Suggestion for fixed-tier Sector Conquest mode

This idea is based upon the proposed revamp of Sector Conquest in the Dev Blog.


Original post from Dev Blog:

Divide the new Sector Conquest ‘sectors’ into three categories: low priority, moderate priority, and high priority.

Low priority sectors give the least reward to Corps controlling them, but are the most numerous. They are tier-locked at T3; you cannot take part in Sector Conquest at all unless you have at least one T3 ship equipped.

Moderate priority give more reward, but require T4 ships.

High priority give the highest rewards, but require T5 ships.

Boom! Problem sorted! Smaller Corps get to take part in Sector Conquest and try to capture outlying low-yield territories, while the big boys can stomp around in their R15 pure purple deathmachines and score huge rewards for doing so.

Advantages galore to this system:
Sector Conquest becomes accessible to people besides the very best T5 pilots.
Less farming - tier locks mean the games are more likely to be decided by who is the better pilot, not who got to T5 back when it was 10x easier to level up.
We finally have a reason to advance to Tier 5! Yes, you’ll get farmed by the top pilots when you do, but you are earning points to put toward capturing super-sweet ultra-sectors that will make your Corporation rich and powerful!


Now, what is the intent of this rework? Well, let me give you the rundown:


1. Introduce “Endgame” content

Tier 5 needs something to do besides fight like they’ve done every other Tier. The rewards for controlling high-priority Sectors should allow for some new and awesome fights, or at least an absurd amount of swag!


2. Make Sector Conquest the “proper” game

Tier 3 is where the real game begins, according to the Devs. This rework is meant to help reinforce that - T3 is where you are meant to start looking to join a Corp and make yourself felt! However, my goal is to ensure that you cannot access the full Sector Conquest mode as soon as you hit Rank 7; T3 pilots get the surface experience; T4 get more; T5 get the full thing.


3. Balancing Quality and Quantity

Sector Conquest should not be ruled by the Corp with the most pilots, and T4 / T5 should not feel their efforts are wasted by lower tier “Zerg” Corps. To that end, the goal is to try to keep the two apart. Zerg Corps can play, and they can hold territory, but it takes more than mass players to truly succeed.


4. Everyone has a story

A mistake in MMOs, as far as I’m concerned, is the focus on the top players. When all you hear about is how Level 120s can 3-hit Lord Baal The Unpleasant, no recognition is given to the Level 20 who managed to beat the Pyro-Hydra for the first time.


With this model, every Corp can potentially play a role. Even the smallest of Corps can have a shot at holding a territory and thus leave their mark on the map. This means that, even if you’ll never challenge the big boys or build a large Corporate empire, you and your buddies can see your emblem alongside the big dogs and feel like your contribution mattered.


So, to expand on this… ideas and concepts for what could be included into the mix:


Sector Control Points:

All battles generate Sector Control Points (hereafter SCP). Each Corp generates three types of SCP: one for each tier within Sector Conquest. This is to ensure Corps cannot simply farm T3 for easy wins, and then dump a ton of resources into a T5 sector.


However, to encourage players to try to fly in higher tiers, a CEO may choose to spend higher SCP on a lower tier area.


Example: Corp A has amassed 500 T3 SCP and bids it on a Sector. Corp B has 400 T3 SCP and 150 T4 SCP. Because Corp B really wants to control a Sector, they decide to downgrade their T4 SCP and bid 550, winning them the Sector!


Modifying Sectors:

As well as being tiered, Sectors can vary in quality and content. This keeps the game fluid, and also allows for long standing Corps to be shaken up a bit.


Two examples:

The Rho Boats are in control of a T4 sector, and have been for some time. Their Iridium mine is a nice little earner, but the game’s background algorithms notice they’ve held on to this Sector for two turns now, and it’s time to rattle their cage.


When the next game tick occurs, The Rho Boats get a message saying that their sector’s mines have been depleted, and they are now reclassified as a Low Priority Sector. The Zerglings, an evil Corp of T3 pilots who spam the game, immediately rush in and swamp the Sector, amassing a lot of victories and stealing it from under the Rho Boat’s noses!


On the other end of the scale, the neighbouring T4 sector has changed hands between EuroCorp and the Jerrycans every turn so far. As such, the game decides that this sector needs a boost - the heavy fighting over it clearly means it’s important! EuroCorp, the current controllers, get a message that a Precursor Ruin has been discovered in their Sector, and it is now High Priority. EuroCorp will now have to scramble their T5 ships to keep hold of the Sector!


This constant reclassification means that the map will remain fluid and dynamic. Areas with little change will be downgraded to make it easier for more Corps to try and take it, while heavily contested sectors will move up the ratings to try and push the “zerg” Corps out and let the big boys play.


Dreadnought Battles:

Some people like the idea of an all-out, no holds barred battle… and the Dreadnoughts could offer this. Dreadnought Battles, when included, have no restrictions of any kind. You can bring any ship of any tier, as long as you are a part of the Corps involved.



EuroCorp has decided that their arch rivals, the Jerrycans, need to be taught a lesson! They declare a Corp War and gather their best pilots - twelve of them, all flying T3 and T4. To their horror, the Jerrycans have brought an entire team of T5 ships! The battle goes badly and EuroCorp lose their Dreadnought - that’ll teach them to assume Jerrycans are weak!


Note that Dreadnought Battles are not haphazard - both sides need a Dreadnought, and both sides must agree to the battle. This is a true test of Corp vs Corp might!


Anti-Zerg Mechanisms:

The Zerglings are a huge T3 corp with 150 active members. They aren’t that good at the game, but quantity is a quality all of its own. Because of their spam, other Corps struggle to get noticed.


As such, the game implements an anti-Zerg mechanism. This might work as follows:


The Zerglings bid to take over a Sector, and bid 1,000 SCP. However, they own two Sectors already, so the game “deducts” 20% of their bid, meaning that they effectively only have a bid of 800. Another Corp with 0 sectors comes along and bids 750 SCP. However, the game notes they have tried (and failed) to claim three Sectors, so it gives them +10% to help them out. This means their effective bid is 825 to the Zergling’s 800 - our underdog gets the Sector!

Anti-Zerg Mechanisms:

The Zerglings are a huge T3 corp with 150 active members. They aren’t that good at the game, but quantity is a quality all of its own. Because of their spam, other Corps struggle to get noticed.


As such, the game implements an anti-Zerg mechanism. This might work as follows:


The Zerglings bid to take over a Sector, and bid 1,000 SCP. However, they own two Sectors already, so the game “deducts” 20% of their bid, meaning that they effectively only have a bid of 800. Another Corp with 0 sectors comes along and bids 750 SCP. However, the game notes they have tried (and failed) to claim three Sectors, so it gives them +10% to help them out. This means their effective bid is 825 to the Zergling’s 800 - our underdog gets the Sector!

What?!?!  You do realize this will favor zerg corps as well.  Say ESB gets a lot of points and a lot of sectors, they couldn’t win more sectors relative to a T2 zerg corp?


Making it tierless will explicitly eliminate T2/T3 zerg corps from dominating sector conquest, but at the same time if 10% of those 150 members are actually good at higher tiers and play sector conquest they can still win sectors.  That group of 15 players will earn their sectors for their corp.  Since only wins count, the corp can discourage their newer and less skilled players from playing in sector conquest and allow the higher ranked players to play there.  Otherwise their top players will loose out because their corpmates handed points to other corps.  If it isn’t enforced by the corp, the top players of that zerg corp will change to another corp and thus create more higher skilled corps.

The Idea is indeed good. 


Only Problem I see here: 


The Playerbase is small. If you split up the sectors according to tiers, there might be no one who will conquer the high priority sectors. 


ESB will go there, but we “cant do it alone” since we need opponents, too. 

Maybe NOVA and SYN will fight for it, but they are lacking in active players afaik. 


So maybe T4-5 high priority, T3 medium, T2 low. would give more incentive to new corps/players, too. 

What?!?!  You do realize this will favor zerg corps as well.  Say ESB gets a lot of points and a lot of sectors, they couldn’t win more sectors relative to a T2 zerg corp?


Making it tierless will explicitly eliminate T2/T3 zerg corps from dominating sector conquest, but at the same time if 10% of those 150 members are actually good at higher tiers and play sector conquest they can still win sectors.  That group of 15 players will earn their sectors for their corp.  Since only wins count, the corp can discourage their newer and less skilled players from playing in sector conquest and allow the higher ranked players to play there.  Otherwise their top players will loose out because their corpmates handed points to other corps.  If it isn’t enforced by the corp, the top players of that zerg corp will change to another corp and thus create more higher skilled corps.


Afaik you only get points for winning. Zerg-Corps dont win. 

What?!?!  You do realize this will favor zerg corps as well.  Say ESB gets a lot of points and a lot of sectors, they couldn’t win more sectors relative to a T2 zerg corp?


Making it tierless will explicitly eliminate T2/T3 zerg corps from dominating sector conquest, but at the same time if 10% of those 150 members are actually good at higher tiers and play sector conquest they can still win sectors.  That group of 15 players will earn their sectors for their corp.  Since only wins count, the corp can discourage their newer and less skilled players from playing in sector conquest and allow the higher ranked players to play there.  Otherwise their top players will loose out because their corpmates handed points to other corps.  If it isn’t enforced by the corp, the top players of that zerg corp will change to another corp and thus create more higher skilled corps.

T2 Zerg wouldn’t be allowed in this suggestion - T3 is the lowest they can go.


Also, T3 can’t control Mid or High value sectors - only T4 / T5 respectively can do that.


The intent is to give the lower (T3) players something to do, but the real prize is exclusively reserved for top tier. No matter how many pilots you have, you will never get the endgame content unless you have the endgame ships.

Afaik you only get points for winning. Zerg-Corps dont win. 

There are some good players who are members of zerg corps and have T5 ships, I see them in PvE.  But like I said, it might be 10% or less for those zerg corps.

There are some good players who are members of zerg corps and have T5 ships, I see them in PvE.  But like I said, it might be 10% or less for those zerg corps.

Even so, points are earned for winning, not for taking part. A zerg corp full of T5 rushers is going to get roflstomped by experienced T5 corps.


Going to do a little bit of editing…


Okay! My four “goals” are added!

There are some good players who are members of zerg corps and have T5 ships, I see them in PvE.  


Oh yes! they can be  very  good in PvE!   :lol:

On a serious note: They will fight on one side, in general they run around like headless chickens, no coordination at all. Smaller Corps tend to act more coordinated.

I predict they will fail to win, and so no gain in sector points.

A real problem I see is a massing of corps on one faction.  

Oh yes! they can be  very  good in PvE!   :lol:

On a serious note: They will fight on one side, in general they run around like headless chickens, no coordination at all. Smaller Corps tend to act more coordinated.

I predict they will fail to win, and so no gain in sector points.

A real problem I see is a massing of corps on one faction.  

I mean decent DSR’s and T5 ships.  It’s not like the 900 DSR players with T5 ships.  In T3 I have on rare occasion seen an organized skilled zerg squad.  If sector conquest is sufficiently populated they’ll be able to slowly win a sector.


The faction issue will be a problem.  But if the whole map is reset, then maybe some corps could change factions.  Everyone will probably join empire to avoid ESB, NASA, and WPK, but it’d be funny if the three corps switched to Fed instead.

Oh yes! they can be  very  good in PvE!   :lol:

On a serious note: They will fight on one side, in general they run around like headless chickens, no coordination at all. Smaller Corps tend to act more coordinated.

I predict they will fail to win, and so no gain in sector points.

A real problem I see is a massing of corps on one faction.  


EZ fix : Give Underdog factions a modificator to earn more points per match, depending on their population…




On a serious note, I may not take part in this discussion, not having any ship in T3+, but still…


If you really cannot allow Closed-tiers battles because of low playerbase or whatever, the first question to ask would be :


"How could a lower level ship compete against a more advanced ship ?"


The first metric would be skill and experience :

T5 average pilots would be “easy preys” for lower tiers more experienced pilots using tactics to maximize their potential. Given different basic strength, Skill relatively “balances” the fight.


Next point, Which incentive could motivate players to bring lower rank ships or aim for a “Balanced battle” for Sector conquest with the risk to be Roflstomped ?

Well, My answer would be "Efficiency / impression - modificator"


Basically, I see a potential solution for a match reward modificator :


For example, both Team 1 and team 2 have 3 pilots


Team 1 ships :

Rank 5+7+7 / 3 = 19 / 3 = 6.3

Rank 6+8+9 / 3 = 23 / 3 = 7.6

Rank 5+10+6 / 3 = 21/3 = 7


Team 1 Total Rank = 21 / 3 = 7 (roughly) 


Team 2 ships :


12+12+12 / 3 = 36/3 = 12

12+12+10 / 3 = 34/3 = 11.3

10+10+11 / 3 = 31/3 = 10.3


Team 2 total rank = 33.6/3 = 11  (roughly)


So the team 2 has roughly 1.6 times more theorical power than Team 1

To balance the fight, you could give a reward bonus or malus to each team based on their theorical power. In my example, Team 1 would get 160% the initial reward while the Team 2 would only get 70% of the initial reward. The problem is the higher is the reward, the lower are your chances to win.


Relative to Lore, Destroying a small fleet offering little to no threat is not very significant in  a war of this size. Being able to anihilate a powerfull opponent without risking powerfull ships is a-contrario, a smart operation bringing fear among your opponent’s forces, even if you’re more likely to loose.


Anyway, The problem is that all levels can participate this part of the game, but only the higher stand a reasonable chance to win and to have an impact, as loosing versus a powerfull opponent will give him more control over the sector.


Given this, it’s better to not start an already lost battle than to give the other factions free points…

Anyway, The problem is that all levels can participate this part of the game, but only the higher stand a reasonable chance to win and to have an impact, as loosing versus a powerfull opponent will give him more control over the sector.


Given this, it’s better to not start an already lost battle than to give the other factions free points…


The math needs some work but I highly support this idea, if a t3 team beats a t5 team, they deserve more if not on par with t5 rewards.

The math needs some work but I highly support this idea, if a t3 team beats a t5 team, they deserve more if not on par with t5 rewards.


Of course, but it was more to explain the general idea behind my thoughts ;)wt

If they win on kills, they’ll get more synergy because synergy from a kill depends on the rank difference.