Tackler Cloak special module adjustment.

  1. Allow tacklers to use non-offensive modules while under their own cloak effect. I.E the shield booster M, and so on so forth.


Place your own suggestions about the module below.


It’s called using them right before you cloak.

It’s to allow the cloaked tackler the same ability that those under the guard’s Spectre Field have, what the lrf has. (not the offensive part, just the defensive)

The main thing is to use it offensively, of course, but defensively, it’s better to heal yourself after you’re out of danger or, rather, when you’re invisible.

Using them before you cloak isn’t all that much of a problem, but this adds a better game-play aspect. 

I’m primarily a Tackler pilot, and I’m telling you it is just fine as it is now. If you really want to heal while cloaked, mount a regenerative hull module.

That’d require moving very slowly, to keep the capacitor at full capacity for the hull regeneration to take place.

It’s a good method, to be sure, but it has its tactical flaws.

That’d require moving very slowly, to keep the capacitor at full capacity for the hull regeneration to take place.

It’s a good method, to be sure, but it has its tactical flaws.


That depends largely on the Tackler build you are talking about.


Questions like, does it have a cruise engine?, what is its primary weapon?, are you trying for an ambush or an interdiction build?


Because I can tell you for certain, if you plan the build around massive regeneration while cloaked, you can pull it off. You just have to be willing to sacrifice other things to make it work.


And that is the entire point. If a player is going to build a tacker that can heal fully while cloaked, they should have some disadvantages too. Because I’ve hunted my own kind, and it’s really freakin hard to kill a good tackler pilot who knows how to time his heals and cloaking module. What you are suggesting would make Tacklers OP.

That’d require moving very slowly, to keep the capacitor at full capacity for the hull regeneration to take place.

It’s a good method, to be sure, but it has its tactical flaws.

No, that’s call well done balance. Not like the cruise engine.

Not planned.

Also it would break balance and would make the drone spammers even more annoying.

F**K NO,tacklers dont need any buffs they need NERFS sentury should do 500 dps not 3k

It does not do 3k dps, i advese you talk to your math teacher

this wont happen

This would intensify drone pooping :slight_smile: