Tacklers' Sentry Drones waste energy

Tacklers are increasingly hard to use in invasion because the drones they spit out drain their energy. Make drones just on a timer and let it be a normal module like Static Barrier or Warp-Gate.

no. keep sentry as is. 

no. keep sentry as is.

You fuel-waster! XD

But srsly tho. Immagine yer alone in unknown space and the only fuel cell was taken already and you have 10% fuel. Yer drone that has been out since you got there sucks up all yer energy and yer helpless.

Energy = Energy?


Energy = fuel?

Energy = Energy?

Energy = fuel?

No. Fuel=Energy, and energy=energy.


Allow me to elaborate:

Every few thousand/hundred points of energy that are used (and subsequently regenerated) takes one percent of your fuel. In a sans-fuel zone, when you run out of fuel, you run out of energy. Can’t use afterburners and modules.

Test it for yourself: undock and leave an aura module or sentry drone out and go AFK for a few mins. When you come back, fuel will be gone.

Tackler is awesome for invasion. The sentry drone should not be on a timer. If anything, the pilot who placed the sentry should be able to fly within 300 meters of it and interact with it to de-activate it.


I noticed yesterday that the sentry will shoot at anything that is red. If a nearby pilot gains a “criminal” or “aggressor” tag the sentry drone will open fire without the pilot targeting them. There are a few times when this is unwanted. The sentry should require a pilot-pilot lock before it starts shooting (at players).

Tackler is awesome for invasion. The sentry drone should not be on a timer. If anything, the pilot who placed the sentry should be able to fly within 300 meters of it and interact with it to de-activate it.

I noticed yesterday that the sentry will shoot at anything that is red. If a nearby pilot gains a “criminal” or “aggressor” tag the sentry drone will open fire without the pilot targeting them. There are a few times when this is unwanted. The sentry should require a pilot-pilot lock before it starts shooting (at players).

The ability to deactivate them would be very nice indeed. But the first time I learned of Sentry Drones, I thought it meant an infinite supply of them, as long as you could place them. Like Static Barriers. You should be able to put multiple out at a time if you stay alive long enough. And when I figured out that it was “one at a time for a max of one” and WITH ENERGY DRAW, I was entirely disheartened. Imagine a tackler being able to put up a ring of drones around, say, your team captain, and still be able to fight, if needed.

Hey guys, let’s bring a tackler to a match, camp and spam sentry drones on beacons or the captain. Totally not OP [/sarcasm].

Engineers used to be able to do that with drones I think. They could camp for about 5 minutes and go and fight with a mass of drones.

One is fine. It just needs deactivation or destruction.

Hey guys, let’s bring a tackler to a match, camp and spam sentry drones on beacons or the captain. Totally not OP [/sarcasm].

Engineers used to be able to do that with drones I think. They could camp for about 5 minutes and go and fight with a mass of drones.

One is fine. It just needs deactivation or destruction.

Absolutely. I’d make it kinda like the guard shield/hull regen or pulsar now - able to be toggled, but still having a cooldown. Although it should probably have indefinite length, instead of 10 or 20 seconds.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but I just found out recently in-game that the sentry drone now has a one-time energy cost, instead of a per second energy cost. And it’s also available in T2.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but I just found out recently in-game that the sentry drone now has a one-time energy cost, instead of a per second energy cost. And it’s also available in T2.

What about reading the patch notes?  :01414:

Correct me if I’m wrong, but I just found out recently in-game that the sentry drone now has a one-time energy cost, instead of a per second energy cost. And it’s also available in T2.

Then it would be a huge buff to tacklers drones witch is a fair point.

Then, it won’t cost all your energy to use Target Painter and Inhibitor beam + drone

And this happened *after* I posted this so this post is no longer needed.