Suggestions for new taunts

Arctic what a wonderfully intelligent dashing young man in the prime of his life  you are, with taunts like that tumblr_lps86chQSj1qbvovho1_500.gif

My new taunt will be,



Here’s some good taunts:


“H*ll no I ain’t givin’ you no tree-fiddy”


“I’m sorry, I mistook you for Lampshadius”

“Next time, at least make it a challenge.”


“That was disappointing…”


“I expected more from someone with your reputation…”


“Hope you had life insurance…”


“You want fries with that?”


“Cleanup on Isle 10.”


“Deal with it.”


“Another notch on my hull…”


“Give my regards to Bartle.”


“…and stay dead.”


“Awww. You got blood on my canopy.”


“Next time, don’t underestimate me.”


“Tagged, Fragged, and Bagged!”


“Remember my name…”


“This won’t be the last time I shoot you down.”


“Come at me, bro.”


“You can’t hide from me.”


“Yeah, I’m a pirate. No, I’m not sorry.”


“HA HA HAAAA! You should have seen your face!”


“Thanks for the loot.”


“Someone needs to go back to the academy…”


“Next time use the autopilot. It flies better than you.”


“Nice try, Ace. I mean, Ace. GAH! ACE! Forget it…”

“This is Jake from StateFarm.”

“Someone needs to go back to the CDB academy…”

“Yes, I killed you. No, I’m not sorry.”


“Don’t quit your day job.”


“Next time, try NOT dying.”


“This is no time to stop and smell the roses.”


Just for the lolz:

“Looks like someone took lessons from the CDB academy.”

“Looks like someone took lessons from the CDB academy.”

This made me smile. :slight_smile:

I want something like this:




Maybe: “You dragged on like a turtle.  That is why you are dead!”


I also want this guy’s face as my profile pic :smiley:

“Rest in Space(s)” would be a nice one too.

“rest in pieces” 

“rest in pieces”

i want “rest in pieces” to appear when i kill someone with Covert Ops.


“rest in pieces”

i want “rest in pieces” to appear when i kill someone with Covert Ops.


wow i really didn’t notice that. great minds think alike. 

“Please, my grandmother can do better.”

Inigo Montoya: I am My name is Inigo Montoya, you scratched my ship, prepare to die!

Inigo Montoya: I am Inigo Montoya, you scratched my ship, prepare to die!

“You killed my father.”

Ahh that movie was funny…

Inigo Montoya: I am  My name is  Inigo Montoya, you scratched my ship, prepare to die!



That movie is classic…

“You are dead”


You fought for 2 minutes to die like this?


You’re on FIRE!

Pew pew pew pew pew…

You will be missiled

Now go away or I shall taunt you a second time!

The closer you get, the deadier you are

You ruined my paintjob, so I had to ruin your ship…

On the plus side, you got to see some fireworks!

You just showed me what after-burners are…


I can’t think of any good ones atm :wink:


Hey, nice ship!

“Rest in pieces!”

“I will put you to sleep forever!”

“Bring it on!”

“For the Empire!”

“For the Federation!”

“For the Jericho!”

“Take no prisoners!”

“I will take your remains and sell them on the Black Market!”

“War demands sacrifices!”

“TIme to get re-implanted!”

“I was like PEW PEW PEW!” (also can add to it “and you died”)

“Whoa! Did you just see that explosion?”