Styx again...

Or just give Styx rank 8? So no more gigas! R9 should be LRF


that would work as well, after all the anaconda is r8

that would work as well, after all the anaconda is r8


Yes, but Anaconda in fact should be R9, well not the anaconda, but the Anaconda-M should be an engineer, Anaconda Mk2 a r8 Guard and the Anaconda R7 engi.


you know: top rank 1st role; mid rank 2nd role; lowest rank 1st role.

Yes, but Anaconda in fact should be R9, well not the anaconda, but the Anaconda-M should be an engineer, Anaconda Mk2 a r8 Guard and the Anaconda R7 engi.


you know: top rank 1st role; mid rank 2nd role; lowest rank 1st role.


That’s how the ship tree originally was.   When I first bought the Anaconda it was a R7 ship.   The Mk2 was the top of the line r9 fed frigate with higher resists than the M, though the M back then was the only engi with shield healing drones in T3.   This is pre 0.8.0 when all the roles were introduced.   It was basically just interceptor, fighter, frigate and each faction had their own special versions of the 3 ship “classes”.


Actually now that I think about it the Prometheus Fire was a r9 gunship back then too and the Ricasso was the best interceptor in T2.

That’s how the ship tree originally was.   When I first bought the Anaconda it was a R7 ship.   The Mk2 was the top of the line r9 fed frigate with higher resists than the M, though the M back then was the only engi with shield healing drones in T3.   This is pre 0.8.0 when all the roles were introduced.   It was basically just interceptor, fighter, frigate and each faction had their own special versions of the 3 ship “classes”.


Actually now that I think about it the Prometheus Fire was a r9 gunship back then too and the Ricasso was the best interceptor in T2.


I think that the sheep tree should have remained like that, like the actual T5 ship tree.

The problem with hull tanking is that its all around resistance module (galva) shows its stats in the survival numbers, but the shield one (adaptative) don’t.


We all know what a fed guard with dual adaptative can do.


Also, the hull buffer module performance impact on the ship is worse than the shield one.


Although I must agree that shield tanking is a bit UP in jerry ships, it is because most jerry ships are not made for speed tanking, and adaptatives are just for that. Hence the problem with shield resists.


In Fed ships the shield tanking works perfect, because you only have to fit adaptatives and you have a superb tank, as long as you can keep running full speed.


On the other way, Empire ships tanked with galva are sitting ducks, because their turn rate is ridiculously low.


What they should fix is the shield booster and hull repair modules. Hull repair is vastly superior because it is instant, AND it heals more. Shield one should be faster, or hull repair one slower.

Survivability numbers are half irrelevant.  You get more numbers with Beta-accelerator “SR Mark 3” but you get more survivability on Empire with Gigas II since most people get a target lock.  As for adaptive, it encourages weak skill.  It only works if you go shift-w and nothing else other than actives.  If you strafe to avoid some object, you lose it.  If you actually try to pilot your ship it’s useless.  It’s a module best used by newbs, and I blame the devs.  There needs to be a decent galvanized alternative for shields.  Fly around as fast as possible doesn’t cut it to me.  Swap the “debufs” of galvanized armor and adaptive shield and you’ll see a change in the meta.  Those two modules are meta defining by their nature.


the styx is fine as it is and has a good place in the t3 meta.



I hesitated dropping a Styx and getting a Valor.  I still somewhat regret it.  Styx is OP!


Simply and exemple: That new map, with gigantic proportions completely unfriendly to everything bigger than a fighter. You put 1 styx guarding each of the distant beacons, and GG, 90% of the interceptors will try to take those beacons, and die, the other 10% runs away.


You get captain mode, on that map that theres a Big rock that both teams uses as cover… what do you get? MASSIVE STYXBALL, why? Because if that ship is focused fire, doesnt matter, cause it gets 200 resistances more thanks to the gigas and simply become invulnerable with so many eggs sprayed always around them.


And you think a team with styx is imobile, NO IT ISNT, cause the STyxball just move forwards with the team indisputed, and noone can stop a team unless you take out the engies first, what is impossible thanks to its tanking capability + Gigas II.


