Taking over bots

I was wondering, is there a chance that we will be able to take over bots(When we have no ships left)? Or atleast some function so that we can direct bots a bit more? Because right now I see some bots taking the most stupid actions in battles which they should have won but didn’t because they didn’t utilize their modules.(Often not using their missiles or active modules AT ALL or simply bypassing an enemy that is 500m away…)

Bots are only here to compensate the low player online times.

Bots are only here to compensate the low player online times.


Something that would easily be fixed by fixing the issues with the game…

Bots are only here to compensate the low player online times.



And you and the devs actually expect to get an influx of new players while 75% of the community is telling friends to stay the hell away? I fail to see your logic.


Something that would easily be fixed by fixing the issues with the game…


I did have a thought regarding “bots” that would be pretty cool if it were put in a game.  Not THIS game mind, you since the idea would require reworking it from almost scratch. 


Basically, the idea was that as you advance tiers in a game SIMILAR to this one, you would have access to larger ships and such.  However, the smallest vessel, the fighter, would always be available.  Higher “tier” fighters would in fact have you flying as a wing of multiple fighters, with you controlling the lead and bots flying in formation with you and attacking the same targets as you (if the lead fighter is destroyed your control would instantly transfer to one of the bot wingmen’s ships).  At the very highest tiers, the next smallest ships (heavy fighters or gunships or something I would presume) could perhaps come in a wing as well, who knows. 


Either way, the basic mechanic of a fighter wing treated as one player’s ship would have its own interesting attributes.  For instance, it would effectively be a “ship” with very high damage output, but which decreases as it takes damage (i.e. individual fighters being destroyed)


Basically, I was thinking about how one could design a game like this one to have both player-controlled capital ships and fighters (and stuff in between) while still allowing them to actually be balanced relative to each other, and this is what I came up with.  But like I said, it wouldn’t work for Star Conflict because it would require reworking practically the entire game.