t3 / t4 pvp togeather now?

This is wonderful! Now a kill squad of 4 people can fight a bunch of r7 Aces with his r12 purple. BRILLIANT! Instead of making it better, this just got worse. The new players will get pwned way worse, and they’ll quit making it so we can’t get launched. *sigh* can we please think things through or at least ask the community before we change things? 

This is not true. It is not itended this way.

i’m abslutely up for this… If it is going to be well implemented this will help t4 issues and master players farming too hard in t3 lol


I hope so at least :wink:

This is wonderful! Now a kill squad of 4 people can fight a bunch of r7 Aces with his r12 purple. BRILLIANT! Instead of making it better, this just got worse. The new players will get pwned way worse, and they’ll quit making it so we can’t get launched. *sigh* can we please think things through or at least ask the community before we change things?



Did you try it?

Time to get one week off this game, until it’s fixed…or broken again.

Time to get one week off this game, until it’s fixed…or broken again.

Make sure you grab a Crymary with you, since that guy will not be able to handle when some Ace in T4 ship with mk2 gear kill him, might get a brain meltdown or something.

Thanks for removing split skill queue in Tier 4- tier 5!! Now tier 5 is actually playable in times and size!

I like play with t4 actually , and I see many many players join battles with t4 ships some full some not less premiums than t3 but still looks like there will be  no population problem if t4 have own battles. I never understand why tiers mixed anyway  if population is the problem than solve population , you have really good game here it deserves more advertise.


 I don’t know , i just have a nice gaming time on SC tonight so thank you  :)

So T4 is still unplayable? Nothing new. We need more players.

So T4 is still unplayable? Nothing new. We need more players.


do you even read?


I like play with t4 actually , and I see many many players join battles with t4 ships some full some not less premiums than t3 but still looks like there will be  no population problem if t4 have own battles. I never understand why tiers mixed anyway  if population is the problem than solve population , you have really good game here it deserves more advertise.


 I don’t know , i just have a nice gaming time on SC tonight so thank you  :)

Thanks for removing split skill queue in Tier 4- tier 5!! Now tier 5 is actually playable in times and size!

t4 is pretty busy at the mo, its nice. the t4/5 mixed tier thing was rubbish, im glad its changed. tier 3 is not so fun now. most of the challenge is gone

t4 is pretty busy at the mo, its nice. the t4/5 mixed tier thing was rubbish, im glad its changed. tier 3 is not so fun now. most of the challenge is gone

Didn’t I kill you three times in one game? Maybe the problem is your skills are wearing out.  :004j:

Didn’t I kill you three times in one game? Maybe the problem is your skills are wearing out.  :004j:


i had forgotten eagle b is sh_t :stuck_out_tongue:

Your LRF must have sucked as well then. I saw you try (and fail) to RT out of Octopus range. :wink:

Your LRF must have sucked as well then. I saw you try (and fail) to RT out of Octopus range. :wink:

Don’t expect anything when you see yeahalex flying with LRF.

It’s like me on an engineer, or Rakza on an interceptor.

I equipped my level 7-8/10 r10s today and played 4 matches. 6v6 7v7 8v8 6v6 (not including bots). 
Did not see a single T3. We had decent matches! 
As long as T4 is revived for more than before and I can have fun I do not care.
Might as well got the same effect by simply separating T4 and 5 IMO, though.

Tomorrow i will try with full R12 loadout. Full synergized ships.

Was around prime time (2 hours before this post). I believe we are still around prime time.

I equipped my level 7-8/10 r10s today and played 4 matches. 6v6 7v7 8v8 6v6 (not including bots). 

Did not see a single T3. We had decent matches! 

As long as T4 is revived for more than before and I can have fun I do not care.

Might as well got the same effect by simply separating T4 and 5 IMO, though.

Tomorrow i will try with full R12 loadout. Full synergized ships.

Was around prime time (2 hours before this post). I believe we are still around prime time.

Yeah, I just played a good number of matches in a two man squad. The population is normal! 8v8s everywhere, and (sometimes) no bots, to boot!

Ok it’s fun to face t4 ship and have more populated match. But i dunno what ships i have to fly. If i equip t3 i face t4, if i equip t4 i get t5 matches… what should i do? O_o 


Maybe it’s time to go to t5 and sinergize my 2 last ships.

I quite approve of the effect on matches of having mixed t3&4 up a bit - I have dusted off the rank 10s again and am enjoying flying them.

To echo what others have said, though, I would like to know what to expect - which ranks I can take for what, and what ships I can expect to face…

I didn’t even realize that they removed the split in T4/5. I was still bringing t4 tacklers and owning in beacon type matches.

Ok it’s fun to face t4 ship and have more populated match. But i dunno what ships i have to fly. If i equip t3 i face t4, if i equip t4 i get t5 matches… what should i do? O_o

Maybe it’s time to go to t5 and sinergize my 2 last ships.

if you take rank 7-8 you get against t2 if you take rank 9 you get against rank 9-10-11-and rank 12 premiums if you take rank 12 non-premium you get against t5’s