t3 / t4 pvp togeather now?

if you take rank 7-8 you get against t2 if you take rank 9 you get against rank 9-10-11-and rank 12 premiums if you take rank 12 non-premium you get against t5’s

It depends on personal performance (maybe win ratio or/and SR) 

Last night I had R9 hangar and was in games of r9-r11, but in the same time we had a NASA guys having R9 hangar, and in the same time he was always put into r7-9 games. After i swapped out all of my ships from prem/R8s i was put into the same matches as that guy, that kept using R9s (He had above 1450 SR as well, so might be win ratio or soemthing)

It depends on personal performance (maybe win ratio or/and SR) 

Last night I had R9 hangar and was in games of r9-r11, but in the same time we had a NASA guys having R9 hangar, and in the same time he was always put into r7-9 games. After i swapped out all of my ships from prem/R8s i was put into the same matches as that guy, that kept using R9s (He had above 1450 SR as well, so might be win ratio or soemthing)

well maybe that depends too

Yesterday i took a rank 8 and a rank 9 premium and i got matched against t2’s,after that took only rank 9’s (non-premium) and got against t4’s (rank 10-11 and 12 premiums) 

Dunno why but the MM counts every premium 1 rank lower than it is.

Your LRF must have sucked as well then. I saw you try (and fail) to RT out of Octopus range. :wink:



Don’t expect anything when you see yeahalex flying with LRF.

It’s like me on an engineer, or Rakza on an interceptor.


pretty much:D

so alex is still plain LRF after pylon nerf?  :fed013:

so alex is still plain LRF after pylon nerf?  :fed013:



I still like to suggest to remove the T4 totally and split them between the T3 and T5.


T1 = R1 - 3

T2 = R4 - 7

T3 = R8 -11

TTop = R12 -

Before the patch the the Rank 10 - 11 ships was useless.
Most of the pilots who i know went to T1 lost skillrating to get into the only T4 queue so actually they tried to bypass the mixing between the T4-T5.

Now if they weak they will face against T3 killing squads, if they getting better bleeding against T5s… so imo T4 is more sucks then ever.


Now if they weak they will face against T3 killing squads, if they getting better bleeding against T5s… so imo T4 is more sucks then ever.

Over the weekend, we did a lot of testing on this and came to 6 conclusions:


  1. Full Premium setup puts you in deathsquad mode. Doesn’t matter if you’re actually IN a squad, your side of the match will win 80-90% of the time.

  2. Placing R8 ships (full hangar) has a similar effect, but is slightly neutered with a bit more balancing. I found I won roughly 60-70% of those matches, soloing. It appears merely 1 Premium puts you back in the top wins, though.

  3. If you put a single Styx in a 4-man squad, you get bumped up to T4. However, the T4 pilots are so horrendous, it makes no difference. I actually queued this one match with T2 ships and still did well enough to get 3rd/4th place using just the T2 ships.

  4. Same mechanics work, to an extent, in T4. R11/Premiums puts you in ez-mode queues. R12s, if in squad, will put you in low T5, which is still absolute murder because of the op’d implants. Mk5 equipment counters T5, yes, but on a very minuscule, microscopical difference.

  5. Enemy squads have little to no impact on matchmaker, regardless of amount. If you have a 4-man squad and there are 2-4 other 4-man squads on the queue, regardless of their average SR, it’s first come, first serve, so you end up facing the low SR squads 70% of the time. Yesterday was an exception for us, OWL was the only other squad to be pitted against us…

  6. If you have a full T3 Premium/R8 squad and you put in A SINGLE T4 Premium, you are STILL put in the high T3 queues. Kurdi tested this by placing a single Orelus in his line up. We faced OWL twice with the same setup (full T3 and Kurdi’s Orelus) and worked twice. After that, we went full T4 and got OWL again (we did lose that match, though, I blame my terribad gear).


And those are our findings over the weekend. MM is still very much broken for Premiums. Moreso than usual.