T5 Repair costs are too high.

Aside from the myriad other reasons why nobody plays T5, the astronomical repair costs are another factor keeping players from playing it.


Honestly I’d suggest to scrap the repair costs altogether, but at the very least they should be cheaper. Right now the only way to earn credits at a profit is to have premium, and it’s still heavily impacted by repair costs. This is not sustainable, especially as more and more veterans drift to T3.


With the squad changes, hopefully more players will play T5. But with such high costs, players will need premium, or significant stockpiles of credits to tap into to pay for T5. They will eventually be unable to afford it.

Repair costs are good because they encourage pilots to try to stay alive.


HOWEVER, Tier 5 has been way too expensive to repair for far too long. The only reason I have been able to make any money is because I only take T4/5 premiums into the matches. If it weren’t for those ships, I would not be able to afford to fly (much less, upgrade) my Tier 5 ships.


Other pilots who have not been so lucky as to have taken advantage of the super rare (and cheap) Tier 5 sales are the ones who have to suffer through it, and ultimately will come to the conclusion that although they cannot earn as many credits per match as Tier 5, Tier 3 is more profitable in the long run for earning credits.

Imho T5 rep costs are fine for , but T4 is all wrong

compare t3 to t4 and t4 to t5, prices jump through the roof in t3 > t4, and then almost the same for t4 > t5

Repair Cost were never holding me back, T4 is my favorite Tier. It’s just that every tier doesn’t seem so different to t3, so the interest in progressing might be lower. In generall it’s a damn grind after t3, synergy and credit-wise. So you are right, it might improves the situation. Maybe the constant banter about any tier > 3 having low population is an ever self fulfilling prophecy.

Buy yourself a [Full Insurance Booster](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/27541-duration-boosters-examples-for-pvp-and-pve-mode/?p=327219) with credits or GS and protect yourself from going bankrupt!


Vote, to get your voice heard!

I think that some repair costs need reworking, specifically all of T4 and R15. The repair cost jump from T3 to T4 is monstrous, to the point where you can lose money in a game if you don’t have a license. This same jump is seen from R14 to R15. The repair costs of a R13 ship are 100k, R14 is 120k, so why is it that R15 is 200k? An 80k jump from the last jump of 20k is beyond ridiculous. I think a fair price for R15 repairs would be 140-150k with the current repair costs. Personally though, I think that repair costs all around should be dropped 20-30% (enough so that the max repair cost for a R15 would be 100k).

I think that some repair costs need reworking, specifically all of T4 and R15. The repair cost jump from T3 to T4 is monstrous, to the point where you can lose money in a game if you don’t have a license. This same jump is seen from R14 to R15. The repair costs of a R13 ship are 100k, R14 is 120k, so why is it that R15 is 200k? An 80k jump from the last jump of 20k is beyond ridiculous. I think a fair price for R15 repairs would be 140-150k with the current repair costs. Personally though, I think that repair costs all around should be dropped 20-30% (enough so that the max repair cost for a R15 would be 100k).

I agree. Repair costs for T4 and T5 needs to be reduced by 25 - 33%.