Suggestion: Remove "Capture the beacons" mode from "Battle PVP"

Description: Remove “Capture the beacons” mode from “Battle PVP”. “Capture de the beacons” will only be played in “Sector Conquest”


Reason: “Capture the Beacons” does not fit in the “Battle PVP” mentality. It rewards highly the team with more ships, which simply should not happen. This mode is perfect for coordinated squads, high level players with equiped ships fighting for big rewards. But it is not appropiate for random pilots leveling ships, using maybe one or two ships slots only. A battle between a 7 ships team against a 12 ships team is not fun for anybody, but frustrating and boring.


Alternative: Instead of removing this game mode from “Battle PVP”, each player could be granted “4 lifes or spawns” during the match, eliminating the difference between players with 1 and 4 ships.

You know what else works perfectly on this mode? HAVING 3-4 SHIPS instead of 1-2. Don’t fix what ain’t broke.

You know what else works perfectly on this mode? HAVING 3-4 SHIPS instead of 1-2. Don’t fix what ain’t broke.


Woah! I didn’t know, thanks for your answer.

For me capture the beacon is most balanced and entertaining mode and so as Domination, i realy dont like modes like Combat recon, Beacon Hunt and Detonation, in 12v12 even flying 4 man squad those modes become a stupid mindless carnage, and these mods have clear shifts in efficiency of certain roles.

For me capture the beacon is most balanced and entertaining mode and so as Domination, i realy dont like modes like Combat recon, Beacon Hunt and Detonation, in 12v12 even flying 4 man squad those modes become a stupid mindless carnage, and these mods have clear shifts in efficiency of certain roles.

I couldn’t agree more. The more matches I play, the more I feel this way.

Cap the Beacons is the most reasonable mode.

On the other hand Detonation is the worst.


With the captain pick rules change for Combat Recon… dunno what to say, i don’t enjoy it as much, but it’s a damn good SR farming tool for me.

Cap the beacons is my favorite game mode, cause ppl need to be carefull not to waste ships instead of just charging mindlessly against the other team (still many ppl do this and then complain about how nawb they are). But that 4 lifes idea could be exploited, like i queue with my fully purple nukem and lay havoc, then i die (unfortunatelly) and i get to chose my full purple nukem again, and again! AND AGAIN!!! Also, the engies, OH THE ENGIES, imagine a 4 lifes DEATHSQUAD farming the entire enemy team?!?!?!?!


Simple thing, enforce everyone to always have 3 ships in the hangar, like, when the dude starts a new account he already start in the hangar with the 3 starter ships, so he KNOWS that he must have those slots with ships.