Takamina Builds CO

Due to takaminas suggestions, I have noticed a 100% increase in my dodging ability and deadly ness in dogfighting. Nobody can hit me, unless they do an AOE attack. 


If you have three Engine slots, put 2 veriner engines and a collision compensator. Not only will you be always to face your target but you can literally fly circles around gunships, commands, and tacklers


May I assume that the Imperial R5 implant is a requirement as well?

May I assume that the Imperial R5 implant is a requirement as well?



Strafe is better

Strafe is better

Yes and no

Yes - due to effectiveness of strafe turning and how “regular” rotation works, strafe usually comes on top in inty vs inty dogfight with same mobility.

No - with 2 Verniers+R5 Empire and “Acceleration engine” you can circle frigates and fighters AND have your adaptive shields active, while sidestrafe does not benefit from adaptives.

I put triple verniers on my Sai currently, and almost everything else gets a vernier.  I use Fed R5.  I strafe so much I’m not sure I can use adaptive shield effectively.  I may have trouble hitting you, but you’ll have more trouble hitting me.  I’m limited to 199m/s strafe speed at the moment.  I need to take the time to deck out my T4’s and wipe away my loyalty. 

I put triple verniers on my Sai currently, and almost everything else gets a vernier.  I use Fed R5.  I strafe so much I’m not sure I can use adaptive shield effectively.  I may have trouble hitting you, but you’ll have more trouble hitting me.  I’m limited to 199m/s strafe speed at the moment.  I need to take the time to deck out my T4’s and wipe away my loyalty. 

2xVernier+Acceleration engines > 3xVerniers, unless you are trying to PlasmaArc other interceptors

I agree, its really hard even for me to hit someone that has that much rotation. But, I know, If I do land a shot on them, they are pretty much near dead. 


Shrapnels are deadly when you can use them correctly. 

Yes and no

Yes - due to effectiveness of strafe turning and how “regular” rotation works, strafe usually comes on top in inty vs inty dogfight with same mobility.

No - with 2 Verniers+R5 Empire and “Acceleration engine” you can circle frigates and fighters AND have your adaptive shields active, while sidestrafe does not benefit from adaptives.

I choose strafe because of the freedom it gives when flying, specially on those maps with a huge amount of big asteroids

I choose strafe because of the freedom it gives when flying, specially on those maps with a huge amount of big asteroids

I am not sure what you mean by that.

This pretty much sums up my dilemma: I like strafing because of the sheer effectiveness of strafe turning (helps a lot when you’re trying to maintain LoS while your enemy is going around an asteroid) and how it helps my Styx move in and out of cover easily. But I find that I still don’t have the amount of rotation needed to keep up with intys. (Thankfully the Kris AE has a rotation bonus, so once I synergize it sufficiently I have one less ship to worry about.)

I am not sure what you mean by that.


I don’t know how to explain it properly in english, I mean the strafe combined with decent maneuver gives you freedon to fight while evading asteroids, moving up and down, left and right at a high speed.


By the way, could you explain to me how the acceleration module could work with 2 verniers? I don’t get it at all.

By the way, could you explain to me how the acceleration module could work with 2 verniers? I don’t get it at all.

In short: Well, you know how the side strafing during the turn makes your turn radius smaller but kinda pushes your exit point forward? So acceleration/Deacceleration kinda do the same on smaller area, without pushing of exit point.


  • It is about game mechanics, there is no Inertia in this game wich means that every turn (turn radius) is proportional to your current speed, so acceleration engine allows you to manipulate that to great effect, practically giving you an ability to turn on a dime, when desired and reaching max speed(or adaptive shield speed) almost without downtime upon turn exit. BUT turning on a dime brings a downside, since you dont move much during it you are susceptible for a snipe - disintegrator/shrapnel/hails/gauss - you MUST be aware of those performing maneuvers. In the same time, when you can feel or predict a shot or even hear a shot with good reactions, forward acceleration will make you relocate faster than you get hit, it sure is fun to troll snipes with sudden stops and jumps forward.

  • Another thing is how enemies are aiming at your leading marker and how you, as a pilot, can manipulate it to confuse Enemies AutoAim from projectile based weapons. So combination of very fast angle changes + Acceleration engines you will make that reticle jump all over the place :slight_smile:

  • Acceleration engine in itself is extremely useful for adaptive shielded ships, especially for Federation because they have same acceleration base values but they have to reach higher speed for AS effect to kick in, it is very noticeable

In short: Well, you know how the side strafing during the turn makes your turn radius smaller but kinda pushes your exit point forward? So acceleration/Deacceleration kinda do the same on smaller area, without pushing of exit point.


  • It is about game mechanics, there is no Inertia in this game wich means that every turn (turn radius) is proportional to your current speed, so acceleration engine allows you to manipulate that to great effect, practically giving you an ability to turn on a dime, when desired and reaching max speed(or adaptive shield speed) almost without downtime upon turn exit. BUT turning on a dime brings a downside, since you dont move much during it you are susceptible for a snipe - disintegrator/shrapnel/hails/gauss - you MUST be aware of those performing maneuvers. In the same time, when you can feel or predict a shot or even hear a shot with good reactions, forward acceleration will make you relocate faster than you get hit, it sure is fun to troll snipes with sudden stops and jumps forward.

  • Another thing is how enemies are aiming at your leading marker and how you, as a pilot, can manipulate it to confuse Enemies AutoAim from projectile based weapons. So combination of very fast angle changes + Acceleration engines you will make that reticle jump all over the place :slight_smile:

  • Acceleration engine in itself is extremely useful for adaptive shielded ships, especially for Federation because they have same acceleration base values but they have to reach higher speed for AS effect to kick in, it is very noticeable


I will have to try it, maybe Im missing something really useful

This build is up to date at the present time.

Perhaps i am stupid, but what is that strange black box module in the engine section?

Perhaps i am stupid, but what is that strange black box module in the engine section?


collision compensator 

Perhaps i am stupid, but what is that strange black box module in the engine section?

new build [http://forum.star-conflict.com/index.php?/topic/25857-takamina-builds-v1013/#entry305912](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/25857-takamina-builds-v1013/#entry305912)