t3 / t4 pvp togeather now?

 I just play a bomb detonation mixed with t3 / 4 ships first time , my all setup was t3 same as some players on enemy team and some players full t4 ships , I am really don’t understand why you mix tiers in the game . If they can be mix what is the point of tiers than? 

It was always like that wasn’t it ?

If you have r8-9 ships, you can face r10 ships.

Same for t2 and t1.

r5-6 ships face r7.

r2-3 ships face r4.


It also depend on the population. If there’s enough players within your tier, than you’ll have a full t3 match. But if there are not enough players, there’s a probability you’ll find t4 players too.

now i take full  T4 setup and fight against full T3 team ofc we win who use t3 if they will fight with t4, and looks like t3 mixed with t2 too

Hmm if that’s true…

[http://forum.star-conflict.com/index.php?/topic/21994-the-star-conflict-comic/](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/21994-the-star-conflict-comic/)

Grumpy Gus strikes back!

just whooped a bunch of t4s in my anaconda m, was the only r9 pilot there

Hmm if that’s true…

[http://forum.star-conflict.com/index.php?/topic/21994-the-star-conflict-comic/](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/21994-the-star-conflict-comic/)

Grumpy Gus strikes back!

If that were true, we’d be seeing T5 against T3. So far, that seems to have been avoided.


just whooped a bunch of t4s in my anaconda m, was the only r9 pilot there

That’s cause the Ana-M is op enough to do that.

I saw full t2 setup on t3-4 capture beacon game :stuck_out_tongue: poor guy just watch to how quick his ships explode, seriously t2 vs t4 is brutal

Like i said, Gus came back and is manipulating the devs again… Like it happened, damn. What shall we do now?

At least it’s not as bad as the “All Together Now” patch where T4 was facing T1 (there was no T5 back then), so that’s a plus… right?..

Atleast give more synergy/rewards to players matched against T(n+1) that performed well.

Like i said, Gus came back and is manipulating the devs again… Like it happened, damn. What shall we do now?

Make a bug report when there is a guy who is in a match with 2 Tiers difference and him not being in a squad.

The system will have to be tested. Back in the days, when squads were pushed up a tier to compensate, if felt like the matches were alot better balanced and more eqaul. Mixed tiers isn’t a bad thing if the matchmaker is good. If you have rank 7 and get to face rank 11 purples, then it just sucks^^ Haven’t had the time to test yet.

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Interesting that such a major change is not documented anywhere. 


:smiley: oh boy… they have been doing this for a couple of patches now

Interesting that such a major change is not documented anywhere. 


I started this game with 1.0.0, and put quite some money into it. Sad to say that with each patch it now seems to become less and less fun for casual/average players. Not even considering the atrocious waiting time for matches.

You’re about 50 patches late on ALL of the things I quoted you here.

The system will have to be tested. Back in the days, when squads were pushed up a tier to compensate, if felt like the matches were alot better balanced and more eqaul. Mixed tiers isn’t a bad thing if the matchmaker is good. If you have rank 7 and get to face rank 11 purples, then it just sucks^^ Haven’t had the time to test yet.

Agreed. I did not have an issue when there was an overlap. Matches seemed more balanced. A 3 or 4 person squad could probably get pushed up. I know there is no agreement on this, but imo the MM should not be tier locked but more rank locked





Keep 2 man squads in the same level just make sure they are balanced per side and push 3 and 4 man squads up 1 level. idk. Just a suggestion.

Yeah, overlaps of 1-1.5(gear) ranks tier up and down were very good, made bigger and faster games, plus difference is really minimal, and games on average were much less one sided.

Make a bug report when there is a guy who is in a match with 2 Tiers difference and him not being in a squad.

Reminds me of the last time we had to put up with this.


Devs told us you couldn’t have more than two ranks difference in ships. We routinely saw 5-6 ranks difference.

This change is bad, tier should be locked or else good pilot will decimate lower ranked ship. However, I was online yesterday (or early this morning) after the server went down for a restart and I didnt played any game with mixed tier…yet.

This is wonderful! Now a kill squad of 4 people can fight a bunch of r7 Aces with his r12 purple. BRILLIANT! Instead of making it better, this just got worse. The new players will get pwned way worse, and they’ll quit making it so we can’t get launched. *sigh* can we please think things through or at least ask the community before we change things?