the nature of the copyrighted work. Star Wars is rather obviously a commercial venture. Good luck on that one.


Third, the importance of the quote to the copyrighted work. Personally, I think “May the Force be with you” is one of the more memorable quotes from the movie, falling just a little behind “Luke, I am your father.” So, yeah.


Fourth, the effect on the market for the copyrighted work. Essentially none, if not a positive net effect. Hey! Looks like it passed one!




Now, about copyright in general. In the US, every idea that anyone ever has is considered copyrighted. There’s no legal weight behind it until said copyright is registered, but y’know, whatever.


Big works like Star Wars are pretty obviously copyrighted (and registered!). Thing about that is that this copyright applies to every constituent part of it. Otherwise, if I simply copied the script from Star Wars and deleted every thirtieth word, I’d have my own original work! Of course, the logical endpoint of this would be pretty extreme – Luke Skywalker probably said the word “and” at least once, right? But if George Lucas tried to file a suit against someone else using the word “and”, he’d be laughed out of court. On the other hand, should someone use a distinctive and original quote from him, say, “May the Force be with you”, he’d be able to at the very least bring the suit to court if he wanted to. It’s a little muggier than copying 90% of the work, for sure, but copyright still applies.


Of course, there’s also yet another factor involved – namely, who the heck is gonna notice? Answer: No one. So, I mean, it’s practically free to use. But don’t get confused on copyright. Stuff is nasty.

But “Veni Vidi Vici” isn’t a quote of Julius Caesar?

not certain.

ONE varient is that this hendriatris became the victory cry of Alexander the 3rd as he conquered Babylon. He would have used the phrase roughly 350 years before Caesar lived … it’s often confused with Handel’s(1600’s) hendriatris in Giulio Cesare: Curio, Cesare venne, e vide e vinse… later in the mid-1800’s, Victor Hugo  added a third variant, Veni Vidi Vixi (I came, I saw, I lived)

Keep in mind that any history from this time is sketchy. It wasn’t carved in anything, nor written and preserved. The earliest writings we have on these men date to roughly 900 C.E. and before that, the stories were handed down via oral tradition. seven hundred years is a long time for a handwritten letter of that time to have supposedly existed, so both claims are considered invalid by most historians. There’s also some claims of the phrase being used Philip the 2nd after unifying Greece. 

All we really know for sure is that it’s been used as a military slogan rather frequently in the past few millenia… for ANY phrase to last a hundred years is impressive, and this ones been around for thousands…

not certain.

ONE varient is that this hendriatris became the victory cry of Alexander the 3rd as he conquered Babylon. He would have used the phrase roughly 350 years before Caesar lived … it’s often confused with Handel’s(1600’s) hendriatris in Giulio Cesare: Curio, Cesare venne, e vide e vinse… later in the mid-1800’s, Victor Hugo added a third variant, Veni Vidi Vixi (I came, I saw, I lived)

Keep in mind that any history from this time is sketchy. It wasn’t carved in anything, nor written and preserved. The earliest writings we have on these men date to roughly 900 C.E. and before that, the stories were handed down via oral tradition. seven hundred years is a long time for a handwritten letter of that time to have supposedly existed, so both claims are considered invalid by most historians. There’s also some claims of the phrase being used Philip the 2nd after unifying Greece.

All we really know for sure is that it’s been used as a military slogan rather frequently in the past few millenia… for ANY phrase to last a hundred years is impressive, and this ones been around for thousands…

First their original names are “Aleksandar” and “Filip”.

Second they were kings of Macedonia and not Greece!

i just hope whoever win the contest it is through an original taunt, because if not… its like losing a cake contest against someone who bought his cake (not cool)

Mine > all


“In space, no one can hear you ragequit.”


Not 100% original, I suppose, but I do like it very much. :smiley:

i like that, nuke :slight_smile: you changed yours, right? i thought you had something else first.


to the copyright discussion, evis said it all.

but even if it isn’t hurting laws, it can be too unoriginal if it is too obiously just to quote out of context.

So actually like nuke applying the concept of a “known” sentence in the right wording is also originality.


i mean, i took a phrase which is an ironic reference (“here, have some ammo!”), but it isn’t completely original either, however also not as known as catchphrase, like “i’ll be back”, and in the context of the situation its sarcastic, and i think everybody who played battlefield knows where the idea comes from; and afaik, even battlefield uses it as a reference.


So when it comes to very very very famous quotes, I think the question is, does it apply to the situation? Maybe go for a quote, which isn’t too famous yet, but people know it, and it applies to the situation.


Which is what basicly famous quotes are all about: “I’ll be back” is an every day expression after all. I like that too btw. since it’s even a death quote of the Terminator bot in the infamous soldat game :slight_smile: But it would be more funny as death message, rather than taunt.


pretty sure, veni vidi vici wasn’t copyrighted by cesar, tho, in any case, or the copyright is definitely out of date :stuck_out_tongue:

I still think mine is the best so far, although I may be a little biased.


How many people would buy a taunt that just says “hi”? I know I would.

I still think mine is the best so far, although I may be a little biased.


How many people would buy a taunt that just says “hi”? I know I would.


Shut up and take my money!

Shut up and take my money!


i like that, nuke :slight_smile: you changed yours, right? i thought you had something else first.


to the copyright discussion, evis said it all.

but even if it isn’t hurting laws, it can be too unoriginal if it is too obiously just to quote out of context.

So actually like nuke applying the concept of a “known” sentence in the right wording is also originality.


So when it comes to very very very famous quotes, I think the question is, does it apply to the situation? Maybe go for a quote, which isn’t too famous yet, but people know it, and it applies to the situation.

Yeah, I changed it. Twice, actually. XD


Direct quotation is dangerous waters to go as a company, but SCORP’s logo is a direct rip from the Nod faction in Command and Conquer, so.


How many people would buy a taunt that just says “hi”? I know I would.

Admittedly, this one  is pretty great. Has a neat subversive shock value to it.

At last we’ve decided which 10 taunts we like more than others. Some of them are hilarious, some are may be a cause of serious pain. Almost all of them are definitely cool. 


Our top-10:

  • “What was your name again? Target Practice?” ign: BulletSpeed 
  • “Did I do that?..My Bad!” ign: Seraphym
  • “That was a beautiful explosion… Come back… I would like to see it again…” ign: Uineth
  • “Mmmmmm I smell bacon!” ign: ArcTic
  • What? You’re dead already!? ign: DerpNukem
  • “Ouch! that looks like it hurts!” ign: Erador
  • “Here, have some ammo!” ign: g4borg
  • “Could you throw that one back? That was my favourite rocket!” ign: Caestron
  • ‘Hi!’ ign: StatueofLibroty
  • “Your cause of death: acute lead poisoning, irradiation, and severe burns.” Mecronmancer

Authors of these taunts will receive 3000 GS and their own taunts in-game. Congratulations! Besides all winner-taunts will be available for purchasing soon

“Here, have some ammo!”: ign: g4borg

i think i’l  buy this one  :005j:

i think i’l  buy this one  :005j:

What about ‘Hi!’?

What about ‘Hi!’?

maybe if i have some gold left after new year ship sale.

If there is one.

I’ll be buying “Hi!” for sure XD

I knew of I did something with bacon in it, it would do well!