T2 gameplay Kalah. Farm style.















So that’s where all the good players have been hiding…

Shame on you

video about the balance of squads on the T4, and T5 we recorded a long time ago and that would heighten the effect from them, we have made a few recordsgames on T2. 

video about the balance of squads on the T4, and T5 we recorded a long time ago and that would heighten the effect from them, we have made a few recordsgames on T2. 

Insecurity level… it is over 9000!

Insecurity level… it is over 9000!

oh lol 

for u 18.04.2015




group of close minded people is arguing with group of WaanaHaveBiggerEpeen minded people, nothing to see there.

oh ok…

Spawncamping… smh

Aaaaaaaaaaand this is why we have poor player retention.  :fed014:


video about the balance of squads on the T4, and T5 we recorded a long time ago and that would heighten the effect from them, we have made a few recordsgames on T2. 


I’ve seen all of them. If they cared, this whole thing would’ve gotten more attention - but it looks like they don’t care or have other plans.

Bet you feel real good about yourself right now.

Well, farming newbs is nothing you can be proud of… But if you enjoy it…

Come to T5, i’ll let you pay…  :005j:


Look, playing 1 or 2 rounds T2 because all other tiers did suck and you want to decrease your rage is fine. Doing it whole days and farm players who actually do not even have a chance to defeat you efficiently is boring and pretty unfair. And that’s why we lose pilots.



 a few recordsgames

a few wont let your rating going down to 3000 several days even if you play a lot though.



Star Conflict 1.1.8



Takamina & Co T2 damage reduced by 99%

Their resistances are set to -1000


How to fix it.


Come to T5, i’ll let you pay…  :005j:



Come to T4, i’ll let you pay  :005j:  :005j:  :005j:  :005j: 

Come to T4, i’ll let you pay  :005j:  :005j:  :005j:  :005j: 

I lack T4 ships. I jumped over this tier, when i was there it was way too low populated and i just wanted the best ships in the game.  :004j:

But good to see that you left T2 again, do in T4 whatever you want, the more you rek there, the less n00bs i get into my T5 territory.

The hypocrisy in this thread is off the charts lol, half of you have posted several screenshots in Best Scores thread roflstomping in T3 with Bear/DE/Blood Tormentor (sometimes even in squads) like if it was any different than this.

The hypocrisy in this thread is off the charts lol, half of you have posted several screenshots in Best Scores thread roflstomping in T3 with Bear/DE/Blood Tormentor (sometimes even in squads) like if it was any different than this.

It is something different, for the longest time T3 has been the main spot of the game, where everybody played, even other veterans. It wasn’t unlikely to have other good pilots on the opposite side in T3, in T2 you just destroy n00bs, nothing else. No other good squad, not other good pilots. Just random pilots who do not even know how to encounter this.


There is no rule against nawbfarming, and you can’t call it violation. But it’s just something bad, as player killing in Invasion, and i kill players in Invasion anyways. No question, but i do not go on the forums with it and post it, ‘Look, i go around kill innocent players because i feel so, do it as well’. And in Invasion you have at least the opportunity to escape or just respawn and fly another way. In most gamemodes there is no safe spot, especially not against these pilots.


But at least one positive thing, i know that they are few of the best players in the game and would even kick a$$ in other Tiers, no question. Playing T2 from time to time is no crime, and i know that they do not only play T2, not as Sash or other pilots who purely farm there all the time. So as long as you do not join T2 permanentely it is not that bad… 


Takamina and his friends can do whatever they want, they can post it on the forums and they can be proud about it, but they can not expect that anybody appreciates it. Or that anybody likes it.

As we say in Spanish ‘hay días tontos y tontos todos los días’

Which can be roughly translated to ‘there are stupid days and a stupid every day’