Main game suggestions.
List of thngs that need to be changed as per many forums requests. These are the main ones that I have seen that have multiple forums, alot of feedback on them and others.
Alot, I mean ALOT of people ask, suggest something to be done about the HUD.
It needs to be customiszalble, resizeable and above all user friendly. How this is to be done is up to the devs, but it needs to at least have basic requirements.
A. An easy way to change it
B. Color coded and color changeable. ( I would kill for my HP bars to be green)
C. All specific infographics can be rearranged how I like.
- Gametypes.
I have seen so many people, including my own corp literally cringe when we are dropped into Combat Recon, that most of us either A. Suicde the captian or B. Stay all together and defensive. OR when someone unfavorable is dropped to be captian for the match and gets killed literally after 30 seconds.
Some ideas that have been made was to make a better system. Lets keep the mode but make it better and reduce the campers.
Make a vote system to vote who wants to be the captian.
Make the captian IMMUNE to all attacks for the first 15 seconds to ward off suiciders and for teams to get situated.
I have no Idea how to reduce campers, but something needs to get done about them.
add a team death match. Simple.
2A. Let us CHOOSE what gametype we want to be in. I hate the random order, I hate being controlled.
If I want to be in dommination matches all day with my squad I have the right to go for it.
- Squads
It is quite silly how backwards they have this. Im okay with playing with friends, but only 4 people? Really? and you have to have a license to have 4? Thats complete <CENSORED>.
Squads should be up to 8 players. If ya want to keep the system where you get to pay for more squad members, then its up to 4 for free and 8 when you have the license.
Also, allow us to party with other squads we would like to be matched up against. If two squads of 8 want to verse each other in a bloodbath, let them!
- Corps.
Yo, they need to be cheaper, more user friendly, and have better incentives to join one. Thats it.
(secret post #5)
Yo, imagine if we could make our weapons have different colors? Like green lazers, red plasma, or even blue rail guns…pretty.