Suggestions / Feedback So Far...

I’m about done my first week of the game (playing every day since I signed up)…


Like anyone’s suggestion this feedback is my opinions and my experience…of course some will disagree (probably passionately)…but anyway here it goes…


What I like…


First, to me this game fills a much needed niche role of “instant gratification” … I play a lot of very time consuming games, so its nice to jump into Star Conflict and just go and blow things up… I like that a lot.


Second, the graphics are surprising good for this type of game , which such a small download size and the basic game being free so I commend the devs on that as well.


Third, I like the concept of the upgrades – meaning how you can (though I don’t have access to much of it yet) upgrade many aspects of your ships – shields, weapons, hull strength, etc…then you can also get implants to aid. To top this out there are several different ship classes and “upgrade paths” so to speak as you progress your pilot’s rank. This is good, I love what they are aiming for here.


What I don’t like…


First, to each their own, but I’d never pay money for a game with such little content. The maps are small…and the objectives aren’t varied enough. The games are heavily repetitive with little variation. Now this is odd for me to think about because the simplicity can also be nice at times, but over all I just can’t play more than 90 minutes per day/night…there’s not enough to draw me in fully, beyond it just being “some cool space sim game I play when I want a break from my main games”…


Second, this game appears to be heavily gear based. I’d say its about 60% gear / 40% skill. I do ok for a newb, I can actually win some games without a single death - doesn’t happen all the time but it does happen…and I almost NEVER am at the bottom of the points list for my team – even with that all said I still say its mostly “who owns the best equipment”. I don’t like that. Lucky for my previous points mentioned though the game doesn’t have the depth to suck me in too much so I can write off a little aggravation with the knowledge its just a “fill in game” for me.


Third, Chat. Its annoying beyond words that you created no options for people to completely disable it. The level of commentary is often the definition of immature, its clear most “chatters” are likely teenagers. If I don’t want to see such non-sense in the game I should have the ability to not just hide a chat a log, but to totally DISABLE chat.