Suggestion: Custom HUD UI

The Hud is very basic, and I sure they always be thing that some of us don’t like, yet changing it cold result in other not liking the change…


I suggest a Custom UI setup


1: Allow us to move HUD elements around to where we like.

2: Allow us to resize parts individually so we can have some things small some things big.

3: Choice of various health/shield layouts.

4: Custom colours of various HUD elements inc hull/shield bars being diff colours.

5: Choice of different target markers.

6: Custom colour of target markers, seperate ‘in-range’ and ‘out of range’ colours.

7: Choice of different lead recticules, and resize options.


  • numerous other possibilities.



I agree on EVERYTHING except number 3. Those are a per ship basis and would cause baliance issues. But yes, I personally want to see your Corp tag around ships in a yellow or so color, even without being in a squad, so you can see your teammates

I agree on EVERYTHING except number 3. Those are a per ship basis and would cause baliance issues. But yes, I personally want to see your Corp tag around ships in a yellow or so color, even without being in a squad, so you can see your teammates


I think you mis-understood… i mean the HUD layout as in whats on screen and where on screen it shows your health/shield, what color it is, and how big it is etc


It wouldn’t effect balance at all, just your visuals

A bit off-topic : do you know the chat commands for adding damage log ?

