T2 Attack Drones (Missile Slot)

I find in T2, the attack drones for engineer that go in the missile slot are too overpowered. The rate at which they shoot is too high. If you are in a fighter or an interceptor, taking out the 2 drones can put you on very low health and for the less experienced players, it will usually kill them. If the ROF was reduced at T2 it would be a bit more balanced… food for thought

uhh no tbh man attack drones are honestly way to easy to destroy I mean half the time my drones are glitched up on some wall and just get pot shotted from someone 3000m away so in my opinion I don’t think there overpowerd Just remember this Just because your an a gunship or a badass covert ops dosnt mean you can solo everything engis and guards and Lrfs will wreck you if you give them a chance you have speed we have power that’s how it works u poke we stab you just gotta learn to kill the drones real fast back off shield up come back in pop a missle off at the engi so its combat drones are down then swoop in plasma arc or over drive missle dead  

Kill the engineer and the drones self destruct. Problem solved!

T3 and up the drones only seem to work when the target is too busy to deal with them. That’s mainly because most T3 pilots can easily shoot a drone down if it comes their way.

Just learn to position yourself and prioritise targets and the ddrones will cease to be a problem.

I find in T2, the attack drones for engineer that go in the missile slot are too overpowered. The rate at which they shoot is too high. If you are in a fighter or an interceptor, taking out the 2 drones can put you on very low health and for the less experienced players, it will usually kill them. If the ROF was reduced at T2 it would be a bit more balanced… food for thought

I would agree on the combat drones which shoot at 2k range through structures and with 100% accuracy, but the attack drones are fine. Use a missile to blow up two for one.

C’mom is it so tricky to kill the engee?




Step 1: Fly next to it

Step 2: Activate Thermo Shield

Step3: Activate Pulsar

Step4: Slow / Avoid Afterburner

Step5: Pulsar

Step6: AOE Damage…





Step 1: Fly fast next to it

Step 2: AOE Plasma Damage it with skill

Step 3: <BOOM All drones dead>

Step 4: Dance Around Engee till it is dead




Engee vs Engee


Use AOE Drone Weapon

Shoot Engee

Destroy with AOE drones


Gunship, nuff said.

LOL once you advance into level 5 and start having to face level 7 (T3) ships and above you may be changing your tone.    

I would agree on the combat drones which shoot at 2k range through structures and with 100% accuracy, but the attack drones are fine. Use a missile to blow up two for one.



Believe it or not they aren’t 100% accurate.   All you have to do is alternate rotating to the left and right as you fly and they won’t hit you once.  I’ve had multiple drones chasing my inty across the map before and they could barely hit me because of my evasive maneuvers.   Also you don’t have to have AB on 100% of the time…let off it for a second then reactivate it…the acceleration throws off their aim too.

Believe it or not they aren’t 100% accurate.   All you have to do is alternate rotating to the left and right as you fly and they won’t hit you once.  I’ve had multiple drones chasing my inty across the map before and they could barely hit me because of my evasive maneuvers.   Also you don’t have to have AB on 100% of the time…let off it for a second then reactivate it…the acceleration throws off their aim too.

Oh sure I believe you regarding attack drones, but I was talking about the combat drones (the ones orbiting the engineer).

Oh sure I believe you regarding attack drones, but I was talking about the combat drones (the ones orbiting the engineer).

Which were not actually the topic of the thread…

Which were not actually the topic of the thread…

Very much unlike your post here my original post about the drones was perfectly on topic though, so leave the moderating to the mods. Thx.

Oh sure I believe you regarding attack drones, but I was talking about the combat drones (the ones orbiting the engineer).


Combat drones are a joke…2k range which perfectly coincides with the range of interceptor missiles…I always kill them more to deny the engineer any shield heals than to avoid taking damage.   Just make sure you have at least one missile before you dive an engineer unless you’re pretty sure you can burst them down quick enough with Orion/Plasma Arc.    With Recon I don’t even care…8 seconds of invulnerability with Shield Remodulator is more than enough time to manually shoot them down with my shrapnel.

