Tackler Buff

I’m not sure about balance but some of those things Ming mentioned really got me excited … Tractor Beam - Hell Yea


and the ‘Thruster Drone’ sounds fun. But Jacxis’s joke about the [fade to balck bug](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/19756-tackler-buff/#entry201285) is probably the funnest. A ‘flashbang’ for Star Conflict. RAWR.

Thruster Drone + Fade to Black in one active module = better

It’d be like getting caught in a nuke’s aftershock and hit by volley missiles both at the same time.


Anyways - I hope this thread gets due consideration from the devs - multiple posters echoing the same tackler problems should indicate that this role could do with a looking into.


My first week (or two?) starting Star Conflict I played Fed tackler exclusively all the way to rank 9 without unlocking any other path on the ship-tree coz some youtube vid said i should speed rank for the wolf M gunship saving every penny till i get it. Needless to say my experience wasn’t too great as both sucked at being space ships (tacklers in general and wolf-M as a gunship)


Hopped back into a tackler right when the new patch came out to checkout the new drone and guess what? tackler got even harder to play now that interceptors got buffed. It’s a shame - I love playing the role coz I’m no ace pilot and support is all i can do but the tackler asks way too much from an average player to simply score ‘average’ on the scoreboard.

I created a passive module that prevents ECM, Recon and Cov Ops from using anything to get out of their situation:

Stryker - Upon activating a debuff, your target cannot use any modules except from restoration and survival modules for x seconds. However, your all your active modules’ efficiency is reduced by x%. (TACKLERS ONLY!)

[The thread is here.](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/20005-class-passives/)

Now they can’t hide, explode, warp or do anything whilst you target them. The modules are what make interceptors good. Take that away and what are they without their speed?

EDIT: I had a go at fixing frigates as well. Make the remote modules short out their target’s actives for a while.


I’m trying to avoid the “you can’t do x now” button.  I hate the fact that an ECM interceptor can shut you down and other then stack proton walls, there isn’t much you can do.  I’d like to have modules that are counterable with good tactics and teamwork over the “fool! you’ve activated my trap card!” button.

And I just had to go fly my tackler again after abandoning her for so long. God I forgot how fun they were. Isn’t as bad as I remembered it. Maybe better decision making nowadays from a month of extra experience maybe. But there were several things I didn’t like that made flying the tackler such a chore.




1. Ship Bonus Must Go


Silent Fox = Effective range of tackler modules increased by 100%

Fox M = Energy consumption of tackler modules reduced by 20%

Fox = Effects of tackler modules increased by 50%


Give them a consistent bonus that fixes the other tackler problems. Buff the tackler modules.


The reason for the merge is not to free up the ship bonus spot. The modules need all of those to work.

2,000m range for target painter and engine suppressor? 900m for inhibitor? Those are not realistic distances to work with


I actually started with the Silent Fox (100% range increase) and thought everything looked good, except energy was lacking. Didn’t realise the range bonus.

then i tiered down to the Fox-M and found out the target painter had only 2000m range. tried to make it work but just not doable

after downgrading from Fox M to Fox - first thing I noticed was how much better everything worked and started to get double digit assists. I died alot but got them points so fair trade. So far from Silent Fox to Fox M - I was pressed to make kills to get any points. With the plain ol’ fox - I played support and got points for it.


So merge all 3 of those bonuses into the current tackler modules and maybe the Tackler would feel better to fly in.



2. Rebalance: Engine Inhibitor


Mk.I = Reduce target speed by 55% for 8 sec. Active range - 4,000m @ 30 sec recharge, 110 Energy

Mk.II = Reduce target speed by 55% for 10 sec. Active range - 4,000m @ 25 sec recharge, 110 Energy

Mk.III = Reduce target speed by 55% for 14 sec. Active range - 4,000m @ 15 sec recharge, 110 Energy


I wrote an explanation as to why these numbers but it ended up being an essay. Short story - we’re swapping effect duration and cooldown times as the variables instead of effect percentage and range. Thing to note is the improved Range and Recharge time.


Note: Needs Line of Sight to activate. Breaking LOS deactivates effect.



3. Rebalance: Target Painter


I died 8 times out of 8 target painting a Frigate when the team was focus firing. There’s so many things wrong with that.


Mk.I = Reduce target’s Hull and Shield resistance by 20 pts. for 10 sec. Active range - 3,000m @ 10 sec recharge, 45/sec Energy

Mk.II = Reduce target’s Hull and Shield resistance by 24 pts. for 14 sec. Active range - 3,000m @ 10 sec recharge, 45/sec Energy

Mk.III = Reduce target’s Hull and Shield resistance by 32 pts. for 22 sec. Active range - 3,000m @ 10 sec recharge, 45/sec Energy


Note: Needs Line of Sight to activate but does not need to maintain LOS once activated.


Fixed range to something more realistic. fixed cooldown, variable effect duration - but these two I don’t really care - could have them the other way around. If currently the effects stack when 2 or more tacklers paint the same target, so should this one.



4. Replace: Inhibitor Beam?


I think this is just junk. In-fact when used in conjunction with energy rockets, I WANT them to use Afterburners. Wouldn’t mind a new module as replacement. It is not useless, there are times when I can use this but it’s so similar to Engine Inhibitor, I can live without this one and enjoy something else.



5. Assists


When a debuff target dies, tackler gets the points even if effects have worn off. I thought this was the case but combat logs says different.



Doesn’t solve the fact that tacklers are still a flaky role to play but this would at the very least make the 2 main modules playable. The ship specific bonuses really got in the way of playing the role way too much I think. And the range were impractical to work with. Target  painter is really useful against tanky frigates and figthers but the Line of Sight requirement plus that silly purple beam meant that tacklers die doing their jobs - being smart or flying skillfully does little to improve the situation.



Similar [problem](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/19926-ecm-great-support-does-not-pay-off/) with the ECM apparently


Tackler not getting as many assist points as I think they should

I know one game don’t constitute a fair sampling size rawr - but in my head this is representative of my tackler matches.

[tackler_log.txt](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=6065)

I play alot of tackler and have started hunting frigates instead of interceptors, the interceptors “get out of jail cards” makes the tackler bad at dealing with interceptors…which is plain wrong.


I belive the suggested idea of target painter preventing recons from using phase modulator and covet ops from using adaptive camo could change my playstyle and make me good against interceptors.


Like someone suggested, having a module that removes the target speed (set to 0) for about a short time (3-5 seconds?) would be great for dealing with interceptors.

This module would also be pretty useless against frigates, in other words exactly how the tackler was supposed to be.