Takamina Builds CO

I’m often asked how I put their ships and that would save you and ourselves from these issues make this topic.


Eagle-b 3a54a1ca887e.jpg


Konkistador  896360e07d24.jpg


Grey Falcon  2b71bdd9b492.jpg


Implants  6ecc976c8383.jpg


Thank you for your time,




Why you don’t use Plasma Arc?


And imo Eagle-M > Konkistador because of the bonuses, but I guess you like that 3rd engine.

just not suitable for my style of play.

I do not say that this is the best choice for these ships, I just use this and people often ask me about it.

With that inmense rotation you would deal easily with that module, and it would increase your dps a lot.

the fact that it may fit you, but I have tried different ways of tuning their ships and the best of all was the one that I uploaded.

While i can see why you use 2x CC+1x Vernier in T3, that’s the only way to push strafe to the critical value in order to be able to simply strafe rotate around your opponents interceptor, it is very clear from your 1v1 videos why you hit them and why your enemy do not, most of it in the engines +fly pattern. But 2x Vernier+1x Inertia sbailizer provides higher value of Rotation AND higher value of a strafe vs 1x Vernier+2xCC (Konkistador). And same for the GrayFalcon, since you prioritize strafe over rotation to a certain degree, why CC instead of Inertia stab, GF already have a rotation passive bonus?

I’m not trying to impose its own way of tuning, if you believe that your way is better, use it.

I’m not trying to impose its own way of tuning, if you believe that your way is better, use it.

No-no, that wasn’t my intention. My point was that simply by using 2xVerniers+1xInertia you gain higher values in strafe and in rotation than 1xVernier+2xCC and why you chose one over another, so does it mean that you do not want to gain to much of a rotation/strafe values?

Actually I would like to see ships info (profiles) to see the values you have on them, it would make things more clear, I don’t have Konkistador or GF to see their stats at max sinergy and purple mods

Actually I would like to see ships info (profiles) to see the values you have on them, it would make things more clear, I don’t have Konkistador or GF to see their stats at max sinergy and purple mods




383b662e81d9.jpg 71b942b161ae.jpg 5cf28a40b4e1.jpg



The rotation and strafe on that Grey Falcon is insane, I would feel dizzy trying to fly that @_


thanks for the screenshots ^^


The rotation and strafe on that Grey Falcon is insane, I would feel dizzy trying to fly that @_


thanks for the screenshots ^^


You could fly that Eagle-B sideways and overtake my Styx >< And that mobility… my tacklers would never be able to keep up. 

Any tips for achieve so sick skills with shrapnel?

Any tips for achieve so sick skills with shrapnel?


lots of it


lots of it

And this is how to dodge it

And this is how to dodge it

Not even close, star conflict controls are million times more complex than this

You could fly that Eagle-B sideways and overtake my Styx >< And that mobility… my tacklers would never be able to keep up. 

Throw in Takamina’s aim, and you’ll see why in those videos he rarely goes down to hull.


I am curious why there’s not a hull heal module on the Eagle-B since it’s unable to fit regenerative coating.

Throw in Takamina’s aim, and you’ll see why in those videos he rarely goes down to hull.


I am curious why there’s not a hull heal module on the Eagle-B since it’s unable to fit regenerative coating.


Because I’m always with my Alligator Mk.III to repair him !

When you play Interceptors your fingers be like:


Cool builds Taka. I use a configuration like yours but with Plasma-Arc and Plasma and Ion Emitter cannons.