STILL A CRITICAL BUG in Dreadnoughts

Personally, I fail to see how this is entirely (or even mostly) the devs fault… We’ve all known that pub queues are a thing. What gets me is that you saw that LAIR had readied up for an attack, and had shown with a wing in the registration window. But you didn’t put 2 and 2 together when you saw 2 LAIR players not in a wing/squad against you. You need at least 4 to qualify as an attack or defense, so therefore 2 players could not have made up a legit attacking wing.


Had you paid closer attention to the registration/attacks page, you would have seen that both the LAIR wing and the NASA wing did damage, which isn’t possible if 2 attacking wings fight each other. To be fair, that one wasn’t a very clear change, but had you stuck around for 15 more minutes, you would have seen the tournament be created with LAIR and NASA placed into it.


While there are flaws with the dread system, this is not the second time NASA has been cheated out of a sector, as it was primarily player error and jumping to conclusions. (Don’t even get me started on being cheated out of sectors, OWL was cheated out of probably 5+ sectors due to matchmaking/server bugs and errors).

[How to create bug reports](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/25328-how-to-create-bug-reports/)