Stasis generator

From T3, interceptors get a push to win module.  In 4.7 sec they can easily kill other interceptors, fighters. Get a rapid plasma with supernova and  needle mods and thats all they need.


With the ion beam at leas we can dodge attacks. The Jericho aoe stun can be avoided.


In most mmo if they put a skill in that has the same effect as this one they make the target immune to everything.


My suggestion:


Leave the skill as it is now but give at least 70% damage reduction to the target too


only prevents flying (which case he has to use ion beam too to get a free kill, that is 2*158 energy only…)


give us a skill that can break stun

Oh snap, someone else found this combo.  (BTW there is an even better gun that works with this hehe)


Best way to get these things noticed is to abuse the hell out of them, so tell your friends. ;D

there is one ship which can break free from any kind of ECM effects: the crown glory of the wardens medium sized fighter line - it’s special will remove all debuffs except the frigate’s ECM support modules

There is a skill in the federation rank 8 section implant is named “armadillo”,

make it work correctly (ecm can’t stop you from steering and accelerating your ship) and its ok.

I just got killed several times in a row by that today,

even got spawncamped,

but hey its a beta.


If you gotta exploit such modules (with low recharge times)

i won’t whine, i’m just gonna try n steamroll you XD

Currently there is no skill granting you a stun break or stun safety. Only the Special of the Warden overdrive can break stuns. There is only the T1-2 Skill from Jericho who reduces the effectiveness of Inhibition effects by 25% and reduces Weapon spread by 20%.


I think that the effectiveness of the Stun modules at all needs a slight tune down. 3 Seconds on the mk3 Statsis is more than enough and it should be longer imo.

Change it into a tackler mod where you can’t move and can’t use guns but can still use mods. That way it can be survivable and not an instant kill button at least.

Change for that:

You cant steer but can acelerate and use mods

My suggestion:


Leave the skill as it is now but give at least 70% damage reduction to the target too


only prevents flying (which case he has to use ion beam too to get a free kill, that is 2*158 energy only…)


give us a skill that can break stun


Out of all of the suggestions in this thread, I like yours the best OP.

We get the new stasis gen.


“* When the “Stasis” module affects a ship, it does not stop on the spot and keeps moving inertially.
* Duration of “Stasis” has been reduced by 10%.”


So a 10% duration nerf ( almost nothing changed), and a funny side effect that u can crash your enemies with it.


Before the “nerf”:

you cant do nothing

after it: you can watch your ship flying while destroyed (i don’t think that a straight movement makes harder to hit someone)


I think it’s still OP to block everything, 10% shorter duration didn’t change it. (from 4.7 sec to 4 sec i believe, so about 15% but still way easy to kill with it)

Wait what? I have this module at T2.

It’s one of those rare purple modules though, and apparently I can’t buy the lower Mk levels of it.

Am I supposed to be able to have that module in T2, or did I get it of a bug?

The change was good, even afected by the stasis i still can survive, since my ship fly 675m/s, even desaccelerating take time to stop.

I will admit, imagine popping a stasis and having allied frig pop warp gate. Boom, stasis’d ship turns into road kill.


Wait what? I have this module at T2.

It’s one of those rare purple modules though, and apparently I can’t buy the lower Mk levels of it.

Am I supposed to be able to have that module in T2, or did I get it of a bug?


Oh yeah. I noticed people using this module on me in T2 as well.

It’s the one module I really want for my interceptor, but I’m not having much luck getting useful purples.


Did you get yours in open beta?

Right now you can loot them in the scenarions. One of my mates got 5 green ones in a row…

Oh yeah. I noticed people using this module on me in T2 as well.

It’s the one module I really want for my interceptor, but I’m not having much luck getting useful purples.


Did you get yours in open beta?

Yeah I got it just recently.

The stasis generato MUST be removed from t2.

In t3 he is ok but in t2 is OP

And if he was removed from the shop, it means he is unbalanced for t2

It is same for missile defense system. But if that is removed from tier 2 Jericho will once again be king in its tier.

Just remove stasis from the game altogether. 

Dogfights are absolutely no fun, its just freeze-spam and autowin.

Its stasis, then freeze, then tachyon cocoon. Rinse repeat.

And when you almost kill him he goes invisible and runs away.


As a fighter pilot its hard enough for me to even hit an interceptor that’s attacking me, there’s abso-fuggin-lutely no need for stasis.


Oh and I tried hitting them with those slow-down unguided rockets (Inhibitor rockets), believe me. 


Interceptors should make surgical strikes not brute-force attacks killing frigates & fighters like there’s no tomorrow.

Right now you can loot them in the scenarions. One of my mates got 5 green ones in a row…


Looted a purple stasis, pretty happy about that.


I agree that this module is too powerful in T2 though, but mostly because not everyone has it.


My suggestion would be to either:

  • give it to everyone (put it back in shop), or

  • disallow them in T2 (preferable as T2 is kinda fun without such nasty mods).


In case of the latter, change the existing ones to T3 or so, as people really don’t like their things being deleted.

Remove from t2 is better, and delet the damm things. Peaplos alread abuse to much ffrom this mod to receive the money back :angry: