Styx again...


Seen this build on some guy yesterday. Discuss.

And yes, I figured out how build it.

LudwigHR [ESB], great dude and trustworthy engineer player.


And ofc you did, it’s pretty easy to know the build:


Engine: Verniers

Capacitor: Leak Stabilizer

Hull: 1 Kinetic resist + 2 Galvaniced

Shield: Adaptative

CPU: who knows


Implants: 1 Jericho, 2 Empire, 3 Fed, 4 who knows, 5 Empire, 6 who knows, 7 Fed, 8 who knows, 9 Empire.




In my opinion the build is ok but not optimal, I would change R1 Jericho for Fed, and Change the Kinetic for a Heavy Hull. I would also change the Shield for Splitter or EM resist.


Those resist are high indeed, but at that point they are redundant, with gigas and adaptative he has even higher resists, but there is a point where you get really low percentages for high resist numbers, so he would do better Imo with more Hull rather than just more resistances.

He is extremely tanky as long as he is covered by his rep stations, you take away his incoming healing and he falls apart very quickly

I dont care who uses It, i want this hull tank fixed.

I dont care who uses It, i want this hull tank fixed.

Define “fixed”

In fact his tankiness is not that high compared to other styxes I’ve seen… but ok.


There is nothing to discuss tho, Styx should be rank 8 because it’s a secondary role and that would reduce his tankiness, at least you wouldnt see 4 styxes per team every game

In fact his tankiness is not that high compared to other styxes I’ve seen… but ok.


There is nothing to discuss tho, Styx should be rank 8 because it’s a secondary role and that would reduce his tankiness, at least you wouldnt see 4 styxes per team every game

4x Styx?! i want to be in games like that… 90% games Im in have no engie.

4x Styx?! i want to be in games like that… 90% games Im in have no engie.


You kidding? You play a lot Tillo, I don’t play mucha and I’m constantly seeing Styxballs, Styxballs everywhere. Maybe not on my team, but the enemy team ALWAYS has at least 2 of them, with Ecplise and Drones, I must add, impossible to find anything more annoying.

Those resist are high indeed, but at that point they are redundant, with gigas and adaptative he has even higher resists, but there is a point where you get really low percentages for high resist numbers, so he would do better Imo with more Hull rather than just more resistances.

You’re discounting heal rates.  He will heal faster than the typical OP Sytx with over 65k survivability.  The double armor plus one galvanized has 11k more hull points to heal.  With Mk.IV heals, and assuming your ship gets the repair station’s heals, it’s an additional 25 seconds for the 66k Styx to heal from low health.  I need to find my perl scripts to graph to see how the incoming damage compared to resists and heals actually affects the survivability.  Engineers are special in that their heals are a part of their tank.


I dont care who uses It, i want this hull tank fixed.

OP Styx has always been OP.  What’s new?  The devs are at least “looking into it” finally but we haven’t heard anything since the shield bubble change.

The problem with hull tanking is that its all around resistance module (galva) shows its stats in the survival numbers, but the shield one (adaptative) don’t.


We all know what a fed guard with dual adaptative can do.


Also, the hull buffer module performance impact on the ship is worse than the shield one.


Although I must agree that shield tanking is a bit UP in jerry ships, it is because most jerry ships are not made for speed tanking, and adaptatives are just for that. Hence the problem with shield resists.


In Fed ships the shield tanking works perfect, because you only have to fit adaptatives and you have a superb tank, as long as you can keep running full speed.


On the other way, Empire ships tanked with galva are sitting ducks, because their turn rate is ridiculously low.


What they should fix is the shield booster and hull repair modules. Hull repair is vastly superior because it is instant, AND it heals more. Shield one should be faster, or hull repair one slower.

You kidding? You play a lot Tillo, I don’t play mucha and I’m constantly seeing Styxballs, Styxballs everywhere. Maybe not on my team, but the enemy team ALWAYS has at least 2 of them, with Ecplise and Drones, I must add, impossible to find anything more annoying.


That is INDEED TRUE!!!


Much more than half the games i play solo, or squaded, our team is a bunch of nonsense without engies, and when theres a engie it is a T2, while the enemy team (specially on captain mode) field 6 STYXES!!! ¨6!!!

the styx is fine as it is and has a good place in the t3 meta.


i agree that shieldtanking needs some more variability, and jericho is kinda outtanked, but still, a styxball is at least very slow, and falls apart quickly if the guard dies or sometimes you can just ignore them alltogether and go for the other targets. a good mix of styxes with fed engies is way more dangerous, since the team can split into offensive and defensive at any time, and generally, a fed engi has more teeth on close range, because it’s usually a bit more manouverable.


i don’t think it matters, the styx loses it’s importance into the endgame to the minotaur, which stays a lower ranked ship until T5, so i do not see the need for styxes to become R8. In T3, styxes are the tank of choice. So what.