So, lowering it to R8 would solve the problem, since the Gigas II wouldnt make it immortal as it is now. They would become like the Phoenix, very sturdy but not even near immortal. Gosh, a guard no matter which one, dies at least 3 times faster if piloted by a newb, as for the styx, ANY newb can outlive anything.

As for Iridium Stand, what kind of derp teams did you get to think that interceptors aren’t supposed to dominate it?

  As for adaptive, it encourages weak skill.  It only works if you go shift-w and nothing else other than actives.  If you strafe to avoid some object, you lose it.  If you actually try to pilot your ship it’s useless.  It’s a module best used by newbs, and I blame the devs. 


the styx is fine as it is and has a good place in the t3 meta.

i agree that shieldtanking needs some more variability, and jericho is kinda outtanked, but still, a styxball is at least very slow, and falls apart quickly if the guard dies or sometimes you can just ignore them alltogether and go for the other targets. a good mix of styxes with fed engies is way more dangerous, since the team can split into offensive and defensive at any time, and generally, a fed engi has more teeth on close range, because it’s usually a bit more manouverable.

i don’t think it matters, the styx loses it’s importance into the endgame to the minotaur, which stays a lower ranked ship until T5, so i do not see the need for styxes to become R8. In T3, styxes are the tank of choice. So what.

T3 is “The Empire strikes back”.

It shouldn’t stay that way in T5, which I agree, but I cannot say much to it, I play T3 since my team is still there.

After watching that you and you OWL mate in your styxes in that capture the beacons game I have no doubt why you say such a thing. We couldn’t even enter the beacon because of that styxball. More people kept joining you in their engineers and frigates because they new its virtually impossible to enter there and capture the beacon for the enemy team.

 As for adaptive, it encourages weak skill.  It only works if you go shift-w and nothing else other than actives.  If you strafe to avoid some object, you lose it.  If you actually try to pilot your ship it’s useless.  It’s a module best used by newbs, and I blame the devs.

Reah… right… so… I must be a total n00b, but I thought that it was just the opposite. Galva can be used by anyone, since you don’t need to do anything, just stay there and be a good imperial turret.


But adaptative on the other way need micromanagement, tactical awareness and good decision making to make it work.

As for adaptive, it encourages weak skill.  It only works if you go shift-w and nothing else other than actives.  If you strafe to avoid some object, you lose it.  If you actually try to pilot your ship it’s useless.  It’s a module best used by newbs, and I blame the devs.


He is extremely tanky as long as he is covered by his rep stations, you take away his incoming healing and he falls apart very quickly


There’s your fix.


Also, ECM jam him and shut of his heals. That’s where his tankiness is in. Resist+heals.

As for adaptive, it encourages weak skill.  It only works if you go shift-w and nothing else other than actives.  If you strafe to avoid some object, you lose it.  If you actually try to pilot your ship it’s useless.  It’s a module best used by newbs, and I blame the devs.

Successfully flying an interceptor tanked with nothing but adaptives, i.e. a tank that can be turned off both by your own piloting decisions as well as potentially every tackler, ecm, recon and guard out there, is the one true test for pilot skill in the game.

Sooo make Styx r8 to avoid Gigas affecting it… right. Not fix Gigas, which is overpowered as xxxx, no, that would be too logical?

Sooo make Styx r8 to avoid Gigas affecting it… right. Not fix Gigas, which is overpowered as xxxx, no, that would be too logical?

The only problem with Gigas is that it suddenly appears after 8 ranks of locking targets being the norm and auto-lock being the default setting. It’s not like anyone needs to target a Styx big as a house and slow as a brick to hit it, but moving up the ranks there’s nothing to teach players that they shouldn’t either.

But people learn - in T4 I encounter so many players not locking to shoot now that I’m starting to consider dropping the implant.

As for adaptive, it encourages weak skill.  It only works if you go shift-w and nothing else other than actives.  If you strafe to avoid some object, you lose it.  If you actually try to pilot your ship it’s useless.  It’s a module best used by newbs, and I blame the devs.


