Static Armour [Module]

Name: Static Armour

Type: Passive Hull Module

Ranks: 8-15

Tooltip: Charges the hull of the ship with an excess of electrons. These will snap across from your hull to any enemy’s hull if they are too close, dealing massive EM damage. 1 shock per 6 seconds in a 100m radius of the ship. Each shock deals 8,750 EM damage. If the enemy has a charged hull as well, there will not be a shock, but you will be pushed away from each other very quickly.

The effect of this module will look like blue static all over the hull of your ship. It will look just like the critical effect of the Plasma Gun when it hits the hull.

if you don’t think the module would work out, I’d really like to have the effect on my ship anyways because it looks so cool.

Super good idea. +198373 would use. 10/10



pulsar is enough


pulsar is enough

Everyone equates my ideas to the pulsar. Why? Just because it vaguely resembles it in one, maybe two ways does not mean it is a pulsar spinoff. Plus, 100m radius. 100m

In reality it should be smaller, and be restricted to contact to the hull, but I’m not sure that the devs can do that with this engine.

it is basicly a pulsar

A very slow one that practically requires you to ram the ship to effect it.

And it comes with a much cooler looking effect that totally makes it way more worth it.

How 2 hard counter plasma arc pls

it is basicly a pulsar


Truth. We aren’t planning any pulsar variatons. 

You have an incoming gunship knife, be patient! xD

Next module, Destroyer comet shower. Radius 5 km, dmg 5000/sec, duration 2 min. Colour rainbow.

Next module, Destroyer comet shower. Radius 5 km, dmg 5000/sec, duration 2 min. Colour rainbow.

or! or! ‘disconnect the enemy team’ module!


EDIT: we already have mods on ECMs that disconnect keyboards, so it’s totally feasible!

or! or! disconnect the enemy team module!


EDIT: we already have mods on ECMs that disconnect keyboards, so it’s totally feasible!

yeeeees, and then u get hit by comets. That has to be a Dessie module

Or howabout a lazor beem that one-hits anything it touches. Oh it also warps around obstacles, has infinite range, and never overheats.

Truth. We aren’t planning any pulsar variatons. 
