Tag for "experimenmental" battles

When ure are still uncomfortable with your ship, trying out a new ship, module, mode, a new style or such, you can decide to fly in “experimental” mode. Just press a button before you enter combat and a sign is displayed, for example your name is written in different color.


That way other pilots know you are trying out something new and cannot be relied upon completely. I think that would result in much less anger when a game is lost, and also be an important strategic information.



Or everybody enable it by default, everyone will be in this new shiny color and it totally ruins the original purpose.


You have to much trust in human nature… Which is weird, coz you suggest this to solve some pilot’s bad humor…

I am afraid that this won’t be added.

Or just a flag that pops up saying “unreliable”.

No new colours or anything. And the negative connotation will keep derps from abusing it.

I have been flying 1/3 of my battles trying out new stuff. Change one module on your setup and it might be a totally different style of play that u have to get used to. I have had al ot battles where people were angry at me, and i had to explain: “Sorry i dont know how to fly this yet.” Aso i have many battles where i think “Wtf are they doing?”


With such a flag it would be possible for everybody to see what to expect from each player, which is a very important information ,because i fly completely differently when i think there is another reliable player around me or when not.


Also i believe this game is a lot about experimenting, unless you fly your 4 good ships all da time, and everybody is doing it from time to time, so there is no negative connotation and people would think: “ok, that guy is experimenting i can understand that hes not as good.” And get less angry when game is lost. Because everybody is pretty bad with new setup i think people will get it.    

Idea is good. Suggestion is interesting.

I want to add some of my suggestions, then I spot that it won’t be added.

Such a shame. At least, give us more titles, so that we know, if someone is unreliable.

Instead of doing stuff, which grants you Titles, you should do exactly the opposite.

Your performance would then unlock “infamous” titles everyone should avoid to begin with.


Negative Titles:





Mega N o o b

Score Hoarder N o o b


Green Rookie



Idea is good. Suggestion is interesting.

I want to add some of my suggestions, then I spot that it won’t be added.

Such a shame. At least, give us more titles, so that we know, if someone is unreliable.

Instead of doing stuff, which grants you Titles, you should do exactly the opposite.

Your performance would then unlock “infamous” titles everyone should avoid to begin with.


Negative Titles:





Mega N o o b

Score Hoarder N o o b


Green Rookie




Who in his right mind would use those tittles except far from n00b players for trolling purposes?

Also some of them are offending and obviously they wouldn’t be added.

We already have Recruit and Underachiever

Point is the high amount of change which equipment is bringing. very obvious when compared to Warthunder ,which i flew recently. Starconflict being in essence halfway a “how do i build my ship right” game. As such there is lot of flying with different builds to find one which is suiting yourself and efficient.

Also u cannot just get good build from forum like in World of Warcraft because it might be effective but not fun for you or not your style. 


I think that is point that is very underestimated. In one game there is person who wants to win, another person wants to see: “Does this work?” This is even amplified by long grind and constant change in Tiers. Get a new tier, experimenting is starting just again. Get more synergy-try out if ship is now energy stable enough for another approach with different modules. And so on.


This is fun but its also reason for bad blood and confusion. My solution might be not so good, but i think any solution would enhance fun with play.  

Point is the high amount of change which equipment is bringing. very obvious when compared to Warthunder ,which i flew recently. Starconflict being in essence halfway a “how do i build my ship right” game. As such there is lot of flying with different builds to find one which is suiting yourself and efficient.

Also u cannot just get good build from forum like in World of Warcraft because it might be effective but not fun for you or not your style.

I think that is point that is very underestimated. In one game there is person who wants to win, another person wants to see: “Does this work?” This is even amplified by long grind and constant change in Tiers. Get a new tier, experimenting is starting just again. Get more synergy-try out if ship is now energy stable enough for another approach with different modules. And so on.

This is fun but its also reason for bad blood and confusion. My solution might be not so good, but i think any solution would enhance fun with play.

That’s why we have custom rooms, PVE and Invasion: for testing builds. In PVP, unless you are levelling your ship, you should use builds you know work, otherwise you are letting your team down.

Or just a flag that pops up saying “unreliable”.

No new colours or anything. And the negative connotation will keep derps from abusing it.

I would totally fly 24/7 with such a title if it was available…



That’s why we have custom rooms, PVE and Invasion: for testing builds. In PVP, unless you are levelling your ship, you should use builds you know work, otherwise you are letting your team down.

Or you don’t care coz it’s for fun. Sector conquest and tournaments are the “rated” games where pilots efficiency really matters.

That’s why we have custom rooms, PVE and Invasion: for testing builds. In PVP, unless you are levelling your ship, you should use builds you know work, otherwise you are letting your team down.

Believe me i did this a lot and it doesnt work. PVE is not comparably to PVP and u might even lear wrong thinks and build something that is entiirely inefficient for PVP. Custom battles with friends are great but after a while (exzessive testing i have to admit) my friends said: “Please not testing again!” So its not an option for everyone. Invasion is ok for some pre-testing but you have to go to PVP sooner or later. 


Also with higher amount of players now u normally cannot test “real live” combat in custom since there are not enough friends.

Ok then I have some other advice to give you. If you die once, just twitch to another ship that is reliable, that way you are not being a liability to your team.

(Btw just to make it clear, all I am suggesting is for testing new builds on a maxed out ship, not for levelling ships)

Ok then I have some other advice to give you. If you die once, just twitch to another ship that is reliable, that way you are not being a liability to your team.

(Btw just to make it clear, all I am suggesting is for testing new builds on a maxed out ship, not for levelling ships)

I have done my testing anyway. I will stick to my four ships forever and ever. Sue me if u ever see me in another ship but LRF, Recon, CovOps or Tackler.


Switching to another ship any time it dies is of course not so helpful for the testing, since u might need a time to get used to new ship. What u can do is u wait till u see if your team is winning, and i u think its winnig even with u playing not optimum then u use ur “testing ship”. But this is option for players who are most likely anyway finnished with testing.

Who in his right mind would use those tittles except far from n00b players for trolling purposes?

Also some of them are offending and obviously they wouldn’t be added.

:00555:  Well, I am glad that we both agree. The thread’s fate was already decided, when Error commented.

U are not ready yet for this innovative idea.