T3 is “The Empire strikes back”.


It shouldn’t stay that way in T5, which I agree, but I cannot say much to it, I play T3 since my team is still there.

Simply and exemple: That new map, with gigantic proportions completely unfriendly to everything bigger than a fighter. You put 1 styx guarding each of the distant beacons, and GG, 90% of the interceptors will try to take those beacons, and die, the other 10% runs away.


You get captain mode, on that map that theres a Big rock that both teams uses as cover… what do you get? MASSIVE STYXBALL, why? Because if that ship is focused fire, doesnt matter, cause it gets 200 resistances more thanks to the gigas and simply become invulnerable with so many eggs sprayed always around them.


And you think a team with styx is imobile, NO IT ISNT, cause the STyxball just move forwards with the team indisputed, and noone can stop a team unless you take out the engies first, what is impossible thanks to its tanking capability + Gigas II.


So, lowering it to R8 would solve the problem, since the Gigas II wouldnt make it immortal as it is now. They would become like the Phoenix, very sturdy but not even near immortal. Gosh, a guard no matter which one, dies at least 3 times faster if piloted by a newb, as for the styx, ANY newb can outlive anything.

What they should fix is the shield booster and hull repair modules. Hull repair is vastly superior because it is instant, AND it heals more. Shield one should be faster, or hull repair one slower.

Definitely. Makes more sense for hull to repair slower. As far as healing goes, shield booster is just meh compared to repair kit

It does have lower reload time than repair kit, though. I use it on my cov-ops to fight against tacklers and other slowpokes


the styx is fine as it is and has a good place in the t3 meta.



What they should fix is the shield booster and hull repair modules. Hull repair is vastly superior because it is instant, AND it heals more. Shield one should be faster, or hull repair one slower.

What are you even talking about? Hull repair has always been and still is slower, both on engineers and for all self-heal modules (only on interceptors you heal more hull for some reason but the cooldown is considerably longer).

I think he means that shield booster heals over 8seconds, while hull is over 1 second

Sure, but overall you still heal more shield than hull. Although the instant part always bothered me, it’s like they made a mistake copying that part from EVE where shield repair is instant and hull repair is not, the direct opposite from what we got here.

Simply and exemple: That new map, with gigantic proportions completely unfriendly to everything bigger than a fighter. You put 1 styx guarding each of the distant beacons, and GG, 90% of the interceptors will try to take those beacons, and die, the other 10% runs away.



So that map is unfriendly to big ships… except the Styx? :slight_smile:


It is true, that a coordinated drop - with any kind of fleet - on that map is hard to stop. However your scenario sounds like you are sending a fleet of ceptors into battle with a lonely styx not achieving their goal. I can’t believe that. The biggest problem you have as a smaller ship attacking a Styx is usually time; but without help, it’s a stranded whale. Without the Styx the only R9 Engi would be the Valor, a GS ship; It would mean people who prefer Tank would keep with a few Guards and Empire LRF to play with.


It would in my opinion just remove a good strategy in the game, which is by far not the standard encounter, as the scenarios of Styxdoom mentioned here appear to me. I see Styxclusters, even all Frigate teams, winning and losing. I have seen countless games, where nobody actually takes an engineer, even in Captain games, where it would be rather obvious that you might need a healer.


Maybe it would work still fine as an R8, but if this suggestion only serves to eliminate the role of a brick in space in T3, it would just take away a good aspect in T3 games. I hardly fly empire in T3, but I have done my fair share of swarming or styxing around and I also know how frustrating it is to lose against Styxes stalling your team to death. But it never seemed like a perfectly played game by the whole team lost, until now.


For me the Styx at least has character, I would rather see this kind of character on more ships. Besides Swarm and Black Swarm it is one of the best cards empire has in T3.


It is kind of a pity, that the Styx is not vulnerable to energy war - because that meta just does not really exist. This makes multiple Styxes (Styxii?) really hard to kill, especially if they bring a Guard. But it’s not impossible.


I do think about the counter arguments now a lot, I myself do not fly the styx as much, but, still, if I close in on a Styx at a beacon, or even two, or three, and see nothing else, I am a very happy interceptor.

Just nerf gigas ii so that it either has reduced resistance per lock on or have the resistance only apply to shield or hull. That way you do not get an engi with 200+ resist for each damage type

Just nerf gigas ii so that it either has reduced resistance per lock on or have the resistance only apply to shield or hull. That way you do not get an engi with 200+ resist for each damage type


Or just give Styx rank 8? So no more gigas! R9 should be LRF