T3 and Tier rushing

I would say slow progression is a good thing.  You want to learn how to combat those ancient players with purple and orange everything because they are around in every tier (Not as much t4, but still exist there).  Having maxed out ships and at least all green modules will get you far.  Whenever you get a new ship be prepared to spend the extra money to get it green as soon as you buy it, and maybe have extra synergy waiting to get it to lvl 4 atleast (otherwise do pve to get it to 4 before pvping in it).


I know how frustrating it is to deal with squads or even just randoms of elite pilots in T3.  Fighting tougher opponents is the only way to become better though, except when they are spawn killing (Shame on you who do). 


I don’t know if you are in a corporation or not, but you should join a pvp based corp and get to know some of the pilots and fly with them.  If they are helpful, they will teach you some tactics and ship builds that will help you improve faster and upgrade your ships better.  Flying in squads also helps (provided you are on comms and can communicate).


Tier rushing is a bad thing, unless you have a lot of money and are a very quick learner (Need both to be good).

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Okay so I gotta ask, as someone that is in a Crus S now…



The heck is an orange module? mk1 is white, 2 is green, 3 is blue and 4 is purple… I don’t see any mk5’s.

@SaintJavelin : mk5 (aka orange one) is engineered with alien monocristals in the workshop. Only for (some) weapons in T3, if I recall correctly.


OT : the lvl of modules / weapon is far for being your main concern. Sure, it helps, but with mk.II, you’re really good to go. New ships will be much more efficient once they reach synergy’s lvl 5 - 6 with mk.II than if they were full mk.4 at lvl 1.


Vets pown you cause they know how to fly, anticipate your reactions and have knowledge of the metagame : they know what builds work, and those wich don’t. No offense here, it’s just experience gain through playing the game.

You only need time and practice to reach this. And some piece of advice :smiley:


I first leveled only the interceptors line in each faction. Now I max out every ship to increase my fleet strenght. I have to fly new ship with crappy mk.II weapons and modules in T3. I can assure you that doesn’t stop me from seriously kicking some asses!


@ SoldiersFortune : see below :stuck_out_tongue:

*cough* condense5tiersinto3 *cough*
[http://forum.star-conflict.com/index.php?/topic/25155-combining-tiers/?fromsearch=1](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/25155-combining-tiers/?fromsearch=1)

You are not the only one to think this : https://forum.star-conflict.com/index.php?/topic/23013-remove-tier-5/#entry263092 :smiley: But I don’t know why, this kind of idea get excessive hate :smiley: Anyway, the game is no more in beta stage… We’ll never see this kind of change in it :stuck_out_tongue:

Im a new player and ive started playing for about a month.


Ive tried to read abit about the game before starting and one of the things ive read was the called tier rushing from new players.


so far ive max out 18 ships, its not alot but for a new player it showns ive not been rushing on a single line of ships.


i was folowing the advises from the forums and wasnt rushing, i even intended to try and have 3-4 T4 ships before trying to actually play T4. that all changed whwn i reached T3.


this will be just a personal opinion, no blaming anyone or anything.


when i reached T3, even though i read T3 was probably the most compititive tier, i thought that i could still have a chance, but i was wrong.


from orange weapons, max out full purple ships, premium ships, etc, i found as a new player that to even have a change to compete in what was suposed to be a leveling tier to be impossible.


now im starting to see why so many new players go for the tier rush or just quit, just the thought of leveling several ships in T3 is dreadfull.


so ive became a tier rusher to at least try to get to t4-t5, as for pvp, i now only do t2, wich even with those veteran players its alot easier to max out a ship and have a decent ability to fight back.


too bad pve isnt really a suported mode here, at least it would be an alternative to the massive wall that is T3 pvp.


sorry for the long rant.

Don’t forget that when entering any tier it treat it as essentially a new game. You are new and will get crushed for a time. It should be expected. Also T3 is where the Team mechanic

gets important. If you are flying straight at the enemy fleet. Alone. Don’t do that. Stay close to the team and close to an engie. Just because you felt comfortable in T2 does not mean you now know the game.

It can be rough for a while but you will get there. The large battles make it very fun and you will be comfortable in no time. Jumping over T3 will leave large wounds for you in T5.

There are a lot of good suggestions in this thread. Listen to them and stick it out. You will be glad it gets harder. Otherwise where is the fun/Challenge?

