T3 and Tier rushing

Im a new player and ive started playing for about a month.


Ive tried to read abit about the game before starting and one of the things ive read was the called tier rushing from new players.


so far ive max out 18 ships, its not alot but for a new player it showns ive not been rushing on a single line of ships.


i was folowing the advises from the forums and wasnt rushing, i even intended to try and have 3-4 T4 ships before trying to actually play T4. that all changed whwn i reached T3.


this will be just a personal opinion, no blaming anyone or anything.


when i reached T3, even though i read T3 was probably the most compititive tier, i thought that i could still have a chance, but i was wrong.


from orange weapons, max out full purple ships, premium ships, etc, i found as a new player that to even have a change to compete in what was suposed to be a leveling tier to be impossible.


now im starting to see why so many new players go for the tier rush or just quit, just the thought of leveling several ships in T3 is dreadfull.


so ive became a tier rusher to at least try to get to t4-t5, as for pvp, i now only do t2, wich even with those veteran players its alot easier to max out a ship and have a decent ability to fight back.


too bad pve isnt really a suported mode here, at least it would be an alternative to the massive wall that is T3 pvp.


sorry for the long rant.

I’m pretty new too. T3 isn’t that bad, it’s all about you ship’s build and positioning in combat. If you running with all MK1 kit then try and earn some more cash first by either playing T2 PvP more or running PvE missions so you can at least run with Mk2 gear.


It is a steep learning curve, just as much as going from T1 to T2, but it’s not that bad.


I did tier rush to T4, but for the pure reason to be able to station hop for free and to have access to all areas in Invasion.

*cough* condense5tiersinto3 *cough*

[http://forum.star-conflict.com/index.php?/topic/25155-combining-tiers/?fromsearch=1](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/25155-combining-tiers/?fromsearch=1)

Im a new player and ive started playing for about a month.


Ive tried to read abit about the game before starting and one of the things ive read was the called tier rushing from new players.


so far ive max out 18 ships, its not alot but for a new player it showns ive not been rushing on a single line of ships.


i was folowing the advises from the forums and wasnt rushing, i even intended to try and have 3-4 T4 ships before trying to actually play T4. that all changed whwn i reached T3.


this will be just a personal opinion, no blaming anyone or anything.


when i reached T3, even though i read T3 was probably the most compititive tier, i thought that i could still have a chance, but i was wrong.


from orange weapons, max out full purple ships, premium ships, etc, i found as a new player that to even have a change to compete in what was suposed to be a leveling tier to be impossible.


now im starting to see why so many new players go for the tier rush or just quit, just the thought of leveling several ships in T3 is dreadfull.


so ive became a tier rusher to at least try to get to t4-t5, as for pvp, i now only do t2, wich even with those veteran players its alot easier to max out a ship and have a decent ability to fight back.


too bad pve isnt really a suported mode here, at least it would be an alternative to the massive wall that is T3 pvp.


sorry for the long rant.

With all due respect, tier 3 is the only tier where you can be competitive, but still win if you have a veteran in the enemy team, because games are still big enough so a single pilot contribution is less strong.


Tier 4 and tier 5 is all about 5v5 and 6v6, where a very good single pilot can single-handedly take on an enemy team.


So my advice is: keep leveling up tier 3 ships, stay close to the team, learn from the good pilots and make your way up to green and purple equipment.


All those who are using orange weapons (which only give you a 0,5% more DPS IIRC) also had to grind their tier 3 ships with white and green modules.


I had to, and it was fun, even at the time of the dreaded death squads without the squad restrictions we have now in place.


If you need any tip or advice, feel free to ask here. Share your builds, look for new ones, and pick different roles. Tier 3 is the best tier for experimenting, since it is “cheap” enough to fly and upgrade.

T3 ships usually become almost as good as the maxed out mk4 versions when you hit 8+ synergy and have all mk2 green modules

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*cough* condense5tiersinto3 *cough*

[http://forum.star-conflict.com/index.php?/topic/25155-combining-tiers/?fromsearch=1](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/25155-combining-tiers/?fromsearch=1)



At most 4.


No, three.


I don’t even care how it is done now. Too many Ts.


Then again with MM it is a lot like there are three Ts now. 1-6 7-9 10-15. Isn’t that how MM groups now?


O also James is right, it is likely because of your ship builds. Cheat and copy ones on the forum.

As far as tier rushing, I’d say once you finish T2, you’re good. 

After that, just focus on the lines you like, and keep one ship per line you’ll actually use in each tier, (unless there’s more than one you like) aside from T5.  

it’ll keep the over-all grind down, and you’ll be able to focus more on the modules, instead of the next ship along with new modules that come with it.

Okay, so let’s get to the point. T3 is FULL OF VETERANS. If you want to be able to last within a match I recommend getting your favourite ship in T3 and get all the modules to Mk4, which will require you to play pvp (for loyalty vouchers). Now don’t let the fact that there are so many veteran players there dishearten you whilst you’re playing, just try to find the fun in the challenge so that you can manage to enjoy the process of progression.

Okay, so let’s get to the point. T3 is FULL OF VETERANS.

That is the real problem. The vets won’t play in the upper tiers. Why? Because this game’s best content is in… T3.

Guess how you solve that?

LadyBug, I am sorry you are having a rough time in T3. Here is a good tip: Never stop fighting as HARD as you can to destroy the enemy. This might sound simple, but the more of a pain in the xxxx you become for the enemy team, one of two things will happen. Either they focus you because you are the biggest threat or you get ignored because you are too hard to kill and other threats exist. It is a hard game, Star Conflict is. You have to constantly be on your game and aware of the enemy.

