Yeah I’m going to just abandon this game till the next patch.
This new system hurts the paying customers(the only ones who actually support this game), and it hurts the normal players who don’t support it.
Idk what they were thinking honestly. WoT loses people daily thanks to their system, this one is almost worse because of how it was implemented after.
Yep yep. So true. If you paid for this game, the Dev’s basically gave you the middle finger (I am included in this bunch). So basically, you bought a premium ship and you used that to grind for credits (pre 0.9 patch). Now, they want you to spend more GS to grind further. Basically the value of Gold increased, whereas the DLC packs where devalued by the patch, with NO compensation for that.
I haven’t played before the synergy patch and would like to know what was better back then ?
I still don’t like the idea of having an elite ship and no point playing it since you are forced to use cash to convert its free synergy …that’s stupid…
Basically the old system was called Reputation. You increased reputation for a faction, and you had the ability to buy any ship up to that faction rank (so if you were Reputation 12, you could buy any ship in any tree so long as you met this requirement).
My thoughts after a week of playing the new system:
You need to compensate those that are paying customers and those that use Premium Ships. You are going to lose a lot of people if this isn’t fixed. I already commented on this in another thread, but I will continue posting my thoughts anywhere I can. 1 of 2 things needs to happen:
- Those with a Premium Ship should be able to accrue synergy (at a higher rate than it is now for God’s sake) and should then be able to transfer it to free synergy… FOR FREE (we already spent Gold Standard on the ship, and we already paid money for your DLC packs, why are we now being punished and asked to spend more money?)
- Those with a Premium Ship should be able to accrue synergy at a higher rate than it is currently, but if you are not going to let us transfer it for free, then Premium Ships should have a credit option versus the Gold Standard option (and don’t even think for 1 second of trying to make it like 1million credits to transfer).
I’m for option 1 as I feel as a person who purchased something in your game, I’ve done my part to support you. If you put more DLC packs on Sale, I would continue to support you. I’m basically sitting on a lot of synergy accrued on my premium ships right now, because I know the Dev’s care about their community, especially those that support them financially. I know they will rectify the situation and allow those that paid good money to continue supporting their game and allow all of us to continue having a great time. I know they will fix this system. Don’t let me be called a liar Dev’s.