Are you joking, it is one of the best shield modules. Only n00bs/newbs can’t use it (newbs fair enough, they are still learning)


*edit* - so if you type n00b with normal "o"s it gets automatically changed to “Aces”. Forum troll?

The only problem with Gigas is that it suddenly appears after 8 ranks of locking targets being the norm and auto-lock being the default setting. It’s not like anyone needs to target a Styx big as a house and slow as a brick to hit it, but moving up the ranks there’s nothing to teach players that they shouldn’t either.

But people learn - in T4 I encounter so many players not locking to shoot now that I’m starting to consider dropping the implant.


That is a good point actually. I always realize i have to disable autolock but always forget about it when the game finishes. But for inties, fighters, you sometimes need a lock, and it gives the same benefits. Maybe we could remove the linearity from Gigas? So first lock gives 10 pts, second gives only 7 (so 17 pts total) and so on.

The feel when i lock on someone I’m not shooting just to disable autolock. Someone remind me to turn it off dang it.

That is a good point actually. I always realize i have to disable autolock but always forget about it when the game finishes. But for inties, fighters, you sometimes need a lock, and it gives the same benefits. Maybe we could remove the linearity from Gigas? So first lock gives 10 pts, second gives only 7 (so 17 pts total) and so on.

The feel when i lock on someone I’m not shooting just to disable autolock. Someone remind me to turn it off dang it.

I haven’t used auto-lock in over a year and I fight even many inty vs inty fights without a lock. I typically get a quick lock going in to judge speed and to unload things like plasma web on the target, then cancel lock and finish without. If you’re using homing missiles you can lock, fire and then cancel lock before they hit. It just takes some getting used to.

I think the implant is fine, it allows for some tactical loadout decisions based on the likelihood of what damage type hitting you with a lock or which one isn’t.

After watching that you and you OWL mate in your styxes in that capture the beacons game I have no doubt why you say such a thing. We couldn’t even enter the beacon because of that styxball. More people kept joining you in their engineers and frigates because they new its virtually impossible to enter there and capture the beacon for the enemy team.


I remember that game. I think. Wait, I thought it was Domination.


That was the only game i even took the styx - and respawned as other ships later - exactly because of this Thread.

If it was the game where you were together with Crystaljack and others, I have to say, you guys seemed a bit tired at that point, while for us, it was practically the first game. It was a very unusual WPK play in my opinion, because there was really no reason why we could not have lost.

You might have had lower players, since as far as i remember, you were a bigger squad. My mates Styx is not even fully synergized.

I have never used GigasII anyway.


But to be honest, the two styxes were not your main problem. The waiting was. Moving along the open with the whole team and taking the other beacon way too late; Also you did clear the Styxes, you did take that beacon.


I did equip the Styx tho because of this discussion. As I said, I do take all these comments quite seriously. But immediately switched away from the Styx, because it’s a boring ship to me.

And I was watching the minimap and at certain points I thought you had lost morale or sth.

I could have done nothing, if you would have charged the beacon immediately, instead of moving beyond the stones. I wasn’t really sure what the Ceptors tried to achieve and I had minutes of undisturbingly funfiring at Crystals dancing Eagle until you finally decided to clear me from the field.

I didn’t count the Styxes, but I don’t think there were more than 3 Engis at any point.


To be honest, I do admit, Styxes (Styxi? wth) could do with a tiny bit less survivability - but as I said, I still don’t see anything wrong with it. We had similar situations later that evening with other Styxballs, which was not just like 2 styxes, but more, and they failed.


I still believe, if you would have charged immediately, instead of keeping your distance and playing it safe, you would have won straight. But we didn’t win of that beacon, we won because we constantly had 2, and nobody really went for the second early. Later I protected the off beacon with my Eagle.


If respawn time would be a bit more dependant of the size of the ship you just wasted, the gameplay imho would be often more fair. Unfortunately, a good team can regroup to a second styxball.


If I just confused two games, I am sorry. I am not sure how often I styxed, but I know I was glad to return to my Valor later.




Maybe we could remove the linearity from Gigas? So first lock gives 10 pts, second gives only 7 (so 17 pts total) and so on.


