T5 Rework

SC is end game.

1/2 of what you are asking for is implimented in SC.

If you are in a corp…


R13 is available to everyone. Though a numerically larger advantage to LRF.


Ion beam, & target painter to answer how tacklers kill friggates. That and heavy drone at any rate. Ship speed of 100mps is a legit negative when a guard drone is 1km away… Course, missle spam…


I hate tacklers though I would guess regenerative hull and 4 tackler modules would be a strong build choice. There actives are simply amazing.


To fix drones you could: give them a spread (.3 is not a spread), decrease projectile speed, increase hitbox of sentry drones.

Beacon drones can not even hit a sentry drone. I am including attack drones, though there projetile speed does seam acceptable.

How about we just remove all ships from rank 2-15. Rank 1 is just so perfectly balanced, no need for anything other than rank 1 :c



I agree with spongejohn on the most part.



I agree with everything you have stated, and I am also in a similar boat. I used to do mostly T5 pvp, but now I am doing mostly T3 pvp (T4 is a mostly the same situation as T5 right now). I have even stopped playing sector conquest because of some of the issues presented along with other issues I have found (Tackler swarms, Tier-rushers, R13 implant, small games, and above all: uncounterable ECM swarms).

Personally, I would REALLY like to see larger games even if it means having bots flying around in purple-fitted T4-T5’s on a regular basis.


I get it, it’s supposed to be “PvP” not “PvE,” but I would at least like the option of flying with and against the PvP bots and some players instead of getting into games with completely one-sided teams… I mean if I’m one of the Aces flying around in white/green T4 ships, while so is everybody else on my team, while the other team is all in a corp together and with full purple/orange fits, most of the time the team with the better gears will win (although not always). It’s the same theme from Tier 2-3, but it just seems to get worse with more modules to upgrade and the fact that bots no longer exist in Tier 4-5 games. Simply having more targets flying around, occasionally killing somebody or capturing a beacon, certainly adds more to the “wow” factor to space battles, not to mention actually would give me more to do in a battle other than sitting behind some rock and waiting for when one of the other team guys pops-up somewhere on radar… yes, yes, tactics and all of that jazz… PvP games don’t last long no matter what, and I feel like a little more action would be better all-around since that’s the type of game this is… if I want more strategy and tactics, I would pick-up a strategy game. I come here for the *Pew Pew*!


Any other takes on having larger PvP games and, or including bots at higher tiers?

Fear me.

Because I’m watching the Watchers !

Uh oh…

Everthing is going downnnnn!!! this game its not fun for me anymore!! They nerf my secret build!! now i m dead


Its not funny!!! Tillo



Not funny!! 

Everthing is going downnnnn!!! this game its not fun for me anymore!! They nerf my secret build!! now i m dead

What was your secret build?

What was your secret build?

short ions with 3x infrared and one dmg boost on spark or short ions with 3x infrared on ionbringer

Not even close!! But nice try tho .P on second thougth… yes thats my secret build!!! got tham how do you guess???

You want bigger matches yet you want tier restriction and a minimun amount of ships, that would just make the games even smaller :confused:

we can see your build when it’s loading time

How about we just remove rank 2-15 ships, it’ll balance the game so well.

Not even close!! But nice try tho .P on second thougth… yes thats my secret build!!! got tham how do you guess???

Used same set up  :006j:


Pure dps FTW!

You want bigger matches yet you want tier restriction and a minimun amount of ships, that would just make the games even smaller :confused:


You know that a lot of people don’t play t5 'cause of tier rushers and stuff like that right?

Make that tier more “fun” and people will join again. If we need “trash” to sustain t5 population we are not going in the right direction no?


SC is end game.

1/2 of what you are asking for is implimented in SC.


I’m frankly tired of Sector conquest, I join my corpsmate in sc only when they ask me.

One game mode all the time make me sick of that.

Personally, I would REALLY like to see larger games even if it means having bots flying around in purple-fitted T4-T5’s on a regular basis.


Any other takes on having larger PvP games and, or including bots at higher tiers?


No please no, da Bot no! 

I only play T5, and it’s getting better and better overall. Faster queue, better people. It’s true that i don’t have any comparison with T3 since i basically don’t touch it, but still. T5 is viable and well (peak times i’m talking, i don’t play during the day). 

To be frank, I think that 10% damage increase on sniper shots would be perfect, instead of 20%.

Still, only thing you need to be worried about is Mauler these days, but it’s a glass cannon.



but it’s a glass cannon.

