Target Window

You know what I am talking about - that useless window on top left.


It shows you nothing except how the target is maneuvering, which you already see and focus your eyes in the middle.



But let’s get to the point of my post :


Many, many times I get targeted by some random interceptor (me being one as well) while on low hp. Ofcourse I hit the “Target whoever targets me” button and start maneuvering. Basically if I turn back to see his hp he can burst me down.


But for example when I am in ECM or Even Recon I can act differently if I see he is actually not 100%/100%. Few times it happened to me that I panic and just run and he is actually 20% shields and 5% hull.


if it is actually 1v1 I can disable his weapons for 10s as ECM or blink for 5s as recon and tail him etc etc.



So add the target hull/shields bars to that useless window!

I have already said this somewhere else, though not sure where.

I suggested that they added the range to the target & the health of the target that you have locked.


They actually already had this system it appears. But removed it for whatever reason.

I would show the pic but can’t seem to find it back on their website :frowning:

^I am not 100% certain if that is the truth, but I saw a pic with a targetting system with the health of the target(Actual hp in numbers, not even %)

Or just remove that window if its so useless :S you can do it in options.

Sorry, but did not find that suggestion.


I have nothing against this window. If the numbers are added(back) so I can see someone is on 1000hp and 500 sp I can turn around and kill/drop a mine instead of trying to outmaneuver.

I’ve wanted this so much.  It’s basically the fight or flight response, if you’re down, get out, if they’re down, get them.  Also, if the ship is near zero and I’m chasing him, it’d be helpful to know if he found an engineer and is suddenly 100% and I’m still 50/50.  I’ve been in that situation and it’s not fun.


Also, if it would show the ship type instead of class and name.  I don’t have every ship name’s type memorized.  If you tell me there’s a pair of ships, Elf and Elf 2, should I memorize that one’s Recon and one’s ECM?  I’ve mainly played Jericho, and for the other factions I mainly just remember reptiles are probably engineers.  If I see a frigate, you’ll be damned sure it makes a difference if it’s a guard or long range.  I nuked one just today who was trying to set up position.  A guard would have looked for me and hit me with the ion emitter.

The ship type is more or less figured out with the icons and I find it enough


Triangle :

Full - ignore. Will most likely wrap out/cloak for 5 sec then wrap. 

With dot - care for plasma arc and it may get invisible.

With line - Care for disable.


rectangle :

With dot - care for speed disable and resist down. may cloak.

With stripe - hope he isnt using his shield. Unless you fly ECM then - drain his energy and kill him off.

With X - Care for overdrive


Square :

With + - Kill on sight.

With - - care for pulsar

With dot (always on 8-10Km away) Sneak and burst down.

The ship type is more or less figured out with the icons and I find it enough


Triangle :

Full - ignore. Will most likely wrap out/cloak for 5 sec then wrap. 

With dot - care for plasma arc and it may get invisible.

With line - Care for disable.


rectangle :

With dot - care for speed disable and resist down. may cloak.

With stripe - hope he isnt using his shield. Unless you fly ECM then - drain his energy and kill him off.

With X - Care for overdrive


Square :

With + - Kill on sight.

With - - care for pulsar

With dot (always on 8-10Km away) Sneak and burst down.

I’ve realized the triangle, diamond, and square from the pre-battle selection.  I’ll probably have trouble remembering each little marker.


I started flying CO recently, take an ECM break.  Yesterday and today I nuked LRF’s without them noticing.  I didn’t fire a shot or use a module just to not get their attention.  I rarely used my LRF, and stopped completely because of getting half killed while firing a torpedo, and dieing the rest of the way trying to get sight of them.

In my in game target window, it doesn’t show the symbol.  It shows on the targetted unit, but if it’s in a group, it can be difficult to pick out.