T5 Rework

Ok after many months of intensive daily play in t5 i finally gave up and switched back to t3… SADLY.

It’s not i’m not able to handle opponents. Yes I will sound as a brag-dude, i don’t mind.

It’s not a matter of skills, it’ about the constant frustrating feeling that anyone will experience sooner or later playing the so called “end-game content”. 


My PERSONAL recipe to fix what i saw:


  • Bigger matches: playing constantly 5vs5 is boring as hell. Always same pilots, full 4 men squads facing each others with just one random per sides is nonsense. Don’t tell me that is a matter of population: i know for sure that it is not the case, small matches are an intentionally choice. Everything is amplified in small matches, “good things” and more often: “bad things”.


-Tier restriction, so only t4 ships and above can be used.


-Minimum ships number to join the pvp queue (at least 3).


  • r13 implants, they definitively need a serious rework because they can be really gamebreaking. We all know what the empire one can do on an aggressive ship, constant offensive or inhibitors module. This is simply nonsense, the game design around this is missing: i mean ships doesn’t have valids countermeasure vs chains modules. The jericho one also can be devastating, on some ships.


  • Increase spread or reintroduce the energy usage for tackler’s drones. And once again: facing a tacklers swarm is not a problem. Issue starts when they are in YOUR team, tell me that 3 tacklers can face a frigball in t5 and… try to! I dare you! Actually tacklers are seen from low skill players as a “shortcut” to “easy play”, exactly like LRF before the huge nerf. Every time a low skill player see a shortcut that will prevent him from get better: he will actually take it and make all the game less competitive (and enjoyable) for everyone. If you sum this with small matches where, as i said, everything is amplified: you get the actual mess.


That’s all. Ah and for everyone that have seen me in a waki ae (sharpnel + doomsday): i’m sorry, i was intentionally trolling to prove my points!


I don’t mind if they use T3s, as long as they are fully synergized. Otherwise, I can only say: yes, yes and yes.


Especially the R13 implant somehow creates a “winners game”, which breaks the gameplay for uneven teams even further. A new mechanic there would be really nice.


One point to add, is the minimum ships to join the pvp queue; there is no reason, why in T5 you should not equip 4 ships to participate. Everyone has the 4th slot in that tier. Or at least make it 3 from T4 on. Anyone can fill up the slots with other ships.

You are simply not supposed to skip the main tier (T3) without at least getting basics of the gameplay; It’s supposed to be endgame. Not a question of skill, more a question of basic understanding of the game.


One point to add, is the minimum ships to join the pvp queue; there is no reason, why in T5 you should not equip 4 ships to participate. Everyone has the 4th slot in that tier. Or at least make it 3 from T4 on. Anyone can fill up the slots with other ships.


Oh yes, i forgot that one, i will edit my post. ^^ 

+1 to everything you say except the 5v5 one. I’m actually glad we now have it at 5v5… at least we are not stuck with the 3v3s we had previously

Interesting you mention the ECM in a sidenote btw. but it’s not in the main points.

Other unrelevant nerfs, like scaling down Orion a bit in higher tiers and general changes around the ECM role might be also a good idea, but they might need first a R13 implant rework - maybe without that abonimation, and the recent nerfs of short range ammo, it would be already a lot more balanced.


Btw. on the tackler drones i would say spread back. energy draw would also be interesting, but it might not help a lot, since cruise-drone builds usually try to amass energy regen anyway. And an occasional drone tackler wouldn’t be the problem. After all, in theory, that build is fun.


Guard drones were much more balanced, if you had to keep close to them, to tackle their targets for them to have any effect except frigates

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+1 Johnny(mental +1, you wont get real one!)

we need rework since beta… any ideas why would they change it now?

Interesting you mention the ECM in a sidenote btw. but it’s not in the main points.

Other unrelevant nerfs, like scaling down Orion a bit in higher tiers and general changes around the ECM role might be also a good idea, but they might need first a R13 implant rework - maybe without that abonimation, and the recent nerfs of short range ammo, it would be already a lot more balanced.


Btw. on the tackler drones i would say spread back. energy draw would also be interesting, but it might not help a lot, since cruise-drone builds usually try to amass energy regen anyway. And an occasional drone tackler wouldn’t be the problem. After all, in theory, that build is fun.


Guard drones were much more balanced, if you had to keep close to them, to tackle their targets for them to have any effect.


Ecm swarm can be a problem only in small matches (and with the actual empire r13 implant), fix that and i think the problem will be solved. 


Also LRF was fun, but you remember well what’s the meaning of have a full lrf team on your side right? Well this is happening now with tacklers…


+1 to everything you say except the 5v5 one. I’m actually glad we now have it at 5v5… at least we are not stuck with the 3v3s we had previously


That’s because a lot of players moved back from t3 to t5 since the skill rating patch. Now that we can finally have bigger matches (even if this will means more longer que time, even if i doubt of that since que time in t5 it’s generally less than 2 minutes) due to increased t5 population we are “stuck” in 5vs5.

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We are omni-present… We even watch you while you sleep (like Father Christmas)…

That’s because a lot of players moved back from t3 to t5 since the skill rating patch. Now that we can finally have bigger matches (even if this will means more longer que time, even if i doubt of that since que time in t5 it’s generally less than 2 minutes) due to increased t5 population we are “stuck” in 5vs5.


True, that patch with the skill rating change was one of the best ones in a long time!  Last Sunday we even got t5 matches in 4v4 and 2v2 squads in under a minute, it was really fun :slight_smile:


But yeah drone tacklers really ruin it, even though I am enjoying playing mine :stuck_out_tongue:

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+1 Johnny(mental +1, you wont get real one!)

we need rework since beta… any ideas why would they change it now?



