Suggestion for better game

Hello to all that persist here

and care for this game

and also would like to improve this game to be better for users = us players.



First of all, this is thread about my suggestion about how to make this game better and more populated again.

Of course, others can make suggestions here as well you are welcome to do it.


In past and also recently many mistakes were made that constantly lowered the population of players here.

There is no point to lie to us that this game has no problems and that everything is OK.


First of all, you devs have to recognize that old = veteran players are not a bad thing for this game.

Actually, I think more veteran players one game have the better game is since veteran players are spending a lot of time in the game. 

Veteran players also usually provide better PvP games then new players what elevate the level of game experience in total.


So first of my suggestion is to lift away all limits that were recently implemented to this game. If someone is playing this game a lot it is not a bad thing if he-she also gets a lot of resources.

I don’t see how can rewards for old players be bad thing.


My second suggestion is considering recent change to PvAi alias Co-op, make it harder = make it like it was before the last patch. Now for me, the point of Co-op is that players can learn how to perform in real PvP and to try different ship fits. There is no point if BOTs are stupid and easy to kill to even play this Co-op. And it is boring.


Next suggestion is for after battles rewards = credits income after battle should be much bigger and loot, please make it more versatile.  

I’ll explain, doing any battle with destroyer results with negative credits income after battle. Also, rewards are something that attracts players and you are doing everything opposite right now.

After the first battle, we get PURPLE loot = iridium, after last patch price for buying 5x amount of iridium was raised to gigantic ~ 2k of GS. This is a bad move. You will not make players to buy this.

I suggest returning of pre-last patch prises ~ 200gs for 5x amount…


Now let’s talk about tasks to get ship resources = caches tasks, it was better before this last patch , we had like missions for each cache timed for one hour if you add that we can play two different Gamma, Beta, Delta… catches in the same time it will be even better. I do like that we receive two items from one catch. That was a nice addition and a good move to implement.



Regular tasks would be much more user-friendly if players get instead of awful basic resources (silicon, graphite, vanadium…) some let’s say 15-20 iridium or 3 electrum - neodium - beryllium - monocrystals per task for rewards.  That would attract players to do those tasks.


Let’s talk about Contract missions - make them more frequent. We have now some missions duration = changing at a 5h rate, make them change at 1-2h max.


Now we get to more drastic suggestions that I believe that will improve the game.

First of all remove all stats**.** ( W/L, Kills per battle, pilot rating…) all this should be removed.

I believe this will make people play PvP much more. My experience is based on recent BRAWL mode - Combat Recon that didn’t count for any stats. People were actually playing this and I was like in inst game that was 8 vs 8 or even more. Was really good and a reminder of old glory times of this game.

Remove Weekly pilot Rating list.

I know we get a reward like LEGEND for it but this Weekly pilot rating is just like Make it high play one game per week and you get your LEGEND reward. This is lame and contra productive for PvP gameplay.

Make LEGEND reward for Ship Destruction or Max PvP effectiveness or even better make new task with max number of PvPs played and add few hundred iridium to it.


Since last patch we have three tiers - well it supposes to be so. I suggest removing all low-level buffs. 

If people are good enough to use low-rank ships without any buffs let it be so. Now we have just exploits of those.


Remove Bots from PvP. 

PvP is Player vs Player. Nothing else nothing more.





Spec Ops. I really like what have you done in last Spec-ops patch, for me that is an improvement.

Defiler is much better now by my opinion. Perhaps the only thing that is bit too hard, let’s say 2-5% to hard, is T5 Destroyer spec ops. 

This is matter of fine-tuning , you don’t go and nerf Alien DESTROYER by much now, but just by little and we will balance it to be ok.


I will add other things that will cross my mind or that will be suggested by my friends.





















 I would add remove buffs for lower ranked ships if it is not their max rank ship. If someone has 15s and wants to bring their 10s in the battle with the 15s then their rank 10 should not get any sort of buff.

33 minutes ago, ToyFluffy said:

 I would add remove buffs for lower ranked ships if it is not their max rank ship. If someone has 15s and wants to bring their 10s in the battle with the 15s then their rank 10 should not get any sort of buff.

and why not?

On 10/21/2018 at 10:48 AM, GatoGrande said:

My second suggestion is considering recent change to PvAi alias Co-op, make it harder = make it like it was before the last patch. Now for me, the point of Co-op is that players can learn how to perform in real PvP and to try different ship fits. There is no point if BOTs are stupid and easy to kill to even play this Co-op. And it is boring.


There are two difficulty levels - one is the same as before patch highest tier and second one is the lower tier from before patch. However they are now on timed rotation. 




Next suggestion is for after battles rewards = credits income after battle should be much bigger and loot, please make it more versatile.  

I’ll explain, doing any battle with destroyer results with negative credits income after battle. Also, rewards are something that attracts players and you are doing everything opposite right now.

After the first battle, we get PURPLE loot = iridium, after last patch price for buying 5x amount of iridium was raised to gigantic ~ 2k of GS. This is a bad move. You will not make players to buy this.

I suggest returning of pre-last patch prises ~ 200gs for 5x amount…

I’m getting 100-200GS now.


On 11/5/2018 at 11:38 AM, xKostyan said:

and why not?

 Because the reason for the buff was to make it more balanced for new players that didn’t have better ships to be able to compete against the players that did. The lower rank ships in PvP are more powerful than the rank 15 16 and 17s.

44 minutes ago, ToyFluffy said:

 Because the reason for the buff was to make it more balanced for new players that didn’t have better ships to be able to compete against the players that did.


No, the reason for the buffs was to have more ships on equal grounds and not only the highest ranked ships within a bracket.


45 minutes ago, ToyFluffy said:

 The lower rank ships in PvP are more powerful than the rank 15 16 and 17s.

