STILL A CRITICAL BUG in Dreadnoughts

I am not pleased. 


Yesterday, The NASA led a wing against LAIR to take down Eastern Mining Station in Federation Space. It was a 5v5 battle, where LAIR did not even provide their own wing - rather it was two soloqueued players and 3 bots against our 5-man wing.


Needless to say, we decisively won that battle and assumed that the sector ownership would be transferred from STORM to us. I woke up this morning to find out that instead, ownership transferred to LAIR when we, NASA, won the battle and are the rightful owners of that sector.




Let me remind all of you that this problem has occurred before, where NASA has been denied a sector fighting against DNO due to an internal matchmaking problem with the Star Conflict server. This very similar bug report can be found [here](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/27653-critical-bug-in-dreadnoughts/). Let me remind you that the sector ownership was never changed to The NASA, nor was there any word from the developers about fixing this bug, other than a Case ID from Skula. I have never heard any updates from them since.


_There is absolutely no excuse as to why this bug is still happening, after multiple patches and months knowing that this bug exists. _This is the SECOND time that NASA has been denied ownership of a sector because of problems that the developers should have fixed a long time ago.


I don’t know if this was a developer oversight or slacking off, but the problem still exists, and we are getting the short end of the stick for this. I am irate about having to make almost the EXACT SAME bug report AGAIN after several months of patches. This is inexcusable.


Therefore, I will ask this again. This time, I will not request, but rather I will demand that the sector ownership be changed to my corporation, The NASA. We won that battle, and yet for some reason we did not get rightful ownership. If this issue is not resolved by the next patch and ownership not changed, I will change my Steam review of this game from Positive to Negative, citing developer sloppiness as the reason why this game does not deserve a good reputation.


I await a truthful developer response to this matter. This OP will be updated if any further proof from my teammates come in. Attached are my logs.

[chat.log](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=10249)

[combat.log](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=10250)

[](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=10251)

[game.log](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=10252)

It’s not a bug Mecron. We launched an attack as well, we showed with an 8-man wing and faced bots, while your wing faced 2 LAIR players who soloqueued with bots.


Since we both won our games in the first round, it put both of us in the tournament, but since you didn’t show for the tournament, we took the sector.


Simple as that.


Edit: Had our 8-man wing faced your 5-man wing in the first round, only 10% damage would have gone through as per recent(ish) changes to damage. If 2 attacking wings fight each other, only the winner of the two will deal damage to the sector.

You weren’t the only attack. Your whole team logged off and didn’t show to the tournament, so we won the sector by default once we readied up for it.

The LAIR players were pubqueuers, not our wing. You would have seen the squad/wing number next to the players if it were. Plus it was only two players, which couldn’t be a wing anyway.


Also, pretty much what Dirk said. The sector wouldn’t have gone down in the first place if we hadn’t shown. It was at 20% with two attacks - NASA and LAIR. Did you really not notice that the entire time??



I am not pleased. 


Yesterday, The NASA led a wing against LAIR to take down Eastern Mining Station in Federation Space. It was a 5v5 battle, where LAIR did not even provide their own wing - rather it was two soloqueued players and 3 bots against our 5-man wing.


Needless to say, we decisively won that battle and assumed that the sector ownership would be transferred from STORM to us. I woke up this morning to find out that instead, ownership transferred to LAIR when we, NASA, won the battle and are the rightful owners of that sector.




Let me remind all of you that this problem has occurred before, where NASA has been denied a sector fighting against DNO due to an internal matchmaking problem with the Star Conflict server. This very similar bug report can be found [here](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/27653-critical-bug-in-dreadnoughts/). Let me remind you that the sector ownership was never changed to The NASA, nor was there any word from the developers about fixing this bug, other than a Case ID from Skula. I have never heard any updates from them since.


_There is absolutely no excuse as to why this bug is still happening, after multiple patches and months knowing that this bug exists. _This is the SECOND time that NASA has been denied ownership of a sector because of problems that the developers should have fixed a long time ago.


I don’t know if this was a developer oversight or slacking off, but the problem still exists, and we are getting the short end of the stick for this. I am irate about having to make almost the EXACT SAME bug report AGAIN after several months of patches. This is inexcusable.


Therefore, I will ask this again. This time, I will not request, but rather I will demand that the sector ownership be changed to my corporation, The NASA. We won that battle, and yet for some reason we did not get rightful ownership. If this issue is not resolved by the next patch and ownership not changed, I will change my Steam review of this game from Positive to Negative, citing developer sloppiness as the reason why this game does not deserve a good reputation.


I await a truthful developer response to this matter. This OP will be updated if any further proof from my teammates come in. Attached are my logs.

