Target Painter

Can two tacklers target paint a single ship together and if they can, do the effects stack or is the weakest negated by the strongest?

We have been wondering if there is a general rule of thumb with this and other active modules…



  • Don Lammergeier

You can’t stack TP. AFAIK you simply cannot TP a target that already has TP on it, regardless of the module strength.

The stronger TP will override the weaker one. Just like Engineer auras

AFAIK you simply cannot TP a target that already has TP on it, regardless of the module strength.

Confirming this. It’s (unfortunately) one of the few effects in game that you cannot override with a better version.


The stronger TP will override the weaker one. Just like Engineer auras

Nope, it’s as Jacxis said, you cannot even activate your stronger TP on an already painted target. The only tackler mod you can overwrite is the engine suppressor.

Nope, it’s as Jacxis said, you cannot even activate your stronger TP on an already painted target. The only tackler mod you can overwrite is the engine suppressor.

Weird. I had mine overridden by someone else in the past… or maybe that was just engine suppressor

anyway, stronger TP should override the weaker one, imo

Weird. I had mine overridden by someone else in the past… or maybe that was just engine suppressor

anyway, stronger TP should override the weaker one, imo

IIRC you used to be able to override them before they became the OP indefinite-duration modules we have now. Agreed on the “should”.

IIRC you used to be able to override them before they became the OP indefinite-duration modules we have now. Agreed on the “should”.


I won’t really say they’re OPed… much more powerful and spammable, yes. Definitely took the skill ceiling down considerably with all the range increases, cooldown elimination…


I would agree with the overwriting as well for TP. IB is a different matter altogether by virtue of the way it works.

I won’t really say they’re OPed…

I think I’m the only one saying that, but I find tacklers supremely strong and trivially easy to play now. Hold left mouse button while you target a fed ceptor, hit 1+2 and release left mouse button, bam dead. Or close to. :wink:

IB is a different matter altogether by virtue of the way it works.

It should still stack like everything else, i.e. once a previous IB deactivates yours takes over automatically.

I think I’m the only one saying that, but I find tacklers supremely strong and trivially easy to play now. Hold left mouse button while you target a fed ceptor, hit 1+2 and release left mouse button, bam dead. Or close to. :wink:


I mostly agree with that. Tackler has been my choice for solo games lately. Except for games where things get frigbally… then i take gunship/CO

I think I’m the only one saying that, but I find tacklers supremely strong and trivially easy to play now. Hold left mouse button while you target a fed ceptor, hit 1+2 and release left mouse button, bam dead. Or close to. :wink:



That’s true… killing isn’t hard for gauss tacklers, and neither is surviving if you know where to position yourself.


It should still stack like everything else, i.e. once a previous IB deactivates yours takes over automatically.


Hm… in this case, I’m convinced. 




I mostly agree with that. Tackler has been my choice for solo games lately. Except for games where things get frigbally… then i take gunship/CO


I have an engie, which is almost always more useful. Unless it’s a detonation match, then in this case, any inty or a tackler would be more effective.

Worst combo in the world is to get Tackled and then get ECMed at the same time…

Worst combo in the world is to get Tackled and then get ECMed at the same time…

+plasma arc…thats your job

+plasma arc…thats your job


Looks like I just described a typical NASA kill squad…lol

+plasma arc…thats your job


Looks like I just described a typical NASA kill squad…lol


Damn how satisfying that feels when you do that with pubs. You just ram the slowed, tackled engie with all guns (and the arc) blazing, and whoosh, 100 -> 0 in a sec.

Should i b long range tackler or close range?should i equip gauss cannon or gravi scanner with high-frequency oscilliator ammunition?

Should i b long range tackler or close range?should i equip gauss cannon or gravi scanner with high-frequency oscilliator ammunition?

You should test both and see which one you like better. Everyone here has its own build for tacklers, and all of them work.

You should test both and see which one you like better. Everyone here has its own build for tacklers, and all of them work.

*except me* hehehhe

Noobt I am running singularity for no good reason. many run megaman kinetic guns but since i suck with the Gcannon i tried the gravi beamer for squad work but soloing i cant hold up with it, low dps is a common tackler problem and the gravi beamer has to be the worst in that category… it pales compared to the freeze ray of old!


my advice, take a look at the exact tackler you are using, i.e. tiger parallax bear wolf mkii and examine the unique strengths of the ship. build on those and start from there. loadouts for any ship are brothers to flight style. choose a loadout that will benefit yours =) oh and upgrade that target painter!!!~!


Thanks for all the responses guys. lotta good tackler talk here and i like that.



thought I’d never hear those words muttered on this here forum.

 low dps is a common tackler problem 

My tackler has 2500 dps. Your argument is invalid.