The attack drones are fine.  They die easily if not micromanaged.  If you fit them, you have to micromanage them.  There’s a few easy ways to kill them.  Guided missiles, shrapnel, singularity.  Everything else takes a shred of skill.  They’re a low priority target just like sentry drones and healing stations when in most cases they should be higher priority.  Because they can last 12 minutes, you can’t wait them out.  I rarely use them offensively.  I use them a lot defensively because it’ll give my engineer four drones to protect my xxxx, and the attack drones won’t blow up with a missile strike to my ship.

Very much unlike your post here my original post about the drones was perfectly on topic though, so leave the moderating to the mods. Thx.

It’s not wannabie modding. The guy is asking for help versus Weapon A, and you are talking about Weapon B. It would be like someone posting “I want advice for equipping my Gunship” and you start talking about Tackler modules.


I’m just trying to make sure the guy gets information that will help him, and ensure he isn’t confused by misinformation.

It’s not wannabie modding. The guy is asking for help versus Weapon A, and you are talking about Weapon B. It would be like someone posting “I want advice for equipping my Gunship” and you start talking about Tackler modules.


I’m just trying to make sure the guy gets information that will help him, and ensure he isn’t confused by misinformation.

He’s not asking for help, he’s suggesting to rebalance the attack drones and I replied to that in my post which you apparently did not even read. Why insist on derailing this thread if you don’t want him confused? Even I’m starting to get confused because I’m not sure what’s up…

I personally love the attack drones.  They make it easy to snag kills, but at times I wish that I could recall them back to the ship.  Is there a way to cancel all lock-ons so that this happens?

I personally love the attack drones.  They make it easy to snag kills, but at times I wish that I could recall them back to the ship.  Is there a way to cancel all lock-ons so that this happens?

If you simply cancel lock (there’s a key bind for that) they will typically not return, but if you lock an out-of-range target they will. Also if the target they were last set to dies. Also remember that if you lock nothing they will auto-engage everything that comes in range, so if you keep them near your ship you basically have 4 defensive drones (beware of explosives).

I found the keybind, but they do not return?  I haven’t really payed enough attention to notice that…but wtf?  Why not?  And yeah, of course, explosives can ruin an engie’s day.  That’s why I always keep a sweet roll nearby :wink:

I am talking about the Attack drones in the missile slot, not the combat drones that rotate around the ship and in Tier 2 only. In T3-5 I think they are underpowered since the level of skill of pilots is generally a lot higher and the ships are stronger. The combat drones around ships I think are underpowered since they seem to have no health bar and die with any form of damage that isn’t collision but that is not what this thread is about… please read guys


An easy fix would be to improve the path finding of the drones so they do not get stuck on random walls and rocks but to decrease either the movement speed or the ROF by a bit since the ships in tier 2 are a lot weaker. I mainly play tier 3 but I have noticed this when I dip in tier 2 every now and then. It seems too easy to kill ships in my Hydra 2 with the attack drones 4 km away which requires no skill…

I found the keybind, but they do not return?  I haven’t really payed enough attention to notice that…but wtf?  Why not?

If they still have a target in range when you cancel lock they will keep attacking it regardless of lock because that’s what they do. Or at least that’s how it used to work; I haven’t used attack drones in PVP since the days that we could spawn unlimited amounts of them, so best just give it a try and see how they behave these days.


An easy fix would be to improve the path finding of the drones so they do not get stuck on random walls and rocks but to decrease either the movement speed or the ROF by a bit since the ships in tier 2 are a lot weaker. I mainly play tier 3 but I have noticed this when I dip in tier 2 every now and then. It seems too easy to kill ships in my Hydra 2 with the attack drones 4 km away which requires no skill…

I think the main issue in T2 is that you meet many new pilots who simply don’t know what’s hitting them so they do not react properly. But as I said, the attack drones die to a single standard missile in T2 so if the target does react there is no problem. If you nerfed their attack strength you would probably need to increase their survivability to balance that out. After all they take the place of some rather heavy hitting missiles.