
Hi all, I want to start by saying that I absolutely love this game, to the point that I am seriously considering “buying” it as a gesture of goodwill to the developers; I feel that they pretty much deserve my money for the effort that’s been put in so far!


Jumping to it, here are some suggestions:


  1. Everyone shouldn’t be able to point out priority targets; that goes for me as much as anyone else. On a public game, this can lead to a mess of “priorities” and people not understanding that just because they’re in a fight they can’t win, it doesn’t mean that they should be able to potentially divert other people’s attention away from more important matters. I would suggest a system whereby only one person gets to prioritise. An easy example would be “Combat Reconnaissance”, where only the captain should be able to set priorities.


  1. Spectator mode. I’m loving this game and one of the only reasons I haven’t put money down yet, is because there are a lot of people who are that much better than me, that I come out of some matches with nothing. I have no idea whether my spec is working and I can only watch other, better players play for the short periods I’m dead (and if they’re on my team). I’d love to be able to see how other Jericho fighters have fitted their ships and how they maneuver in combat in order to overcome their adversaries (for me, it’s specifically interceptors, because at T2 they’ve become the bane of this game for me!)


  1. Global chat. This is probably the single most frustrating thing about this game, for me, at the moment. Even as I type, all I want is a bit of advice concerning point 2, but instead I get trolls, questions about selling ships (more trolls) and random, asinine debates about bacon! Last night I even read a couple of rare (these days, at least) comments about how all niggers should die! Please, let the pig lovers and racists have their place away from people who, like me, would simply like to discuss the game while playing and possibly even get a bit of advice and guidance from more experienced players. Maybe, one chat for bacon and another for help? My suggestion may seem a little obtuse here, but it has really become a point of contention and it’s ruining what I otherwise find to be a really satisfying game! Maybe I’m alone in this, maybe not, but these are just some of my suggestions.


Thanks for reading

  1. Agreed.

  2. They said they would add that soon. 

  3. Agreed. 

  1. Agreed.

  2. They said they would add that soon. 

  3. Agreed. 

this game is fun but be more funnier if we could replenish missiles while were fighting in the maps but it should be fair like it would cost double the price to replenish missiles so players could think twice if its worth before buying and the price would depend on what type of missile it is the stronger it is the more pricey it might be besides we get a good amount of money every match iam just throwing this out as in idea of course