More advice. Study ship classes, their builds, their abilities and effects, and come up with strategies to defeat each ship from each class. If you cannot beat a ship in some way, you are doing something wrong but that does not mean it is not possible.

I know certain ships and players can wreck me, but does that stop me from attacking? Sometimes. What it does not stop me from is playing smarter than them (mostly).

Again, this game is HARD. So do not just lollygag your way through the battle. You have to play really hard to win. This is what makes the veterans the veterans. They know that they HAVE to act as fast as they can to counter threats, especially in T3 where ships are tanky but not T5 tanks. Their ships are just as destroyable as others, you just need to know their weaknesses and your weaknesses. Their strengths and your strengths.

Don’t give up. Hit me up for training if you want it. Same in game name.


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There is an advantage to have one ship per faction in a higher tear than you usually play: Vouchers.

If you have R7, R8 or R9 with a faction (due to having at least one ship of that rank in that factions lines) you can fulfill the Contracts for those ranks, even with T2 ships.

If you have R10, R11 or R12 with a faction (due to having at least one ship of that rank in that factions lines) you can fulfill the Contracts for those ranks, even with T3 ships.

Drawback: Station jumps gets more expensive.

OP is talking about something entirely different.

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Vouchers to improve modules in T3 are an important part to have a more enjoyable experience in T3.

See the problem? In order to actually enjoy T3, you have to upgrade to at least Mk3. While there should be incentives to level up, making early play painful isn’t one of them.

They need to make ships increase their rank (up to a cap for their tier) as they level up in synergy so all full synergy ships of the same tier can use the same implants.

They also need to move that stinking voucher upgrade-wall to Mk4, and give Mk3 upgrade kits instead.

Im a new player and ive started playing for about a month.


Ive tried to read abit about the game before starting and one of the things ive read was the called tier rushing from new players.


so far ive max out 18 ships, its not alot but for a new player it showns ive not been rushing on a single line of ships.


i was folowing the advises from the forums and wasnt rushing, i even intended to try and have 3-4 T4 ships before trying to actually play T4. that all changed whwn i reached T3.


this will be just a personal opinion, no blaming anyone or anything.


when i reached T3, even though i read T3 was probably the most compititive tier, i thought that i could still have a chance, but i was wrong.


from orange weapons, max out full purple ships, premium ships, etc, i found as a new player that to even have a change to compete in what was suposed to be a leveling tier to be impossible.


now im starting to see why so many new players go for the tier rush or just quit, just the thought of leveling several ships in T3 is dreadfull.


so ive became a tier rusher to at least try to get to t4-t5, as for pvp, i now only do t2, wich even with those veteran players its alot easier to max out a ship and have a decent ability to fight back.


Don’t turn to tier-rushing if you don’t like T3. The best way to get better and stay competitive in T3 is to practice. My recommendation is buy/max all of the T1/T2 ships before you move on to T3. This way you will get a really good feel for the game, as well as each role. Once you get to T3, it will take some time to get to a competitive level also. Synergizing ships is a pain, yes, but once they reach synergy level 8 and you get mostly green (mk2) gear, you will find yourself doing a lot better. Another recommendation I have is joining a corp. Being in a corp is a great way to improve your skill, as there are plenty of experienced pilots in most corps to help you out and give you advice. But most importantly, you can squad up with corp-mates and that will help tremendously.

Why is everyone just ignoring the faCT that Vets treat T3 like T5? It’s not as simple as “git gud” the progression really is screwed.

The difficulty curve currently spikes prematurely at T3, almost dissappears at T4, and goes through the roof in T5. If they were truly balanced, the curve would be linear.

Why is everyone just ignoring the faCT that Vets treat T3 like T5? It’s not as simple as “git gud” the progression really is screwed.

The difficulty curve currently spikes prematurely at T3, almost dissappears at T4, and goes through the roof in T5. If they were truly balanced, the curve would be linear.


The way it is like that is because of how T5 has become. T5 is full of tier-rushers, and games are always extremely small, not to mention ECM spam/cruise drone-poopers.

A lot of veteran pilots (myself included) find T3 much more enjoyable because the games are larger, there aren’t tier-rushers, drone poopers aren’t as common, and ECM spam isn’t as effective.

I’m pretty sure no veterans bring it up because no matter how much we suggest changes to T5 to make it more enjoyable for vets (the people who are supposed to be playing there) keep getting ignored or shut down. Sure, some suggestions are impractical, but lots would greatly improve T5 gameplay for vets.


As much as I would love for the curve to be linear as you suggest it should, it simply won’t happen until significant changes are made in T5 (and in the game in general).

  1. Games in T5 need to be larger (this will also kind of fix the ECM spam problem)

  2. Tier-rushing needs to be prevented as much as possible (maybe incorporate a ship requirement, where you can’t buy ships of the next tier until you have bought X% of the ships in your current tier)

  3. E13 implant needs a rework/slight nerf (E13 is a huge problem and huge benefit in T5, but it is slightly overpowered and could use either a slight nerf or a rework of some variety, this would be the other way to kind of fix the ECM spam)

Why is everyone just ignoring the faCT that Vets treat T3 like T5? It’s not as simple as “git gud” the progression really is screwed.

The difficulty curve currently spikes prematurely at T3, almost dissappears at T4, and goes through the roof in T5. If they were truly balanced, the curve would be linear.

Yeah, well as I said in my post, good players know they have to go as hard as they can to be on top of the team or at least not die. Most of the time, when a team is complete crap, they have no choice. When my team is good, I chill a little but still fight hard. Just not as hard as I do when it is basically me against the enemy and my team is cannon fodder.

That is the real problem. The vets won’t play in the upper tiers. Why? Because this game’s best content is in… T3.

Guess how you solve that?

most people dont play higher tiers coz of the waiting and small matches