Suggestion: remove jericho LRF

First of all they cannot be even compared to empire LRF. They doesn’t require skill to land hit, has splash, doesn’t expose yourself, enemy can’t hide and they has almost the same damage. DPS doesn’t applicable since empire LRF can not effectively utilise it because of obstacles and requirements to precision, on some maps they can not be used at all.


Why balancing of this weapon is useless and why they should be removed at all. Problem lays in their essential properties allowing to hit targets over obstacles and splash damage. Any battle allowing forming front line is suffering from them and while in normal combat their effectivness can be reduced by intercepters and other harassers in “capture the beacon” battle you cannot allow suicide missions just to try to kill LRF therefore they can easily spam all your frigates covering over rocks. So you have hard hiting weapon with splash which cannot be negated.


I see what you did there Kine.

Thrael if you’re new here know that the Jeri LRF is something that was in discussion about this and that for a long time. Everybody cried out because they were useless before because of the Guards’ Anti-Missile Shield which knocked them out somewhat 1.5 km away from them. Now they are OP because it has no more effect on them. We hopefully will have our suggestions answered and get either an IR missile effect on the AMS or hit-pointed torpedoes requiring at least 2 AMS shots to knock them down.

Please dont, it carried me from an average of 1250-1300 DSR to 1500, i really love my jericho’s LRF. I die once every three battle on average, get around 10 kills on average and do tons of dmg. I LOVE IT. I can even tank my DSR in detonation by chain suiciding, i don’t care it will go way up once i hop into my LRF.


Only problem is when i’m captain with it, since its not durable, but with the extra dmg from captain, and the fact that you see everyone, you can one-shot fighters before they get to you which is pretty hilarious. Had two games as captain (i only had 1 LRF equipped, couldn’t take my ECM), one where i died horribly from 3 recons at the start of the game (would havr survived easily in an ECM), and one where they only had one recon and i got 15 kills mostly on fighters trying to reach me x) Was hella fun torpedoing with +75% dmg.

I just leave battles with multiple torp frigs. It’s entirely unfun and everybody is just hiding anyway.

First battle I found them annoying. We did some 2 LRF / 1 Engi combos in realistics with great success. But it isn’t that imba, only if it really is spammed together with a good defense team.


I’d whish we could somehow make those torps at least vulnerable and shoot them down, so my biggest issue with LRF is the torps’ invulnerability.


Decloaking bots should make them vulnerable and targetable, other modules could come in too. Maybe also beacons and Drones at beacons should shoot at them too.

I flew the Jerry LRF again today.


Noticed Guard AMS doesn’t blur the targeting. Flares still do but I didn’t see any Guards doing the same. Before the patch AMS would ‘stun’ the torpedo while it’s within range until it gets shot down. Now nothing. Bug?


  1. Flares recharge time was fine even with replenishing missiles but given the torp situation now, I say it needs a buff.


  1. And Guard AMS stun effect on torps be put back into place.


  1. The LRF acceleration module for LRFs … not sure about this one. Disintegrator needs it but if Jericho doesn’t have access to it, it’d make things better.

Everybody cried out because they were useless before because of the Guards’ Anit-Missile Shield which knocked them out somewhat 1.5 km away from them. Now they are OP because it has no more effect on them.

If weapon require hard counter and without it it is OP then weapon should be reworked. 


And don’t forget that ships with ordinary AMS can’t counter torpedoes since they don’t know if it target them. I hear warnings every 10 sec it is absolutely misleading and confusing.

Well they were completely totally broken when AMS auto-pwned the torps.  Now they are an actual pain in the xxxx on the battlefield. 


I am not ready to call them OP yet.  They are very annoying, but OP?  Leaning no…

First of all they cannot be even compared to empire LRF. They doesn’t require skill to land hit, has splash, doesn’t expose yourself, enemy can’t hide and they has almost the same damage. DPS doesn’t applicable since empire LRF can not effectively utilise it because of obstacles and requirements to precision, on some maps they can not be used at all.


Why balancing of this weapon is useless and why they should be removed at all. Problem lays in their essential properties allowing to hit targets over obstacles and splash damage. Any battle allowing forming front line is suffering from them and while in normal combat their effectivness can be reduced by intercepters and other harassers in “capture the beacon” battle you cannot allow suicide missions just to try to kill LRF therefore they can easily spam all your frigates covering over rocks. So you have hard hiting weapon with splash which cannot be negated.

