Suggestion: Power adjustments or redirecting

Here’s an idea, possibly not original, CONTROLLING POWER OUTPUT.


The idea came to me when i was reading the topic of “Powering down to hide from radar” by KCIV


Micromanaging power output or input.The ability to redirect power to a specific area of the ship, like in the intro video, that frigate powered forward shield to hold against a barrage of attack, until he was destroyed by behind. But more than that, like powering down shields to send it to engine to be faster, or to your phase module to last longer, or turn your engines off to send to your guns for higher rate of fire. There will be quite alot of combinations. I know there is a module to increase Fire rate by 66%. With the engine off, ur harder to target with missiles, You could power down completely like that other topic said. Power down a system would be quick but power systems back up would have a bit of a delay. This will all add up to a tactical or strategic level. Which can turn to a matter of survival. With that in mind, more can be done against power, modules that could disrupt power in some way? If your in a powered down state, your enemy would have ot manually target you, if he knows that you. since he can actually target you with a blimp on.


Im sure theres more to add to this. How does this sound so far? Now that i think about it, does it sound alittle like EVE? Sorry, if it does, i guess thats where the idea came from.

Great idea, I was brought by the intro video before i saw the game.
Should make dogfights really interesting

Especially when its the competitive (regular) mode. I guess in arcade this can be disabled. But while in Competitive you can get into detail becuase you want to be in a more tactical perspective. Some might find it too much tho, with already having to concentrate on shooting and movement, another thing to focus is power aswell. Itll take practice to really do well.Anything i should add?

LOVE this idea of power manegment SPECIALLY moving the shields. i would pay 20$ just to have that implemented. would GREATLY affect dogfighting for the better. LOVEEEE this idea


maybe have auto balance for shields? so new players dont have to worry about it? but also have manual mode.





I wonder… What if Frigates have a more detailed control of power management? and that you could have two players in one ship, one controling movement and another for guns? yes? lol that was alittle off topic





I wonder… What if Frigates have a more detailed control of power management? and that you could have two players in one ship, one controling movement and another for guns? yes? lol that was alittle off topic

fun concept except in pug games… but in clan matches this would be awesome