This sounds actually quite good as idea. Maybe not that harsh (it should still be effective against 3-4).



Thank you for sharing your wisdom. I will later take notes from this post and tell my mates how to totally win games.

We obviously don’t have as much experience or battles as you do but i’m sure one day we’ll be as experienced as you :slight_smile:

I remember that game. I think. Wait, I thought it was Domination.


That was the only game i even took the styx - and respawned as other ships later - exactly because of this Thread.

If it was the game where you were together with Crystaljack and others, I have to say, you guys seemed a bit tired at that point, while for us, it was practically the first game. It was a very unusual WPK play in my opinion, because there was really no reason why we could not have lost.

You might have had lower players, since as far as i remember, you were a bigger squad. My mates Styx is not even fully synergized.

I have never used GigasII anyway.


But to be honest, the two styxes were not your main problem. The waiting was. Moving along the open with the whole team and taking the other beacon way too late; Also you did clear the Styxes, you did take that beacon.


I did equip the Styx tho because of this discussion. As I said, I do take all these comments quite seriously. But immediately switched away from the Styx, because it’s a boring ship to me.

And I was watching the minimap and at certain points I thought you had lost morale or sth.

I could have done nothing, if you would have charged the beacon immediately, instead of moving beyond the stones. I wasn’t really sure what the Ceptors tried to achieve and I had minutes of undisturbingly funfiring at Crystals dancing Eagle until you finally decided to clear me from the field.

I didn’t count the Styxes, but I don’t think there were more than 3 Engis at any point.


To be honest, I do admit, Styxes (Styxi? wth) could do with a tiny bit less survivability - but as I said, I still don’t see anything wrong with it. We had similar situations later that evening with other Styxballs, which was not just like 2 styxes, but more, and they failed.


I still believe, if you would have charged immediately, instead of keeping your distance and playing it safe, you would have won straight. But we didn’t win of that beacon, we won because we constantly had 2, and nobody really went for the second early. Later I protected the off beacon with my Eagle.


If respawn time would be a bit more dependant of the size of the ship you just wasted, the gameplay imho would be often more fair. Unfortunately, a good team can regroup to a second styxball.


If I just confused two games, I am sorry. I am not sure how often I styxed, but I know I was glad to return to my Valor later.



Yeah, domination, that one where you have to hold 3 beacons at the same time.


I wouldn’t say we were tired, at least not me, it was simply impossible for us to break into a beacon with 2 styxes, one anaconda, 2 crusaders/-s, and one acid hydra, the third beacon was close to your spawn and the rest of our team couldn’t even defend our respawn point beacon (I had to go twice there to clean it)


The problem with the Styx is not the ship itself, but the fact that any random player access to it very quickly so there is a swarm of them every game without exception, and it’s just boring.

Thank you for sharing your wisdom. I will later take notes from this post and tell my mates how to totally win games.

We obviously don’t have as much experience or battles as you do but i’m sure one day we’ll be as experienced as you :slight_smile:


You read my attitude wrong, terrorblade. Just because I do take my own opinion seriously, it does not mean i can’t be wrong, and it’s still just my opinion.

I just said, you could have won that game, in my opinion. It was unusual. I am used to get stomped by WPK, and I was actually expecting total defeat, so I thought, wth, lets bring the Styx.

You got a problem how I wrote this, you can tell me personally what seemed smug to you.

But keep in mind, I am usually the student when it comes to playing against you guys, and I know that.




The problem with the Styx is not the ship itself, but the fact that any random player access to it very quickly so there is a swarm of them every game without exception, and it’s just boring.


true. but at least the random player isn’t OP with it. I do agree on the boring part, but I also enjoy the games where two frigate teams shoot each other forever from the distance.


could not remember we had 3 beacons, but i can remember, i saw a big red blob moving to that one beacon, and i think the whole team thought we are just f*d, while our team did spread out a bit. point is, you could have done that better, and it is easy blaming the styxes, because actually, one was not synergized, and the other one i flew didnt even use gigas;


but actually you did prove your point more to me in that game, i agree now, that the styx might need some nerf.