Stat Reset Option

i think we need to add in a stat reset option.


first of all, say the pilot has come off to a rough start, like me. i have only started being able to build correctly not long after i reached T5, this means that i have around 500 games and a very low win/loss ratio, if i were to reset them i could show a more current version of my stats.


secondly, say i have a very bad kill death ratio. and i reset my stats, my kdr will be much more meaningful as it has much more current stats.


finally, some of the bigger corps have high stat reqs and since i was horrible at the game through my first four tiers. my stats are horrible and i cant join those corps that i would otherwise be elegable for. if we were to have a section for overall stats, and recent stats, it would make corps much easier to make decisions on who can join and who cant.



i think we need to add in a stat reset option.


first of all, say the pilot has come off to a rough start, like me. i have only started being able to build correctly not long after i reached T5, this means that i have around 500 games and a very low win/loss ratio, if i were to reset them i could show a more current version of my stats.


secondly, say i have a very bad kill death ratio. and i reset my stats, my kdr will be much more meaningful as it has much more current stats.


finally, some of the bigger corps have high stat reqs and since i was horrible at the game through my first four tiers. my stats are horrible and i cant join those corps that i would otherwise be elegable for. if we were to have a section for overall stats, and recent stats, it would make corps much easier to make decisions on who can join and who cant.



Everyone started with those handicaps, so we are all playing in the same ground. Now that you know how to build ships, your W/L ratio will increase naturally.


If you want to be a stat padder, you have to start again.



For a competitive game it would make sense. Atm the stats are worthless to judge a player, only some extent of info if they are leally good or really bad.

Also if one wants to have goal like win rate 2:1 its impossible to get with too many games under belt, this no fun. make it so it cost gold then u ears as well.

Stats are not stats if you can fake them.

My stats are considered “bad” but anyone that knows me and flies with me knows that I am not a bad pilot and that I am a team player. Who cares what anyone else thinks!

Most people had a rough start, if everyone could do that the stats of any veteran player would be ~8-9 average kills 15 average assist… 

And with only 500 games your just now barely learning the game. You will probably feel the same way about resetting at 1000 games.

You will be fine.

Anyone will have a rough start, but w/l should not be the only factor when recruiting, keep up the good work and wish you find a good corp.

Yes, it is true. Stats are improvable, i had a really harsh start, but at some point i’ve chosen to improve, there is an example.


Stats April 2014



Stats April 2015



Stats July 2015



Medal Collection July 2015


This collection was very weak, and got most of it’s strength after i reached 4000 games. So i got 80% of these in my last ~4500 games.


It was not an easy thing, but it’s still going up, Be happy that you don’t have too many games, which means that your stats are way easier to be improved.

Yes, it is true. Stats are improvable, i had a really harsh start, but at some point i’ve chosen to improve, there is an example.


Stats April 2014



Stats April 2015



Stats July 2015



Medal Collection July 2015


This collection was very weak, and got most of it’s strength after i reached 4000 games. So i got 80% of these in my last ~4500 games.


It was not an easy thing, but it’s still going up, Be happy that you don’t have too many games, which means that your stats are way easier to be improved.


Yeah well look at your first corp that you just joined to feel like you were a good player, and look at the second corp where people actually gave a f*ck about you and played with you and helped you improve  :005j:

Yeah well look at your first corp that you just joined to feel like you were a good player, and look at the second corp where people actually gave a f*ck about you and played with you and helped you improve  :005j:


Well WPK was a really really good choice, i came far with it’s help, and i came far in the game & WPK, the lack of russian language would have never let me get such inspiration to improve, WPK gave me the right kick in my butt, which i needed.  :005j:

How did you get into ESB with 0.88 w/l after 3k battles?  I thought they were really into numbers over there…

How did you get into ESB with 0.88 w/l after 3k battles?  I thought they were really into numbers over there…

Hax  :006j:

How did you get into ESB with 0.88 w/l after 3k battles?  I thought they were really into numbers over there…


He had a high Skill Rating

He had a high Skill Rating


Oh yeah , the old skill rating… *shudders at the thought*

How did you get into ESB with 0.88 w/l after 3k battles?  I thought they were really into numbers over there…


I went from a 1.01 win/loss in late January to my current 1.81. Back then, I was pretty bad overall. I’m still mediocre but at least my stats look better XD


A great way to improve stats is to squad and use comms, this is a team game so the more of a premade team you can have, the more likely you are to work together and win. It also improves your skill as a player, since playing as a member of the team rather than lone wolfing will win more firefights and thus more games.


Even a 0.60 win/loss is salvageable if you work hard.

Being able to reset stats would make the stats rather pointless. I’d personally like to be able to see a two-week average or something like that, but that doesn’t seem to be in the cards.


Like everybody else has said, just play, and your stats will naturally become closer to the values they should be.

Being able to reset stats would make the stats rather pointless. I’d personally like to be able to see a two-week average or something like that, but that doesn’t seem to be in the cards.

I like this idea. Maybe not every two-weeks, but every month… Great way to see what a pilot is actually worth, compared to their overall stats; also useful in recruitment for corps.


Personally, I’d love to see a couple pages long (so you’d have to click away to view it all, or just have a list of them like with medals), detailed stats, possibly narrowed down to each tier exclusively: average effectiveness per match, amount of each ship role killed in action, damage tanked, kill/death ratio, (kill+assist)/death ratio, objectives followed per match (beacons captured, captains killed, bombs delivered), average efficiency per kill to see how much of a kill stealer you are, average heals per match, Fear Me medals per win, percentage of games where you haven’t died as the captain, matches played in each tier… The list goes on and on.


Some of those things you can check just by looking at people’s medals, some of them you can search online (like the kill/death ratio), but it just makes sense to have all this info easily accessible, in-game.

would be amazing to take stats by ship, and list those out on a separate page.

basically split up first by tier, then type, then faction. or Faction, Tier, Type, and possibly Rank.

Thanks for your suggestion, we will think about it.