Suggestion regarding titles.

_ Light readers: First paragraph is explanation, 2nd elaboration, 3rd n 4th are some extra bits.  _


Somebody raised a very good point in the status updates… That titles are too easy to get. Then I had a spur of the moment idea which seems quite sound.


1 Which is, put instances into the game where there are multiple titles to unlock, however the player must choose which title to unlock. The rest will become unavailable to the player.

I’ll give an example where this could work…

Whichever ship   that you level to R15 first, gives you a corresponding title.

So for example, if I was to level Empire LRF to R15 first and buy the corresponding ship, I would unlock the “Lone Wolf St1r” callsign, or if I choose to unlock and buy the R15 gunship first, I would unlock “St1r the Stampede”. (hells yeah that’s a vash reference)

As for making this work for players who currently already have R15 ships unlocked and purchased , I would assume the best course of action would be to allow the player to choose one title out of the titles that correspond with their R15 ships.

This could occur each time someone reaches R15 in each of the factions, or each time somebody ascends in tier(hits R3, 6, 9, 12). Or just about any milestone, really. 

Those are just examples but yeah you get the idea.


This recognizes the player’s main choice of ship and gives them something a little more unique for their choice, it also makes it apparent that the individual is vetted in said role(which if you consider a bad thing, disable it!). 


2 This would be an addition to the way thing’s are currently, something like this would not require total redundancy of the current titles or interface, just a dictionary and a creative mind perhaps. 

Titles ought to have some significance behind them. I believe multiple achievements to attain a single super-achievement which involves a title is a good method, World of Warcraft proved that. It’s a good method because if done properly it can take the same amount of time and has way more goals ergo is far more interesting than a single achievement of e.g. capping 500 beacons.

Single achievement titles have a place too, but they’re more suitable for larger goals e.g. 10,000 lifetime kills, 1000 thuds. 

Word of mouth has me unsure as to whether or not the recent titles are permanent, aside from Sensei, but this is an idea to improve on titles in general and give them some significance.


3Here’s the bit that the business team should like… (please think of it as baiting)

Because this is a F2P game with micro-transactions you could present people with these choices of unlocking single titles and additionally add an option for the player to change their mind in the future, and if they’re willing to pay Galactic Standards, may change their title to one of the now unavailable ones.

Example; I have bought my T-rex (R15 Fed), I can now choose “Dinosaur St1r” from my title list. However I do not like “Dinosaur St1r” and would prefer another title.

Instead I decide I like the title “Ninja St1r”, to unlock the “Ninja” title I must buy the R15 Falcon-M and pay 1000GS to swap the title.

Players may only choose to change titles to ships that they have unlocked & purchased.



4Another idea would be multiple classes of titles. (Titles don’t have to appear as different classes like, bronze/silver/gold, in-game, but they are in different leagues of difficulty to unlock)

Top class: you would unlock about 1 or 2 of these ever. E.g. Your first ever R15 ship unlock would be a top class title. So would winning an annual tournament, getting a crazy big amount of achievement points etc.

Middle class: then you get the average titles which are difficult to unlock but aren’t nearly as rare or as infrequent as the top class. Here’s where you put your 10,000 kill titles, Sensei, Battle Master etc.

Bottom class: Smiter, invader, destructor, cheerleader etc.



Hope you like it, if you need clarification just ask as I started to rush this near the end so I can go for a smoke; I’ll proof read it later.

And of course, none of these ideas are bound solely to titles, it just makes a lot of sense to use titles, in ma’ brain. Ma’ brain…

Please share reasons why you think this might be good and/or bad. Everything’s up for discussion.

Thanks for reading! Peace.


All of the above titles are purely hypothetical, apart from Dinosaur which is legit.

I disagree, the abilty to choose freely of titles is great, and doesn’t feel limiting which it would with your first suggestion.


The current system for titles is great I feel, and you can already got more titles by buying the DLC packs.

I guess they could introduce some titles for GS, but the current system should stay in my opinion.

I guess what I’m trying to suggest with a lot of my own ideas is to add some more exclusive titles for achieving feats that only occur once or sparingly. The current title system/interface wouldn’t need any drastic overhaul for what I’ve suggested, any unlocked titles via means explained above should only add to the players already existing bank of titles. :slight_smile:

Also I considered it but I didn’t suggest paying straight out GS for titles because I think that’s a very basic and unappealing idea, no offence that’s just imo.

I guess what I’m trying to suggest with a lot of my own ideas is to add some more exclusive titles for achieving feats that only occur once or sparingly. The current title system/interface wouldn’t need any drastic overhaul for what I’ve suggested, any unlocked titles via means explained above should only add to the players already existing bank of titles. :slight_smile:

Also I considered it but I didn’t suggest paying straight out GS for titles because I think that’s a very basic and unappealing idea, no offence that’s just imo.

If you were to bring more titles in, and keep the current existing ones on top of that I could definitly agree with it, though more harder achievements with related titles I would also like to see in the future(When there are no more pressing matters)

My suggestion is to let me turn off titles… I’m tired of seeing Battle Master Expert Millionaire Cowboy Astronaught “player name” when im shooting people.

  1. No. You should not lock players out of titles. There is no good reasoning for this whatsoever as this is simply an aesthetic choice for the user. 


Alternative: Let someone unlock a ship title after playing a certain ship for so long/get so many kills/etc. This will make them challenging to get, but still accessible to all users so they can slowly chip away at it. Let the title collectors try to get them all. so what, you can only see one at a time.


  1. Wow did ‘good’ with its titles. Except when they made some titles limited time, or unobtainable after a certain point [uh, hordebreaker soon as next patch pops, and I have that one but the fact still bugs me]. this punishes not only the casual player who may not be able to put in the time within that timeframe in order to grab the achievement, but new players who may have been totally capable of getting that achievement later on, but hadn’t known about the game at the time. My methodology for all aesthetic items, titles, etc, is that they should always be accessible. Even if the title in question is made harder, it should still be /possible/. 


Additionally: Titles should always be permanent and if the new ones aren’t I have a few bones to pick. 


  1. No. You should not have to pay to remove a title. No.


  1. I’m not sure what the point of this class system is, other then to make it clear that one title is harder to get then another. What happened to just reading the achievement text and understanding its hard to get?



No offense to not agreeing to your ideas but ehhhh no cookie for this one. 



My suggestion is to let me turn off titles… I’m tired of seeing Battle Master Expert Millionaire Cowboy Astronaught “player name” when im shooting people.


I think it would be reasonable to allow individuals to choose to disable showing other peoples titles in their UI menu.

I want a unique ‘…tard Magnet’ title (full word, but it Xs out).

  1. I gave plenty of sound reasons. It’s purely aesthetic at the moment because there’s little to no challenge in ascertaining any of them.


  1. It’s intended to reward dedicated players, not inadvertently punish casual’s. That’s just not what it’s intended to do, even if you want to adopt that perspective. 


  1. I agree. 


  1. Nothing happened to it…


Alright, thanks. None taken.