suggestions to improve the game.


Hi.i have a list of suggestions to improve the game :


1-The possibility of naming the ships.

2-more cargo space in the ships

3-Auto loot when you kill npc in the open space

4-more range for corporation members

5-way to choose the the pvp battle mode 

6- a way to get more iridium in open space.

7-bases in the space, to capture and make more dynamic the pvp in the open space



good haunt.



11 hours ago, Apolocreed62851 said:

The possibility of naming the ships.


11 hours ago, Apolocreed62851 said:

more cargo space in the ships


11 hours ago, Apolocreed62851 said:

Auto loot when you kill npc in the open space


11 hours ago, Apolocreed62851 said:

more range for corporation members

Please explain.

11 hours ago, Apolocreed62851 said:

way to choose the the pvp battle mode 

No! (But yes if the game had like 10x as many people)

11 hours ago, Apolocreed62851 said:

a way to get more iridium in open space.


11 hours ago, Apolocreed62851 said:

bases in the space, to capture and make more dynamic the pvp in the open space

Much yes!

Developers say they are working on improvements of open space, so you never know what will appear in the next update. But hey, I would like to give a name to my ships ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

I’d love the devs to take a good, hard look at the ship lineup and figure out how they reduced 90% of all ships to trash tier. Then do something about it.

2 minutes ago, Scar6 said:

I’d love the devs to take a good, hard look at the ship lineup and figure out how they reduced 90% of all ships to trash tier. Then do something about it.

It’s true. I used to love to play my standard ships. Now they just don’t have the same appeal as “unique” ones. Though I guess that’s the idea. Sell special fun ships to reduce the monotony of standard ones.

5 minutes ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

It’s true. I used to love to play my standard ships. Now they just don’t have the same appeal as “unique” ones. Though I guess that’s the idea. Sell special fun ships to reduce the monotony of standard ones.

Not “just” unique. Compare the Lance/Lance Bartle with the Sawtooth, for example. The latter is just superior in every single way. Because premium.

On 5/16/2019 at 5:14 PM, Scar6 said:

Not “just” unique. Compare the Lance/Lance Bartle with the Sawtooth, for example. The latter is just superior in every single way. Because premium.

Because DLC…it can be and is succesfully used in T5