Never tier rush, get ALL 9 ship classes  to tier 3 regardless of faction side and train there for a while. It helps u decide which ship classes you enjoy and want to main in before moving on to higher tiers. Accumulate some cash as well, so when you enter tier 4, u have gained enough experience and can buy modules which work in yr preference. (I accumulated about 60 mil credits before i entered t4 and by then had purple t3 equipment for almost every ship)

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Actually equipment is very important and very underestimated. Better players will tell u “skill skill u need skill” but thats nonsese u need good equip. Now how do u get it?

U tier rush up to T5 and play an easy to fly ship, like command. Then u grind money and vouchers. When u have enough, u build up ur T3 ships. Take the four ships u are best with, purple them out and u can stand against anybody except killsquads in T3.

Ive been trying really hard to lv in T3, but from today forward ill never play a pvp match again.


I know its not what the veterans want to hear but you guys are destroying this game by camping in T3, with the new quees where no bots are around, its even more frustrating to be in T3 pvp, everytime i see the team setups i already know whos gonna win, the team with the most players with 4 ship slots.


even T2 is starting to get a huge amount of premium ships.


the gear difference betwen full decked purple maxed synergy ships from veterans and people like me that can just get green weapons and other parts, (the huge reputation points needed for blue upgrades in T3 is alot for a new player)


from today on ill just stick to pve and abit of exploration outside the base.


but seriously veterans, no matter what the reasons you have to be in T3 and starting to be in T2 too, you need to see thats harming this game alot, the game cant be to just please veterans alone, specially if you want the game to grow.

Ive been trying really hard to lv in T3, but from today forward ill never play a pvp match again.


I know its not what the veterans want to hear but you guys are destroying this game by camping in T3, with the new quees where no bots are around, its even more frustrating to be in T3 pvp, everytime i see the team setups i already know whos gonna win, the team with the most players with 4 ship slots.


even T2 is starting to get a huge amount of premium ships.


the gear difference betwen full decked purple maxed synergy ships from veterans and people like me that can just get green weapons and other parts, (the huge reputation points needed for blue upgrades in T3 is alot for a new player)


from today on ill just stick to pve and abit of exploration outside the base.


but seriously veterans, no matter what the reasons you have to be in T3 and starting to be in T2 too, you need to see thats harming this game alot, the game cant be to just please veterans alone, specially if you want the game to grow.

You can always learn from them, stick to them and support them.


You will find good and bad players in any game.


And anyway what do you propose? ban people from low tiers? I agree that tier 1 should be veteran free as it is. I don’t really care since I can carry a whole tier 2 rank 6 ships with a swift.


But lately some of my gamer friends are joining the game and they are enjoying it. They are playing tier 2 and I’m doing squads with them in tier 2. Most of the time I get +10 kills and still we lose games. Yes I’m using premium ships, yes I have full purple, because tier 2 is really cheap for me.


But I will tell you one thing. I can do the same in a green module ship.


You can’t expect that people stop playing because they are better. Many veterans don’t have premium accounts, or only have tier 3 premium ships from DLCs or discounts. Do you expect them to play tier 5 all time and lose money? They also need to farm, level up ships (premium ships are a great way to farm free syn to level up ships you don’t want to fly) and get more vouchers.

Ive been trying really hard to lv in T3, but from today forward ill never play a pvp match again.


I know its not what the veterans want to hear but you guys are destroying this game by camping in T3, with the new quees where no bots are around, its even more frustrating to be in T3 pvp, everytime i see the team setups i already know whos gonna win, the team with the most players with 4 ship slots.


even T2 is starting to get a huge amount of premium ships.


the gear difference betwen full decked purple maxed synergy ships from veterans and people like me that can just get green weapons and other parts, (the huge reputation points needed for blue upgrades in T3 is alot for a new player)


from today on ill just stick to pve and abit of exploration outside the base.


but seriously veterans, no matter what the reasons you have to be in T3 and starting to be in T2 too, you need to see thats harming this game alot, the game cant be to just please veterans alone, specially if you want the game to grow.


Where do u think the Vets of this game came from? They persevered and learnt from each death they had. They stayed positive and learnt from their mistakes.

I do not entirely concur here. Consider the fact that contracts can be fulfilled from a Tier below. Having e.g. R11 in a faction will allow you to fulfill faction contracts up to R11, even when flying T3 ships (as low as R7). This can be of some help with getting the modules aligned in T3 to ease the grind. That doesn’t mean you’ll have to actually FLY those T4’s until you’re ready.


