Styx again...

true. but at least the random player isn’t OP with it. I do agree on the boring part, but I also enjoy the games where two frigate teams shoot each other forever from the distance.


It isn’t indeed OP with it, but 99% of them put Eclipse and Attack Drones on the Styxes, and they turn to be the most annoying thing in the face of earth, the eclipse and drone swarm is giving me nightmares at night!

Hint: There are no Styxballs in T4. Move on up.

(not that Minotaurs are any less annoying, but you’ll see more games without engineer than with - everyone’s a Tackler instead)

Survivability numbers are half irrelevant.  You get more numbers with Beta-accelerator “SR Mark 3” but you get more survivability on Empire with Gigas II since most people get a target lock.  As for adaptive, it encourages weak skill.  It only works if you go shift-w and nothing else other than actives.  If you strafe to avoid some object, you lose it.  If you actually try to pilot your ship it’s useless.  It’s a module best used by newbs, and I blame the devs.  There needs to be a decent galvanized alternative for shields.  Fly around as fast as possible doesn’t cut it to me.  Swap the “debufs” of galvanized armor and adaptive shield and you’ll see a change in the meta.  Those two modules are meta defining by their nature.




I hesitated dropping a Styx and getting a Valor.  I still somewhat regret it.  Styx is OP!


As for Iridium Stand, what kind of derp teams did you get to think that interceptors aren’t supposed to dominate it?


The worst kind you could evern meet. It seems the MM sees me and thinks: Hmmm, this guy must not win! So, go, try to carry this 11 newb tier-rushers without brains.

Ever since they allowed people without brains to fly interceptors without an governamental and psiquiatric evaluation.


As for the Adaptative shield, i agree its logic is flawed, where in the world something would get more resistant by running? But, it makes a good tool for hit’n’run tactics, since when you flee you get extremely tanky.


I agree the galvanized stuff is what currently dictates what the “meta” (as you call it, i dont know why) is going to use.  But regarding styx, i think simply changing it to rank 8 would solve the Styxball problem… The LRF spam is another problem, but to be adressed on another post.

As for the Adaptative shield, i agree its logic is flawed, where in the world something would get more resistant by running? But, it makes a good tool for hit’n’run tactics, since when you flee you get extremely tanky.


Well I always thought the shields use the superheated plasma of afterburned engines and directly feed it into the shield matrix or the structural integrity field, so basicly it seems as just another type b plasma manifold to me… you can buy that in every shipstore in the galaxy… but I missed several classes in spatial impulse mechanics, so who knows…


(i think it’s mainly their FPS solution to ‘speed tanking’ and i like it)

Make armadillo work for Shield and Hull, i’ll switch to a lot of  Jericho ship in a heart beat. (might make Federation OP though)

Make armadillo work for Shield and Hull, i’ll switch to a lot of  Jericho ship in a heart beat. (might make Federation OP though)


Imagine minotaur with that *shudders*

oh and guards

Imagine minotaur with that *shudders*

oh and guards

Please dont scare us with that

Imagine minotaur with that *shudders*

oh and guards

 IT would certainly make Guards stronger, but maybe that would be that something to make them valuable in Sec Con again, as of now (sorry Rakhza) Guards Feds/jericho w.e in the same boat as LRFs you do not need more than 1 In the games 6v6+, and you don’t need them at all in 6v6- they could be used but there are better ways without them.

 Minotaur survivability would not go up “noticeably” couple percent, for once it Would be Naga to gain more out of it, but seeing how hardly anyone brings Charging stations in the games and choose to use Shield Aura instead (why? can any one explain me why?) it is hardly matters.

 Armadillo wouldn’t affect Empire ships much, only those that have 2+ shield slots (but how many are there?), but federation ships with Adaptive tanks would become way more tankier, and since they aren’t bad atm, hence the possible OP. And most Jericho Ships would become much closer in survivability to empire ships

Station only heal with direct Line of sight and only person at a time. Aura seems better compared to that

Aura gets shutdown by ECM only for few seconds and you can turn it right back on… but if station gets destroyed you need to wait a long time

bottomline: station is good for some burst heal but isnt reliable

Do Guards lose their significance because there are less Ceptors in the fishtank, or why just one? Just curious, never been in a Sec Con since the wing-patch unfortunately (and never in a T5)

Reah… right… so… I must be a total n00b, but I thought that it was just the opposite. Galva can be used by anyone, since you don’t need to do anything, just stay there and be a good imperial turret.


But adaptative on the other way need micromanagement, tactical awareness and good decision making to make it work.

I use it as well, but I can’t use my flight skills to their full advantage while using that module.  Keeping the enemy in view and me moving around needs more than shift-W plus a mouse.  If I’m stopping, going backwards, or strafing I lose that module.  When I’m going in I don’t really need it since I’m probably not under fire yet.  When I’m in I’d need to be circling a beacon, attacking a ship a lot slower than me, or just being bait.  When I’m getting out, well thankfully it applies to hull as well.


As for the Adaptative shield, i agree its logic is flawed, where in the world something would get more resistant by running?

Well, at least one person can see my view.

 IT would certainly make Guards stronger, but maybe that would be that something to make them valuable in Sec Con again, as of now (sorry Rakhza) Guards Feds/jericho w.e in the same boat as LRFs you do not need more than 1 In the games 6v6+, and you don’t need them at all in 6v6- they could be used but there are better ways without them.



Who is Rakhza? xD


Actually, in SecCon they are not really valuable due to the fact that only few players are able to play a guard with the “AMS” and the “Signature Masking”.


They are valuable in Sec Con when they are between good Hands. Cause they can lead a charge, cover a strategic zone, Stop a frigball alone or just Roflostomp everything bad.

What I see right now is :

  • Inquisitor / Inquisitor S flying in straigh line with Heavy Blaster
  • T-Rex Mk2 flying in straigh line with Heavy Blaster
  • Inquisitor / Inquisitor / T-Rex Mk2 Frigballing like hell cause they have no idea of what they are suppose to do.
  • Inquisitor / Inquisitor / T-Rex Mk2 using COIL MORTAR ( make me laugh 100% of times)


95% of the actual Guards players have no idea of the difference between T-Rex Mk2 Gameplay, Inquisitor Gameplay and Inquisitor S Gameplay.

I will not mention the fact that guards are more “Stuff” Dependent than other ships once again. Especially at the end of T3.

And the Phase Shield mastering… No I must not talk about the Phase Shield… (the new sound for it is Epic “WUUUB”)


If they make that Armadillo also impact shield?

That will change a lot of thing in the progression curve of the Guard. And I will use it,

Some of my build will need few modifications, that will take me, 5 minutes at maximum to udapte my fitting (Only for the guard).


And if you want to know why I stop saying that some Guards are a little bit underpowered compared to other ships, it’s pretty simple :


I don’t want to see Frigball !