T3 and Tier rushing

Yup, t4 dread battles might be interesting for that.

But I still think T4 doen’t have a real purpose in the game from gameplay mechanics / learning curves point of view.

hm, true that, unlocking higher tiers early is indeed a good thing, but you do not have to tier rush to do it. You can just unlock a shipline going to R15, and still do most of them in lower tiers, or in PvE, if you want to farm up or even use free synergy. Also, more fleet strength = more synergy.


It is an entirely different thing to actually go into a PvP game with constantly having only unsynergized ships or partial layouts. You always have to do it if you start in a new tier, but it is bad if you only do that, and do not “finish a tier” by at least playing some ships on full synergy and max modules, just to get the feel of where skill and experience differentiates from module progress / fitting.


Besides, it leaves you often bankrupt in terms of credits, if you go too high too fast.

There are indeed two forms of tier rushing. Number One: is going through each ship only to unlock the next, and perhaps staying long enough to either gain just enough credits for the next ship, and then selling the ships you don’t intend to synergize for a while, or, rather, not intend to use for a while. That way you have money to fit the modules you want on the next tier’s ship; else-wise, if it’s in the same tier, existing modules are to be transferred to the next one.


The second form of tier rushing is the one you are more lenient to. 2: To focus on one line per faction (like the first method, of course) but to fully synergize each ship you run through, and equip it with the modules you like while you’re at it by playing both pve and pvp to mix it up so you have the credits needed for the modules from pve, and the synergy for the ship from pvp. Afterwards, you keep each existing ship and all of its modules (with the exception of transferring modules from one ship in a tier to the next to save on credits as you move along. you don’t want to waste all of the credits on modules, after all.)


On both ways, however, once you’re in T5, maximize output of synergy, and use the free synergy to move into maximizing the other lines in T1/2. that way you don’t actually have to play them from scratch. 

And you can get right into learning the class, instead of being bored by T1 after already experiencing a taste of T5.

On both routes, I must suggest that the person rushing do so with one of the guard lines, to start out on, as their first setup, and farm into the recon line over with the empire as their first interceptor (to get them addicted to the recon’s general fun factor) Afterwards whichever faction’s guard line you didn’t choose for the first round of farming, use the old modules already upgraded from the previous run, and equip the new guards to ready to fight status. Else-wise, go for the tacklers, for the next fun factor in the game. Ze cloak :slight_smile:


Guard - Generally for your farming needs in pve on the credits side, while being a great pvp ship in general. It’s a good ship to start out with on all fronts.

As you begin to move into the next two lines of the other factions, use the free synergy from the guard in t5 to boost their lines up as far as you can comfortably.

Afterwards, fight in pvp with the new lines for their synergy. For your credit needs on getting modules and ships in these lines, switch to pve on the guard.

Make sure to have a good build that works well in both pve and pvp to shoot for before you grind your modules on the T5 guard, so you can get right to it.

For any guard build, I will suggest these implants - left to right 1-15. top to bottom A-B-C. When another module can be used, or = / .    1c,2c,3c,4a/b/c,5a,6a,7c,8a,9a,10c,11b,12c,13a,14c,15a/b/c

Adjust for critical hit types by using these particular implants - 2a,6b.

I tier rushed to t5 because I wanted to fly sector conquest (old system). My main goal was to get my 4 interceptors line-up full mk4. Once it was done, I go back to t3 to max out ships. And modules. Wich was done last month.


I have increased like 4 modules to mkIV in t4, and I find it was a huge waste of valuable ressources.

Same thing for some modules that I find now useless in t3…


Does that make me a bad pilot?


You try to solve something by in game mechanics that is mainly a bad behavior from players.


I do not try to solve anything, which isn’t already part of the game mechanics. As I said, once I finished my T3 experience, and back then I of course also had no T5 yet to rush to, I had more than enough resources, to easily spend them in higher tiers. Well, except vouchers, but for me, vouchers were still better, then the old style “wait until you loot a purple item” system. Most important was to skip early synergy levels or have green module loadouts as fast as possible. This positive experience is what makes me suggest not to tier rush.


If it were up to me, I would tune up rewards a lot for just playing the game. So, no, no tries here, maybe you try to read something into my words. If you are a bad pilot or not depends entirely, if you are one of those engineers, who just discovered turning healing modules on and off nonstop is not the right way to use them while sitting in an Octopus… this is an exaggaration, but I am sure, even that happened somewhere.

This part of “solving thing” in my message wasn’t directed to you, g4borg :005j: 


It was more a generic “you” related to the topic discussion.

This part of “solving thing” in my message wasn’t directed to you, g4borg :005j:


It was more a generic “you” related to the topic discussion.


t4 best tier:(

t4 best tier:(

I agree with that. It is the most fun tier of all. Luckily the new blood will start filling it soon. 

Why do you find it’s the best?


Because of balance? (Hence, my suggestion to remove t5 modules and blend t4 / t5 ships in one tier with t4, stats level for modules and weapons, but that would require an implant system modification)

Or because nobody improve their modules here (or once t3 / t5 are fully maxed out) and that we mainly face leveling synergy ships… Both fact that reduce the occurence of specialized ships we encounter in t3 / t5?


