Stop spawn farming

Wasn’t there a thread about not replying in quotes?


Anyway three ESB members aren’t the whole team.  It’s a serious MM failure but you’re too blind to see it.


You can’t pick your team though.  It’s not a choice.


I didn’t replay in a quote I did it using another quote.


I agree in the second part. 

Wasn’t there a thread about not replying in quotes?

reading comprehension much?


Anyway three ESB members aren’t the whole team.  It’s a serious MM failure but you’re too blind to see it.

You can’t pick your team though.  It’s not a choice.

You get a team you deserve, but not the one you need.

You can’t pick your team though.  It’s not a choice.


Most of my teams can be directed to a certain extent: people ping beacons, enemies, etc, and there’s some semblance of a strategy on top of some teamwork and tactics. 


But sometimes MM just decides to troll you, and that’s when I think the system needs to do something about spawncamping for matches whose results are already decided at the loading screen.

I totally support the idea of the game punishing the players for being better than their opponents. In fact a new system should be added that increases the amount of synergy/credit income to afk players.

Laissez-Faire Vs Socialism… I hope you get the analogy. Neither one is perfect. One is open to abuse and corruption by those who support it and the other lacks freedom.

In reality though players who are already dominating would be the least affected when it comes to decreasing their credit or synergy gain. Most of their stuff is purpled/oranged up and ships already fully synergized.

Residente, you are just using an extreme form of my suggestion to make it seem more ridiculous than it is. Please don’t use that debate tactic.

The battle after that I was with WPK and they did the same thing. It wasn’t fun for me at all and it felt cheap. I have fun and exciting battles on the losing team sometimes but when it’s no fun at all I feel like breaking into the cheap opponents house and burning it down with him locked inside.

Just my feelings on the matter.

That happened to me earlier today as well. Took me a couple minutes to realize that they were holding the bombs behind a rock and weren’t even trying to advance. 'cept instead of WPK, it was 2x ESB  and 1x WPK on my side against 3x WPK on the other. I’m sure they had fun killing everybody while sitting behind a rock, but I sure didn’t. I don’t like sitting still and sniping at folks, it feels so frustrating! Flying around and shooting once or twice is so much better. But no one on my team was there to back me up, so I got stuck behind a rock with everybody else. It wasn’t quite an issue with spawn camping as opposed to one team having complete control of the match and deciding not to even try to plant, though, so I guess this is slightly off topic.


As for the spawn camping thing, that’s eh. In a TDM like in the video, it’s kinda sorta the fastest way to end a match, anyways. I personally hate spawn camping lest it be combat recon attempting to get at the captain, or TDM trying to whittle down the enemy numbers. But I don’t think there’s a good fair way to change the game to prevent it. It’s definitely a matchmaker problem.

Laissez-Faire Vs Socialism… 


Why not anarchy?

Why not anarchy?

I actually predict that this would be better. Syndrome says, " If everyone is hacking, no one is."



 There is an invulnerable time on spawn use it , pick your target and kill it , if you cannot kill anyone on swarm escape , go their spawn and camp it lol 

sure is funny, how the pro’s are the first ones to spawn camp. Where is the fun in that? I’ve never heard anything good about games, that allow spawn camping. Won’t end better with star conflict.

Pro players feed on tears of defeated enemies.

And they are feasting in this post.

The problem is not ESB being better players. They deserve that. What they don’t deserve is endlessly spawn killing others when they could have finished they game already. That is not fair to the other team as they waste time and credits if they choose to abandon battle:

For example we were facing WPK in detonation. There was only one beacon left and they had both bombs. But they decided to keep spawnkilling until 20 seconds left in the match. My team faced 5+ minutes of being killed when WPK could have simply ended the game. That is not fun for the losing team at all.

This was a great game! For us…

Spawn raping…

Gauss Tackler FTW!

WgfOG6R.jpg 3SRjlRn.jpg

Or maybe it was another one, not sure.

My advice. For example if they do this in Domination.

Take an inty and get the beacons. Recon is the best to avoid spawncamping. Tell your team what to do. I already managed such situtations on my own side, i were alone… With nubs against 4xDNO, but we managed the victory anyway.

This doesn’t go against the rules.


What about ‘intent’?


If spawn-camping is considered a legitimate tactic and is not to be discouraged, why is there a period of invulnerability at spawn? Why is the spawn point in Team Deathmatch spread out to 3 different areas instead of lumped together like most other game modes?


One might mistakenly infer that the developers were hoping to avoid a spawn-killing scenario…

What about ‘intent’?


If spawn-camping is considered a legitimate tactic and is not to be discouraged, why is there a period of invulnerability at spawn? Why is the spawn point in Team Deathmatch spread out to 3 different areas instead of lumped together like most other game modes?


One might mistakenly infer that the developers were hoping to avoid a spawn-killing scenario…

If the game has arrived to the point of a spawn camp fest, then the game has been lost since 2 minutes ago.


It is not that hard to understand.


Spawn camp is only an issue when you fail at holding your positions or focusing fire.


I cannot imagine why you should punish a team for doing well, and reward a team for doing bad…

I cannot imagine why you should punish a team for doing well, and reward a team for doing bad…


It’s not punishing a team for doing good, it’s stopping a scenario that will result in players ragequitting the game for good.


If all it takes to secure victory is to sit on the enemy’s doorstep and focus fire them as they spawn, why should teams play for objectives?


It may be fun for the winning team, but it won’t make the losing players want to stick around and support the game, especially if it keeps happening to them over and over again.


There is a reason you can’t enter the enemy spawn in Team Fortress 2 and other games like it…

If all it takes to secure victory is to sit on the enemy’s doorstep and focus fire them as they spawn, why should teams play for objectives?


You still fail to understand that, at the moment you begin spawn camping, the game has been won for a long time.

Yeah… threads like these are a great way to reduce the amount of respect I have for so-called “veterans” of the community. No wonder we have such a problem with player retention when behaviours that drive people away are not only accepted, but promoted as “proof of skill”.

Yeah… threads like these are a great way to reduce the amount of respect I have for so-called “veterans” of the community. No wonder we have such a problem with player retention when behaviours that drive people away are not only accepted, but promoted as “proof of skill”.

Then you should rethink your membership in a corp which uses and promotes spawn camping as a great way to win a game fast and clean.


Which it is.

Then you should rethink your membership in a corp which uses and promotes spawn camping as a great way to win a game fast and clean.


Which it is.

No it isn’t. It can be, I admit that, but the mission objective should always come first.


This is what set us apart from ESB; they were always the blow-hards who were more interested in their precious KDR than the result of a game. We were meant to be the guys who won the game no matter what.


Funny how that ideology seems to have slipped…

No it isn’t. It can be, I admit that, but the mission objective should always come first.


This is what set us apart from ESB; they were always the blow-hards who were more interested in their precious KDR than the result of a game. We were meant to be the guys who won the game no matter what.


Funny how that ideology seems to have slipped…

Victory is all that matters. Spawn camping is a fast and clean way to win. It means you have overwhelmed the enemy team up to the point you are killing them in their spawn.


I’ve never seen a WPK squad doing spawn killing ONLY. It is a way to get the enemy pin down so you can finish the objectives without interference.


Also, most of the time the death squad spawn kills and the rest of the team do the objectives. It is a coordinated teamwork. Some provide cover, so the randoms can fulfill the objectives.

Victory is all that matters. Spawn camping is a fast and clean way to win. It means you have overwhelmed the enemy team up to the point you are killing them in their spawn.


Not exactly. If we’re talking about spawn camping in detonation, it’s pure farming.