You’re right, they can’t be compared. Because not only do you NOT have to expose yourself to the enemy, you get to taunt and kill them. It does take far more skill to know where you’re going to land the Torpedo to be of actual use because it does half/third damage compared to the Imperial LRF’s Disintegrator, streaking at 10km/s, not to mention the enemy will notice you immediately.


If anything, the recent patches broke Jericho LRFs because the devs took the easy way out, as usual.


In short:

Strategically, the Jericho LRF wins by a landslide.

Practicality is a tie, both Imperial and Jericho LRFs have their uses on the field.

Stealth is won by Jericho again, seeing as you can just hide behind a rock and kill as effectively as Imperial counterparts.

DPS is won by Empire by a landslide, considering the Disintegrator can 1-shot any Ceptor and the occasional Gunship.

Self-preservation is up to pilot skill and luck, as both sides have relatively similar survivability stats.


But there’s already a huge discussion about this on another thread, so why the hell did you make a new one?

I am not ready to call them OP yet.  They are very annoying, but OP?  Leaning no…

Well, they’re not easy to kill and the dumbest pilots will apply suicide tactics to get their single attacker off their asses… But it’s not really OP, just annoying as all hell.

Practicality is a tie, both Imperial and Jericho LRFs have their uses on the field.

DPS is won by Empire by a landslide, considering the Disintegrator can 1-shot any Ceptor and the occasional Gunship.

DPS doesn’t applicable since empire LRF can not effectively utilise it because of obstacles and requirements to precision, on some maps they can not be used at all.

Impire LRF can compete with Jericho only on some open and not too big maps, in hands of good pilot which can utilize DPS. In 90% Jericho LRF better.


And it is OP not because of this but because of fact that ships hardly can negate its damage. You can’t hide over rocks and can’t use AMS since you don’t know if it targets you. And as i wrote in second part of my post in realistic mod they have potential to become absolutely decisive.

And it is OP not because of this but because of fact that ships hardly can negate its damage. You can’t hide over rocks and can’t use AMS since you don’t know if it targets you. And as i wrote in second part of my post in realistic mod they have potential to become absolutely decisive.

a) you can dodge

b) you can equip thermal resistances

c) you can equip Armadillo implant (granted for hull tank only)

a) you can dodge

b) you can equip thermal resistances

c) you can equip Armadillo implant (granted for hull tank only)


good enough 10 out of 10 cases

good enough 10 out of 10 cases


I mean, how hard is it to see a slow moving missile coming towards you?

I mean, how hard is it to see a slow moving missile coming towards you?

you don’t even have to see it :slight_smile: you can hear it coming in advance at least couple seconds, and i don’t mean HUD alarm, the actual trail sound is so loud

you don’t even have to see it :slight_smile: you can hear it coming in advance at least couple seconds, and i don’t mean HUD alarm, the actual trail sound is so loud


I swear, we need a “skill level chart” for players. Players with low skill levels should not have the right to complain when they suck so much. Really? LRF being deadly is already hilarious…

I swear, we need a “skill level chart” for players. Players with low skill levels should not have the right to complain when they suck so much. Really? LRF being deadly is already hilarious…

You would be surprised how effective I have seen some people be with them…Guards dropping in seconds and stuff…Because they are too dumb to revert their phase shield to thermal after getting shot 3 times by empire LRF…I can’t wait to get the credits to buy my T5 empire and jericho LRF :smiley:

You would be surprised how effective I have seen some people be with them…Guards dropping in seconds and stuff…Because they are too dumb to revert their phase shield to thermal after getting shot 3 times by empire LRF…I can’t wait to get the credits to buy my T5 empire and jericho LRF :smiley:


Well, yeah, SOME people are good. And those that suck complain and raise the most hell…Its sad really. 

I mean, how hard is it to see a slow moving missile coming towards you?

Up to 1,320 m/s (tachyon charged) is not slow. With the LRF in medium range many ships won’t have enough time to react.

in medium range they die real easy. fair trade.


1,320 m/s (tachyon charged) is not slow



I’m still unsure about tachyon on Jericho LRF though. I don’t use it - way I fly mine, it’s not worth sacrificing the active slot. But it can be slightly imba if used in a certain fashion. That said, I haven’t see anyone making use of it properly so … dunno really.


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