But i want your +1!

Btw, i still didn’t gave up with this game. I fear you did somehow :expressionless:


But i want your +1!

Btw, i still didn’t gave up with this game. I fear you did somehow :expressionless:

1 >> learn how to add proper img

2 >> You WON’T GET IT!

3 >> shh! stop spreading rumors!


Why should I want the same game meta than in tier 3? that is what tier 3 is for. I like the current tier 5 metagame, even if the ECM spam is a bit unbalanced in low pop games.


But even if I despise all people flying ecms in all their trolling variants just for achieve easy wins and kills, they are needed in big games, so tweaking them will be bad in the long term.


About drone tacklers, I don’t know why you xxxxx that much about. Fly recons or tacklers yourselves and feast on the bad players. It is easy.


Bad players will be bad. Don’t fix what ain’t broken because a lot of players think they are cool for pooping drones all the day doing nothing.

We are omni-present… We even watch you while you sleep (like Father Christmas)…

Fear me. 


Because I’m watching the Watchers !

Why should I want the same game meta than in tier 3? that is what tier 3 is for. I like the current tier 5 metagame, even if the ECM spam is a bit unbalanced in low pop games.


But even if I despise all people flying ecms in all their trolling variants just for achieve easy wins and kills, they are needed in big games, so tweaking them will be bad in the long term.


About drone tacklers, I don’t know why you xxxxx that much about. Fly recons or tacklers yourselves and feast on the bad players. It is easy.


Bad players will be bad. Don’t fix what ain’t broken because a lot of players think they are cool for pooping drones all the day doing nothing.


Never said that i want the same meta from t3. I like t5 really a lot. I just feels a lot of frustration with actual situation that send me back in t3 where matches are bigger and you don’t have to face the mess that is actually t5. 


I don’t want nerfs on ecms. I WANT BIGGER MATCHES! and a rework on r13 implant that is actually the most important game’s meta destroing thing.


Again (and it’s really sad that i have to repeat myself):  facing a tacklers swarm is not a problem. Issue starts when they are in YOUR team.  I clearly remember a combat recon where you where the cap (in a recon), i was in an engi and our teammates in 3 tacklers. The enemy frigballs ended spawncamping us… Want more of those? I don’t.


And yes bad players will be bad anyway, but tell me: have you seen in t5 lrf swarm lately?

No. They nerfed them -> problem solved.

Now we have tacklers problem, maybe they will fix them and bad players will find another “easy shortcut ship”, sure. But in the meanwhile this not means we have to stop searching solutions to make the game more competitive and enjoyable.

Never said that i want the same meta from t3. I like t5 really a lot. I just feels a lot of frustration with actual situation that send me back in t3 where matches are bigger and you don’t have to face the mess that is actually t5. 


I don’t want nerfs on ecms. I WANT BIGGER MATCHES! and a rework on r13 implant that is actually the most important game’s meta destroing thing.


Again (and it’s really sad that i have to repeat myself):  facing a tacklers swarm is not a problem. Issue starts when they are in YOUR team.  I clearly remember a combat recon where you where the cap (in a recon), i was in an engi and our teammates in 3 tacklers. The enemy frigballs ended spawncamping us… Want more of those? I don’t.


And yes bad players will be bad anyway, but tell me: have you seen in t5 lrf swarm lately?

No. They nerfed them -> problem solved.

Now we have tacklers problem, maybe they will fix them and bad players will find another “easy shortcut ship”, sure. But in the meanwhile this not means we have to stop searching solutions to make the game more competitive and enjoyable.

They didn’t nerf the LRF, they nerfed (balanced to be more precise) the reverse thruster. And I still see quite a lot of people paying with LRF in high tier games.


In that game you are saying, the problem was not the taclker spam, we would have lost anyway because the three guys were just bad. SHlT happens.


I find the game competitive and enjoyable, but I don’t expect people in pugs playing like top ESB squads all the day.


Do you want competitive gameplay? Ask any good corp for wing battles in SQ.

They didn’t nerf the LRF, they nerfed (balanced to be more precise) the reverse thruster. And I still see quite a lot of people paying with LRF in high tier games.


In that game you are saying, the problem was not the taclker spam, we would have lost anyway because the three guys were just bad. SHlT happens.


I find the game competitive and enjoyable, but I don’t expect people in pugs playing like top ESB squads all the day.


Do you want competitive gameplay? Ask any good corp for wing battles in SQ.

They nerfed ELRF

20% less dmg/shot including increased RoF it’s like 15% less dps

They didn’t nerf the LRF, they nerfed (balanced to be more precise) the reverse thruster. And I still see quite a lot of people paying with LRF in high tier games.






In that game you are saying, the problem was not the taclker spam, we would have lost anyway because the three guys were just bad. SHlT happens.



Not that in the enemy team they where full of ESB, they where just low skill players in a frigball pushing to our respawn. Something that you can try to stop if your teammates doesn’t sit in tacklers…  even if they are bad.



I find the game competitive and enjoyable, but I don’t expect people in pugs playing like top ESB squads all the day.



Yeah so competive and enjoyable, that’s the feedback that we need to report to devs… 


Yeah so competive and enjoyable, that’s the feedback that we need to report to devs… 

It is my feedback, as good and valid as yours. I’m sorry I’m not a whiner like most of people here.



They nerfed ELRF

20% less dmg/shot including increased RoF it’s like 15% less dps

If people stopped playing them because of this… the LRF spam died when the RT was nerfed, because it was ridiculous.

Not really, since listening to your own statements: you are not playing anymore.


According to Steam, I played 15 hours the last two weeks. And I’m playing now (just waiting for the MM to pick a game)


But maybe do you need a minimum hours played to give the opinion here?