LOL “did not even provide their own wing”


Perhaps you should get a better understanding of the game as you obviously don’t know how dreads work. XD

A truthful dev will reply: “You dun goofed” Nice try meccy but can’t change the past :wink:


Shouldnt dread be “competitive” part of this game?

wut bots and solo que doin there?


Shouldnt dread be “competitive” part of this game?

wut bots and solo que doin there?


Not enough corps, due to lack of squadplay for the past year or so. It has become a solo game :slight_smile:

I personally was unaware that it was possible to queue for dread battles alone. I’ve been in (less than twenty) dread battles since they came out.

I personally was unaware that it was possible to queue for dread battles alone. I’ve been in (less than twenty) dread battles since they came out.



That’s literally all this button is good for


That’s literally all this button is good for


Yeah, but instead of showing the timer, it just activates for ONE friggin minute

Yeah, but instead of showing the timer, it just activates for ONE friggin minute

Never said it’s any good at what it tries to do. :stuck_out_tongue: I have a suggestion somewhere about making it suck less…

Ah, found it. Here: [](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/28688-seriously-seriously-seriously-dreadnought-timing-information-and-interface-improvements/)


Edit: Might be a nice idea to have it announce pubqueue times in global, like it does for tournament and specops.

Ive barely played dreads lately, but from what ive seen pub queue is an underground system that makes its dirty moves under the table (you dont see it, it just happens). Corps can make multiple attacks/defenses while only showing 1 (attack/defender), and some know it. Im completely confident NASA wing wouldve stayed some more minutes for one last battle if they wouldve seen the another attack (like it used to be).

Ive barely played dreads lately, but from what ive seen pub queue is an underground system that makes its dirty moves under the table (you dont see it, it just happens). Corps can make multiple attacks/defenses while only showing 1 (attack/defender), and some know it. Im completely confident NASA wing wouldve stayed some more minutes for one last battle if they wouldve seen the another attack (like it used to be).

That wasn’t what we did. We had a full wing of 8 (and a second full wing of 8 for t3) and extra players who wanted to pub. We told the extras to pub in t4 -  if NASA hadn’t fought the pubs, they would have fought LAIR and only 10% damage would have been dealt regardless - so the sector wouldn’t have dropped.


We expected them to show for the tournament. It surprises me that they didn’t, and more so that this is the aftermath of that. It’s a derp that I honestly didn’t think they’d make - this system has been in place for quite some time now - several weeks to a month, at least. Mistakes are mistakes. Pay more attention next time. It should have been obvious that the players NASA fought weren’t our wing (only 2 of them and no squad/wing indicator in the spawn screen), and additionally so that our attack did damage despite this.

And you can always ask us. We did have like, twenty players on to talk to. Including me. I would have said something.


(Though tbh I do very much think our wing of 8 would have beaten their wing of 5, but that’s not the topic here)

Pay more attention next time

When five players who have all been playing since before pub queues came out all fail to notice something, it’s a design oversight more than a player issue.

if 2 corps attack without defenders, the dmg (20%) is dealt as long as both show up. Since LAIR had a wing and NASA its own, thats enough for the 20% dmg (no matter the outcome). The pub would increase this to 30%? 


Anyway i couldnt be there cause i was bussy with university…

When five players who have all been playing since before pub queues came out all fail to notice something, it’s a design oversight more than a player issue.

I don’t disagree, but that doesn’t make it the bug Mecron was so furious about. It surprises me quite a lot that you all missed it, actually. (But I don’t necessarily think it’s your fault that you did.)


The entire dreadnought attack system needs a rework. It’s needed one almost since day one.

Not enough corps, due to lack of squadplay for the past year or so. It has become a solo game :slight_smile:



didnt they say population is awesome atm?



didnt they say population is awesome atm?

I’m sure it is in Russia. :slight_smile:

I don’t disagree, but that doesn’t make it the bug Mecron was so furious about. It surprises me quite a lot that you all missed it, actually. (But I don’t necessarily think it’s your fault that you did.)


The entire dreadnought attack system needs a rework. It’s needed one almost since day one.

Indeed, it doesn’t make it the same bug. Unfortunately, what it does is make for the second sector NASA’s been gimped out of due to lack of developer oversight.

Indeed, it doesn’t make it the same bug. Unfortunately, what it does is make for the second sector NASA’s been gimped out of due to lack of developer oversight.

Well, you would have had to fight our 8man wing - we did have one, and it was pretty strong. And honestly I don’t think NASA would have won.

But there at least would have been a battle for control and therefore it’s entirely speculation as to what would have actually happened.


I’ll raise the issue soon.

But there at least would have been a battle for control and therefore it’s entirely speculation as to what would have actually happened

We may or may not have won the game, but regardless of how strong your team might have been, that game never happened. Had it happened, we might have lost for myriad reasons in the game. But it didn’t happen. So, as I said, gimped out of a sector for the second time due to developer oversight.