I’m also not sure that playing e.g. LRF in T3 will prepare you for flying Tackler in T4.


Furthermore, not everybody even WANTs to have all ships. Many players dislike certain classes so much they simply don’t want to level those.


A certain amount of the top ranking players (especially the ones not playing for 2 years) are comparatively focused on a limited amount of roles - or there would be many more players with a full roster.


There seems to be a certain amount of “do as I say, but not as I did” going on here.


Regardless what ship u like flying or not, playing each one gives u a sense of how each ship class is played for each respective faction, allowing you to develop strategies to counter them and predict their movement and builds. Take Guards as an example, Fed guards are played very differently from Jery ones.

You can always learn from them, stick to them and support them.


You will find good and bad players in any game.


And anyway what do you propose? ban people from low tiers? I agree that tier 1 should be veteran free as it is. I don’t really care since I can carry a whole tier 2 rank 6 ships with a swift.


But lately some of my gamer friends are joining the game and they are enjoying it. They are playing tier 2 and I’m doing squads with them in tier 2. Most of the time I get +10 kills and still we lose games. Yes I’m using premium ships, yes I have full purple, because tier 2 is really cheap for me.


But I will tell you one thing. I can do the same in a green module ship.


You can’t expect that people stop playing because they are better. Many veterans don’t have premium accounts, or only have tier 3 premium ships from DLCs or discounts. Do you expect them to play tier 5 all time and lose money? They also need to farm, level up ships (premium ships are a great way to farm free syn to level up ships you don’t want to fly) and get more vouchers.

i dont people to stop playing want i want is for them to play T4 T5 where their skill and ships belong and leave T2 T3 as leveling tiers as they should be.

i dont people to stop playing want i want is for them to play T4 T5 where their skill and ships belong and leave T2 T3 as leveling tiers as they should be.

People without premium ships or license in tier 4 and tier 5 will find really hard to get some profits. The game is meant so you need license to play ONLY tier 4 and tier 5, because of the repair costs.


And what about people like me who bought a tier 3 premium ship when I started just to farm and support a game I thought (and I still think) was great? Should you ban them from using ships they have paid for with real money?


And then what? are you going to stick to tier 3 alone and never going to tier 4? are you going to complain in tier 4 when you find there all the veterans and the new players who learnt how to play instead of crying?


If I can’t stop people without knowledge of the game, or even properly fit ships into tier 5 games, you shouldn’t complain about people with fully upgraded ships in tier 3.


This is a competitive game, you will get better if you show some interest into the game. I also was a Ace in a Phobos with white modules, and still I loved the game, even if I had to face the days of the dreaded 4 men deathsquads all the time in tier 3, before they reworked the squad system.

Actually the vets come mostly from Open Beta where they got all da stuff with much less grind.

Actually the vets come mostly from Open Beta where they got all da stuff with much less grind.

actualy “grind” has never been shorter than it is right now

Actually the vets come mostly from Open Beta where they got all da stuff with much less grind.

The grind I had to endure 1 year and a half ago, is the same you have to endure now. I know very few people that were around before the vouchers got introduced. But before that the green (military) and purple (experimental) were loot only, so it was really hard to have a fully upgraded ship.

The grind I had to endure 1 year and a half ago, is the same you have to endure now. I know very few people that were around before the vouchers got introduced. But before that the green (military) and purple (experimental) were loot only, so it was really hard to have a fully upgraded ship.

Well i can only speak for myself, but without the free licence every week i would not have so much purple stuff now. Also PvE was much much much easier back then and u could get money so easy. And u could get orange guns without finding them blueprints just buy them. if there were other benefits before i cannot say since i didnt play then.

Well i can only speak for myself, but without the free licence every week i would not have so much purple stuff now. Also PvE was much much much easier back then and u could get money so easy. And u could get orange guns without finding them blueprints just buy them. if there were other benefits before i cannot say since i didnt play then.

Orange guns were never available for sale. Some of them you can buy the BP, but it is the same now as it was when it was introduced.


The only stuff they switched from cash to BP were some pirate modules.

Orange guns were never available for sale. Some of them you can buy the BP, but it is the same now as it was when it was introduced.


The only stuff they switched from cash to BP were some pirate modules.

Sure? I had the impression u could buy assault railgun and so on BP for a time with money and now u have to find em in Invasion???