Takamina Builds CO


lots of it

I started playing it yesrerday. Ill need a long journey till it makes me able to even complete a song in hard mode

I started playing it yesrerday. Ill need a long journey till it makes me able to even complete a song in hard mode

Yeah that game is very practical and very enjoyable if you can find tunes that you like. Oh man so many tunes there…

First thing when i figured all of it is customizable, i tried to create a StarConflict Beatmap, man was I surprise with all these settings and options, and lazy as i am, that didnt go far :slight_smile:

I started playing it yesrerday. Ill need a long journey till it makes me able to even complete a song in hard mode


Add me as a friend at osu, my nickname neptunekyou

my profile http://osu.ppy.sh/u/2716798

I play in complexity normal under the dual time + Hardrock and the rare complexity of hard




Add me as a friend at osu, my nickname neptunekyou

my profile http://osu.ppy.sh/u/2716798

I play in complexity normal under the dual time + Hardrock and the rare complexity of hard





are you russian?  :lol:

Yeah that game is very practical and very enjoyable if you can find tunes that you like. Oh man so many tunes there…

First thing when i figured all of it is customizable, i tried to create a StarConflict Beatmap, man was I surprise with all these settings and options, and lazy as i am, that didnt go far :slight_smile:


if you do a SC beatmap, please share it 

 2 players on one account in SC and one of us Ru

When I know when it’s you and when not?  :taunt:

When I know when it’s you and when not?  :taunt:

never :slight_smile:

2 players on one account in SC and one of us Ru

You might wanna hold to the info like this, considering concentration of GMs in WPK per soul, sharing online account is a bannable offense in many online games ))

You might wanna hold to the info like this, considering concentration of GMs in WPK per soul, sharing online account is a bannable offense in many online games ))

It is a banneable offense in SCon too? By the way, I think Takamina was referring to his OSU account, but again, I could be wrong, perhaps he needs to specify.

 sharing online account is a bannable offense in many online games ))


I do not fear punishment :slight_smile:

I do not fear punishment :slight_smile:

Hehe, i saw that on Russian forums :))

But in most games, as i recall correctly, such offence leads to near perma ban :slight_smile:

the rules usually refer to the sale of account and if your friend played on your account is unlikely to be the reason for the punishment.

wow these are all my dream ships XD


any videos with you flying the ships? 


am fairly new and would love to learn more things flying fed inties :slight_smile: thanks XD

Interesting to say the least, now I can see why I have failed in 1 v 1 verses Takamina. 


What is also interesting is the loadout. Orion + Camo + Flares + Shield booster? That build is specifically to target those in 1 v 1 situations and also to finish others off. Not only he can nearly out maneuver any rocket but coupled with his skill he can nearly dodge anything. 


I have to try this build out, mabye take out the Speed Modules and install another strafe one, cause maneuverability is king, and I can see how that plays a good role. Speed does not matter if they cannot Hit you. 

Interesting to say the least, now I can see why I have failed in 1 v 1 verses Takamina. 


What is also interesting is the loadout. Orion + Camo + Flares + Shield booster? That build is specifically to target those in 1 v 1 situations and also to finish others off. Not only he can nearly out maneuver any rocket but coupled with his skill he can nearly dodge anything. 


I have to try this build out, mabye take out the Speed Modules and install another strafe one, cause maneuverability is king, and I can see how that plays a good role. Speed does not matter if they cannot Hit you. 


speed is good for doing objetives xD

speed is good for doing objetives xD


Yep, usually speed is great when you are working as a team and have those that can watch your back. But when you fly solo, survivability is more beneficial cause at least your not dead. 

Speed does not matter if they cannot Hit you. 


Float like a butterfly, string like a bee.

Why you don’t use Plasma Arc?


And imo Eagle-M > Konkistador because of the bonuses, but I guess you like that 3rd engine.


Plasma Arc is not for duels. I know I saw a couple of people making me laugh trying to arc me the last couple weeks, but really, use them on Frigs, guys, the lucky kill with it isn’t worth it. The loss in mobility can be the two seconds you will miss to get the last clean shot.


The Kite is also -> the Eagle-B in some regards, however the golden Fed CO’s have always proven to be the best for designated dogfight combat.


I used a similar configuration for more speed until christmas when Takamina taught me to add a Vernier, so now it’s even more similar than before - however having RF Blasters+Rockets, and Target Disruption instead of Flares, and swapping one CC for one speed upgrade, just to keep up with Kites better. Makes me a more situational dogfighter, focusing more on making shields empty and waiting for the shotguns to do the rest.


I have some videos showing my perspective trying to keep up with Takamina in fights and failing miserably, however the small but subtle change in flying patterns is not really well visible in a video itself, just to note, best is still to experience it first hand, where you will definitely notice, not only the ship, but also his skill in it - especially since you can compare it to myriads of other Eagle-B squads with similar fitting, nowadays.


Kudos and Hoots to you Takamina. WPK just had an overall paycheck increase. You seem to be on every Holo-Channel, while I try to watch Game Of Thrones Season 236 - damn Imperial Cable Providers. Let’s just see if you hit IIN. :slight_smile:

Due to takaminas suggestions, I have noticed a 100% increase in my dodging ability and deadly ness in dogfighting. Nobody can hit me, unless they do an AOE attack. 


If you have three Engine slots, put 2 veriner engines and a collision compensator. Not only will you be always to face your target but you can literally fly circles around gunships, commands, and tacklers