With t2, t4 is where I can do the most numerous kills in a row… I don’t think it’s related to a sudden increase in my piloting skills…

It serves no purpose in game design and spread out players in one more tier, resulting in increased queue times…

Why do you find it’s the best?


Because of balance? (Hence, my suggestion to remove t5 modules and blend t4 / t5 ships in one tier with t4, stats level for modules and weapons, but that would require an implant system modification)

Or because nobody improve their modules here (or once t3 / t5 are fully maxed out) and that we mainly face leveling synergy ships… Both fact that reduce the occurence of specialized ships we encounter in t3 / t5?


With t2, t4 is where I can do the most numerous kills in a row… I don’t think it’s related to a sudden increase in my piloting skills…

It serves no purpose in game design and spread out players in one more tier, resulting in increased queue times…

Because it is the last of the “standard” tiers.


In tier 4 you have a lot of interesting ships with the same capabilities than the tier 5 ships, but without the rank 13 and 14 implants which make tier 5 a totally different tier gameplay wise.


I love the King Nibelung, the Chiron, the Panther, Tiger 2, the Flamberge and the Lance S, the Orelus and the Argonaut, The tiger M, the Konkistador and the Eagle M… They are really good ships and I killed a lot of tier 5 ships on them while farming free synergy before the tier 5 premiums were introduced.

Ok. I just wanted this to be clearly set :smiley: Then I understand your point.


But your fun in not diminished by lots pilots with low level stuff in it? Like there is not really that much of competitive enemies…

On rk 13 implant, I agree, it’s too powerfull and game changing… A bit like rk8 /9 in t3 that make rk7 ships crap (without even mentionning their lacking active module).

But I don’t find rk14 to be that important. It’s an interesting gimmic, but less game changing than rk13 by a large margin.


I totally forgot that rk 13 implant… It’s true that the huge t5 damage increase that reduce the interest of the game is really coming from this implant alone…

And the fact that you destroyed a lot of t5 with t4 means nothing about balance. It’s just coz you are an awesome pilots :smiley: Skill matters!

Ping matters!




Terroblade can kick your arse 100 times in a row, and he plays with 150 ping at the best.


So, no.

Terroblade can kick your arse 100 times in a row, and he plays with 150 ping at the best.


That escalated quickly…

Isn’t the ultimate form of tier rushing simply purchasing premium GS ships? I know there are rank limitations now (obviously a rational business decision), and I’m a F2P player so this could be totally wrong, but can’t you just use premium ship A to unlock prem ship B (T5), and then get in that way? Particularly with the VE sale, there were tons of people loading up on T5 prem ships. I would not be surprised if a lot of them were not already in T5 at that point, or were new-ish players, or were just in T4/T5 and used the sale to round out their lineup.

Isn’t the ultimate form of tier rushing simply purchasing premium GS ships? I know there are rank limitations now (obviously a rational business decision), and I’m a F2P player so this could be totally wrong, but can’t you just use premium ship A to unlock prem ship B (T5), and then get in that way? Particularly with the VE sale, there were tons of people loading up on T5 prem ships. I would not be surprised if a lot of them were not already in T5 at that point, or were new-ish players, or were just in T4/T5 and used the sale to round out their lineup.

 You can’t just a buy a T5 ship right off if you have not unlocked it with regular ships. You have to buy your way up. In a way I think that kinda sucks, because T4 is just a waste of space. You’re better off skipping T4. 


The decision to make you buy your way up was to insure they get more money out of you. You can still buy your way up and skip a lot of the ships. 

A rank one player can’t just straight off buy a mauler or something with out getting a previous tier ship. T5 ships cost about $35 under the best circumstances unless there is a sale, so it adds up fast.

As far as I know you can buy T3 premium and ownin that you can get T5.


*I’m probably wrong but oh well*


if you have a ship of the previous tier you can buy a premium of the next, so you can buy one premium of each tier to get to t5

if you have a ship of the previous tier you can buy a premium of the next, so you can buy one premium of each tier to get to t5


Thats pretty much what I said. But if you want 4 ships in your slots you still need to buy at least 4 ships you don’t want to get there.


In my opinion I feel these are the best ships to buy. 


T3 best prems

Phoenix (tank) or Valor (speed and handling), Paralax, Grim, Cruz Lrf, Blood tormentor. 


T5 Best Prems. 

Mauler, Mammoth, Karud, Rockwell, Patriarch, Berserker.


If you are n00b these ships will do you well. but please don’t go in t5 with less than 4 ships. Most of non premium ships that are better.

The are a few exceptions. Example: There is no better jericho lrf in t5 than the Mauler. 

T3 best prems

Phoenix (tank) or Valor (speed and handling), Paralax, Grim, Cruz Lrf, Blood tormentor. 


Eagle-B, Deimon, Spirit Nukem, and DE and way better than most of the ships listed there. Also Crus A good ship? No n00b will do well with that thing.

I think the game is balanced enough so that everyone can take the ship type that suits him best.


So just see which ships u like and buy acourdingly.